========================================================================= || The Hack Report || Correction to the for May, 1993 || May, 1993 Issue || ========================================================================= In the course of assembling the May, 1993 issue of The Hack Report, I inadvertently forgot to include the CRC values for the files in the archive. These values are shown below - please forgive the oversight. ************************************************************************* For verification purposes, here are the 16 and 32-bit CRCs for the April issue of The Hack Report, as calculated by Raymond T. Kaya's CRC.EXE (version 1.20, Copyright 1992 by Raymond T. Kaya, used with permission): CRC-Cyclic Redundancy Checker, Version 1.20, 08-Feb-92, rtk FILE9305.SRC: crc16=8D90 crc32=49FF5371 HACKUTIL.LST: crc16=3CAF crc32=E60B6967 CONTACT.TXT : crc16=8AC0 crc32=31122C38 FILETSTS.LZH: crc16=60DB crc32=2A2CD6BE SIMTEL20.SRC: crc16=A5F4 crc32=757B992B HACK9305.COL: crc16=9FFD crc32=79B0EFC9 NET9305.SRC : crc16=0051 crc32=EE4649B6 HACK92FA.IDX: crc16=4466 crc32=DF0E7750 FILE_ID.DIZ : crc16=0730 crc32=4C7D1D0F HACK9305.RPT: crc16=046C crc32=4AAB5F28 NOTE9305.TXT: crc16=B514 crc32=286A240A ************************************************************************* Lee Jackson, Moderator, FidoNet Intl Echos SHAREWRE/WARNINGS (1:124/4007)