From: Brad Hinkel 76640,3640 To: ALL I am the Program Manager for Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0 & I'm excited to see all this conversation on Compuserve about this new version of Flt Sim coming down the pike. We here at Microsoft do watch this forum and I'm a little concerned to see some of the anxiety and concerns out there about support for existing FS 4 technology in FS 5. I wanted briefly to address the question of backward compatibility , and hopefully to set some minds at rest regarding what we will and won't be able to do and why we've made these technical tradeoffs in Flt Sim 5. Microsoft completed extensive focus group research with our customer base regarding product and feature requests for Flight Sim 5.0. The most requested features were: 1) increased graphics quality 2) support for a true lat./long. coordinate system These then were two key features to implement in the new product. However, both of these features pose problems for backward compatibility. It is very important to Microsoft that we support our loyal users' investments in FS 4 technology, and we are working to provide a good migration path to FlightSim 5.0, but we have to consider these technical constraints in evaluating the level of backward compatibility possible with FS 5. To be specific, we plan on Flight Sim 5.0 supporting: 1) Flight Sim 4.0 standard scenery files. These include the F1 database and SCN files, including those from Mallard. 2) A&SD 4.0 files are displayed and usable with the Flight Sim 4.0 database, within FS5. This means that you will be able to use your A&SD 4.0 scenery but FS 5 will return you to the FS 4.0 scenery world when these scenery elements are called up. 3) Also, MOD and VID files will be supported. We plan to update Aircraft & Scenery Designer to support the new FlightSim 5.0 features and provide additional backward commpatibility for A&SD 4.0. This product would provide converters to translate both A&SD 4.0 scenery and A&SD 4.0 aircraft into A&SD 5.0; these could then be further modified as A&SD 5.0 objects and would work fully with FlightSim 5.0. The whole Flight Sim team wants you to be able to enjoy FlightSim 5.0 even more that you have enjoyed FlightSim 4.0 and we all feel it is important to support FlightSim 4.0 files. We believe that our strategy will give users both the greatest possible FS 5 product and the important protection of investments already made in the product and its add-ons. Hopefully this mail has cleared up some of the confusion regarding MS strategy and FS 5 support for backward compatibility. I would like to add that I am focused solely on getting this product out to market as quickly as possible-- however, we will continue to listen to your comments and suggestions and strive to incorporate them into future releases. I will not be able to answer all of your questions in as timely a manner as you might like and apologise in advance for this! I will try to support you as best as possible. =========================================================================== Also, there was another message from a Mallard employee that said new scenery will be availble for FS5 by the end of the year. San Francisco, Washington, and 4 others. ]James