MS/DOS 6.0: Interactive Startup. When MS/DOS 6.0 startup up it tells you "Now Starting MS/DOS ..." At this point you have several choices. Do nothing and it will simply load as usual. But if you press {F5} or hold the Shift key down, MS/DOS 6.0 will ignore both your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and come up 'plain vanilla.' Or you may press the [F8] key. This will let you single step through your CONFIG.SYS file executing or not each line. Great for debugging. No more lockups after typos, requiring you to scrounge for you bootable DOS diskette. For the security conscious, there are options you can place on a SWITCHES= command in your CONFIG.SYS file to disable these startup hot keys and the two second time delay before it starts to read CONFIG.SYS at all. SWITCHES= /W /K /N /F /N causes the hot keys to be ignored /F bypasses the two second pause, resulting in immediate startup The other two switches don't relate to immedicacy. /W is a Windows compatibility switch. It compensaties for your cleverness, if any, in placing WINA20.COM where Win 3.1 can't find it. /K is an ANSI.SYS compatibility switch. /F bypasses the two second pause, resulting in immediate startup