Windows 3.1 Unmasked by Peter Smith Melbourne, Australia PCUG Hidden within the innards of Windows 3.1 are text-and-graphics credits for the individuals in the gang who produced it. The technique for displaying the Windows gang screen goes like this: * From Program Manager choose Help, then About. * Hold down with one hand the Control and Shift keys and, with the other hand, Simultaneously double-click the icon inside the About Window. * Choose OK. * Repeat step 1. This brings up a first minor hidden effect. * Now repeat step 1 again. * Hold down the Control and Shift keys but don't choose OK yet. This brings up the scrolling of four text-and-graphics credits -see the scrolling inside the window? The man with the glasses is Bill Gates; the bald man is Steve Ballmer; the teddy bear symbolizes the nemesis of Microsoft developers who introduce bugs; and then arrives an unidentified bearded person.