Title:Annex Cover Page -- Reservations and Exceptions Author: White House Document-Date: 29 Sept 1993 Content-Type: text/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Length:1649 ANNEXES RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS for Chapter Eleven (Investment) Chapter Twelve (Cross-Border Trade in Services) Chapter Fourteen (Financial Services) ANNEX I Reservations for Existing Measures and Liberalization Commitments (Chapters Eleven, Twelve and Fourteen) ANNEX II Reservations for Future Measures (Chapters Eleven, Twelve and Fourteen) ANNEX III Activities Reserved to the State (Chapter Eleven) ANNEX IV Exceptions from Most-Favored-Nation Treatment (Chapter Eleven) ANNEX V Quantitative Restrictions (Chapter Twelve) ANNEX VI Miscellaneous Commitments (Chapter Twelve) ANNEX VII Reservations, Specific Commitments and Other Items (Chapter Fourteen)