Archive-name: frame-faq Version: 1.9 Last-modified: 1993/05/10 FrameMaker Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) List =============================================== *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Note from Bob: Here is another version of the FAQ. I've made some corrections to various items and added 7 new questions. If any of the FTP or email addresses have changed, please let me know. I included the code for PFlpr.draft in question 19. I have not tested it (shame, shame) since I don't have full access to a Unix system. Question 33 can become a catch-all for Postscript questions, such as which lines need to be added or deleted in various circumstances. I don't deal with Postcript directly myself, so I have not saved the relevant articles. If someone will create a summary, I will include it. Eagle-eyed correctors for this issue: Wolfgang Jeschke Jeffrey Neau *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This article contains the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about FrameMaker, often seen in the USENET newsgroup "comp.text.frame" and on the "framers" mailing list. It is posted to help reduce volume in this newsgroup and to provide hard-to-find information of general interest. This newsgroup and mailing list are not officially supported by Frame Technologies, Inc. (See questions 7 and 8.) This article, as a collection of information, is Copyright 1993 Robert McCormick, as a work of literature. Distribution through any means other than regular Usenet channels must be by permission. The removal of this copyright notice is forbidden. (This notice is simply meant to prevent people from redistributing the information as their own work, or for profit.) Please redistribute this article to people who ask for it or people who use FrameMaker! However, distribute the whole file, including the copyright notices and the attributions. Most answers are written for FramerMaker version 3.0 or 3.1, and may not work (or be applicable) to earlier versions. Unless the posting is of local interest (like a user group meeting), please use Distribution: world in your posts. A big THANK YOU to all of the folks that have contributed to this FAQ, either directly or indirectly. For most of these questions, I did not come up with the answer; I just edited them into this FAQ. -Bob. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- General Network Information i If you are new to USENET, subscribe to news.announce.newusers and read the postings there. They give you general information and tips on making life easier for you and everybody else. Read: "A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community" "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Usenet" "Hints on writing style for Usenet" ii To get the latest copy of this FAQ via mail server, send e-mail to with the following line in the body: send usenet/news.answers/frame-faq iii To find other FAQs, look in news.answers, or send e-mail to with the following line in the body: send usenet/news.answers/index iv FTP (File Transfer Protocol/Program) is a a way of copying files between networked computers. If you need help in using or getting started with FTP, send e-mail to with the following line in the body: send usenet/news.answers/ftp-list/faq =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Legend: + indicates questions new to this issue; ! indicates those with significant changes since the last issue. Table of Contents: 1 ! How do I get on the mailing list? What other lists, newsgroups, or bulletin boards have FM information? 2 How do I set up autonumbers for Figures as "Figure 5-1"? 3 ! Where can I find a filter to convert to Frame? 4 How can I print "DRAFT" on the background of every page? (See also question 19.) 5 Are there any books or magazines published about Frame? 6 Are there any Frame User Groups in my area? 7 ! Where do I submit bug reports? 8 Where do I submit enhancement requests? 9 How can I do bibliographies in FrameMaker? (See also question 29.) 10 How do I display show white text on a black background? What are all the keyboard mappings? How come I can't type in any dialogs? (and other X Window System specific information) 11 Is there any easy way to move one or more pages to a different place in the document? (Two layout models.) 12 Do you know what happens if you the spell checker finds "Interleaf" (a competitor to FrameMaker)? 13 How can I control which master page is used when text flows off of the current page? 14 How do I convert a Frame document on the Mac to use it on a Sun? (and other platforms) Why to my imported images show up as gray rectangles when I transfer a file from to ? 15 How do I place an autonumbered figure number in an anchored frame? Why doesn't it update properly? 16 How can I get "Page 3 of 152" in the footer to work for a multi-file book? 17 How can I print with the "-h" switch in FM3.0/3.1? 18 How do I force a page break? 19 ! How can I specify "DRAFT" in the background when I print? (See also question 4.) 20 What exactly is copied during File:Use Formats? 21 How can I automatically import a graphic file whose format is not recognized by FM, if I know how to do the conversion manually? 22 How do I incorporate code fragments in a FM document? 23 How can I change the page size of an existing document? 24 ! Are there any grammer checkers for FM? 25 How can I set the default printer name? 26 ! How can I print pages in pamphlet/booklet/signature order? 27 How do I open documents from the command line using an already running FM (and thus only a single license)? 28 Is there a way to print certain pages or ranges from a book or file, besides the one-range-at-a-time printing via FM? 29 Can FM produce automatically numbered endnotes? (See also question 9.) 30 + Are there any SGML converters for FM? 31 + Where can I get the FUN tape? 32 + I want chapter number and title on separate lines, both in TOC. 33 + I am having problems transfering Postscript in and out of FM. 34 + I used a rotated (landscape) page for a large figure, but the figure keeps moving to a portrait page! 35 + Can I generate a table-of-contents directly into a file? 36 + Why do some of my cross-references keep changing to point to the wrong paragraph? Questions remaining to be answered (by you? :-) . Any generally-useful info on Postscrip-FM issues (lines that need to be added/removed, import/export, etc.) . How can I place FM documents under configuration management/ software control? . How can I merge a list of names and addresses with a FM document to generate personalized letters? (fmmerge from FUN tape.) Future Plans . Re-format the FAQ so that it can be read via Emacs outline-mode, and convertable to hypertext format, WWW, possibly wasis, etc. . Re-order questions into groups, such as formatting, platform issues, book issues, etc. . Split the FAQ into multiple parts if it gets much longer. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1 How do I get on the mailing list? What other lists, newsgroups, or bulletin boards have FM information? ----- A. The comp.text.frame USENET newsgroup & the "framers" mailing list. Subscribe to the USENET newsgroup comp.text.frame, or get on the "framers" reflective mailing list. The mailing list and the newsgroup are partially gatewayed in one direction: from the newsgroup to the mailing list but not vice versa. The 'cream of comp.text.frame' is forwarded to the mailing list. NOTE that these two forums are NOT officially read or supported by Frame Technologies Inc. To find out how to read a newsgroup, ask your system administrator. To get on the mailing list, use the automated administrator; to find out how, send "help" in the body of a message to: If you have trouble with the automated administrator, send email to: ----- B. Frame Technology's Bulletin Board System Frame Technology has created a bulletin board system that can be used to submit bug reports, leave messages, read bulletins and technical tips, or upload/download files. 2400 bps: +1 (408) 433-4841 9600 bps: +1 (408) 433-4867 Recommend terminal emulation: ANSI Thanks Al! ----- C. Frame Technology's FrameFacts FAX Retrieval System Frame Technology has created the FrameFacts FAX retrieval system. This system is activated by your touch-tone phone, and will send requested documents to the FAX machine of your choosing. FrameFacts contains the latest Technical Notes and tips for all the FrameMaker platforms and products. This system is updated weekly, as is the BBS. You can reach FrameFacts by calling +1 (408) 428-6153. You may wish to request the Index of Documents the first time you call. (This system may only work if you are calling from USA or Canada.) ----- D. Other USENET groups of interest to desktop publishing. comp.text, comp.text.desktop, comp.text.sgml, comp.lang.postscript, comp.sources.postscript, alt.hypertext =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2 How do I set up autonumbers for Figures as "Figure 5-1"? In autonumbering, if you include "< >" in the number, this means "don't display and don't reset the number in this position." Note the space between the angle brackets. Otherwise, when you increment a number in a series, all further numbers in the series are reset to 0. Use one number series for both headers and figure numbers. The positions of the numbers in the series are as follows:
The resultant autonumbers are: Head1 H: Figure H:-< >< >< >< >< >< > Table H:-< >< >< >< >< >< > Example H:-< >< >< >< >< >< > Head2 H:< >< >< >. Head3 H:< >< >< >.. Head4 H:< >< >< >... Head5 H:< >< >< >.... (Thanks to Alan Koch !) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3 Where can I find a filter to convert to Frame? There is a list of filters that is maintained, and posted to this list when changed. The filter list and most of the filters can be obtained by anonymous ftp to the ftp sites listed below. FTP-name Directory -------- --------- /FrameMaker/Filters /pub/FUN/Filters /pub/fun/filters A mail server is available for (most of) the filters: which belongs to the University of Stuttgart in Germany. To find out how to use the server you can send the following command in the body of a mail message to the server: HELP INDEX The filters reside in the directory: soft/unix/tools/framemaker There is also a set of templates in: ...../framemaker/TEMPLATES The filters are packed and encoded in various ways (shar, .Z, tar), and unpacking programs are available from the mail server also. See the INDEX. Example of getting a file: begin send soft/unix/tools/framemaker/prog2mif.tar.Z end If you do not have access to any of these methods, request the list by sending email to Ed van Leeuwen or Mark Lawrence . (Thanks to Ed and Mark, and thanks to Hansjuergen Paul and Barbara Burr for helping to set up the mail server!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4 How can I print "DRAFT" on the background of every page? (See also question 19.) On the master page, create a new text rectangle. Add the following text: (DRAFT) /Times-Roman /B -52 /UL .8 #include "$FMHOME/ where $FMHOME is the pathname of your $FMHOME directory. Select the text rectangle and choose Format Flow. Select Postscript Code and choose OK. Go to the body pages and print. The arguments are: 1 = string to print, in parenthesis, e.g. (PRELIMINARY) 2 = font desired: /font, e.g. /Times-Roman 3 = mode code where /W = fill width, /H = fill height, /B = fill both, expands the characters to fill the text rectangle 4 = rotate value from -180 to +180 where positive = counterclockwise, negative = clockwise 5 = starting corner: /LL /LR /UR /UL where LL = lower left, etc. 6 = grayscale value from 0 to 1 where 0 = black, 1 = white The size of the text is determined by the size of the text rectangle and the "mode code" argument. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5 Are there any books or magazines published about Frame? -------- A. Michael Fraase. 1992. "Structured Publishing from the Desktop: Frame Technology's FrameMaker." Business One Irwin, Homewood, IL. 336 pp. Softbound. $24.95 ISBN 1-55623-616-6. (Thanks to Binion Amerson!) -------- B. Juergen Gulbins. 1992. "Desktop Publishing mit FrameMaker". Published in German. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. ISBN 3-540-54455-0 (Thanks to Karl Obermayr!) -------- C. Framers forum Magazine. Published quarterly. $24.95 yearly in USA, $29.95 ouside USA. Contact: Framers forum Magazine, Subscription Dept., 37213 SE WildCat Mt. Dr., Eagle Creek OR 97022 USA, Tel +1 503-637-3275, Fax +1 503-637-6876 -------- D. FrameFootnotes: The technical newsletter for FrameMaker users, published (quarterly?) by Frame Technical Support. Contact: Technical Support/FrameFootnotes, Frame Technology Corporation, 1010 Rincon Circle, San Jose CA 95131 USA -------- E. FrameFocus, contents: from the president, new products, 3rd party products, market watch, etc., published quarterly by Frame Technologies. Contact: Editor, FrameFocus, Frame Technology Corporation, 1010 Rincon Circle, San Jose CA 95131 USA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 6 Are there any Frame User Groups in my area? Usually called FUN for Frame User Network. Atlanta, GA USA Dana O'Farrell (404) 417-4811 Meets quarterly. Chicago IL USA Lester LaPierre (708) 576-4445 Cleveland OH USA Eric LaPresto (216) 445-9368 Columbus OH USA Alan Addis (614) 477-3600 x2497 Peggy Sutliff " x3200 Dallas-Fort Worth TX USA Darja Adams (214) 869-0680 x2257 Dayton OH USA Brian Bermhardt (513) 257-2479 Detroit MI USA Myron Hayden (313) 459-5630 Indianapolis IN USA Brad Williamson (317) 230-5564 (317) 471-3055 (317) 872-7220 x632 Los Angeles, CA USA Brian Keith (818) 883-3838 Milwaukee WI USA Luke Heffron (414) 782 0007 Minneapolis MN USA Nancee Melby (612) 726-2277 New England USA Dan York (603) 894-4500 Phoenix, AZ USA Ken Arnold (602) 862-6699 Pittsburgh, PA USA Alan S. Koch (412) 268-6395 San Diego, CA USA Cynthia Hilsinger (619) 556-9167 San Francisco Bay Area, CA USA Ruth LoCurto (408) 765-4157 Frame has installed a pre-recorded message to find out about user group meetings. The number is (USA) +1 408-433-3311 x2286. If you want to start one of your very own FUN group, contact Sandy Knox +1 (408) 433-3311 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 7 Where do I submit bug reports? Mail them to . European users can also mail to . Sending them to this newsgroup helps others to avoid the bugs and possibly provide work-arounds, but you MUST mail directly to Frame to submit a bug report. Frame does not officially read this newsgroup. Frame Technology has created a bulletin board system that can be used to submit bug reports (and to get additional information): 2400 bps: +1 (408) 433-4841 9600 bps: +1 (408) 433-4867 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 8 Where do I submit enhancement requests? Mail them to . European users can also mail to . Sending them to this newsgroup may allow others to suggest a work-around, but you MUST mail directly to Frame to submit a request. Frame does not officially read this newsgroup. See bulletin board information in previous question. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 9 How can I do bibliographies in FrameMaker? (See also question 29.) -------- A. fmbib "fmbib" takes a Frame document (.mif format) as its input, with "Bibliography" markers embedded where the references occur. The marker text is that of a key word indexed into a bibliography database file, such as Scribe's ".bib" files. In fact, the program is compatible with Scribe bibliography files. The user can also specify on the command line one of several reference and bibliography styles. fmbib will then generate a new FM .mif file which is the actual bibliography. The original document is modified to contain cross-references to this new document. These references appear as visible text when the user updates cross-references in the original document. The program also aids in creating new bibliography database files. The sources have been built and tested under CMU's BSD4.3-compliant MACH OS, for Sun3, Sun4, Pmax, Vax, and IBM-RT workstations. It should be portable to any Unix box. Available for anonymous FTP Site Directory USA: pub/frame/fmbib.tar.Z Europe: ( pub/etc/fmbib.tar.Z You will need to uncompress and untar this file. (Thanks to Craig Marcus!) -------- B. BibFrame BibFrame makes it possible to deal with references in FrameMaker in a general way. You do not have to enter your reference list by hand every time you write a document. Instead, the reference list is automatically generated from a data base with references. This ensure that your reference entries are in the right format. You do not have to bother with how things should be emphasized, abbreviated and so on. You have a database with references. The format of the references is the same format that is used by BibTeX. That means that people using LaTeX and FrameMaker can use the same data base. Currently it is possible to use the bibliography styles ``plain'', ``alpha'' and ``mapalike''. It ought to work on most unix machines. This program require BibTeX to be present. Available for anonymous FTP from ( in pub/bibframe/bibframe-0.4.1.tar.Z (Thanks to Tommy Persson !) -------- C. EndNote Plus Using EndNote with FrameMaker By: Todd R. Johnson, Last Updated: 1/16/92 I am specifically using FM 3.0 and EndNote Plus. I welcome comments and questions about these instructions. In the following instructions "reference marker" refers to the label placed in the source document at the location where you want the in text citation to appear. For example: Heuristic classification {Clancey, 1987 #52} is defined as... This is what you get if you select an entry in an EndNote database and then copy it to the clipboard. The following instructions assume that your FM document consists of a single file. Multiple file documents can be handled in a similar fashion. 1. Every reference marker in your FM document must be the value of a variable. For example, create a variable called (Clancey, 1987 #52) with {Clancey, 1987 #52} as the value. This is necessary because EndNote will not be able to read the reference marker if it is hyphenated or spread over two lines. The values of variables in the variable definitions found in a MIF file are not hyphenated or spread among lines, so EndNote can read them. Note that in your document the reference markers (even when done as variables) will be hyphenated and/or split across lines. That is OK, since EndNote directly changes the definition of the variable and that definition is not hyphenated or split. Also, for reference marker delimiters you should use curly brackets (as shown above) instead of EndNote's default square brackets. MIF uses square brackets (but doesn't appear to use any curly brackets) to denote various information and EndNote will think that these are citations and try to find a match for them in your bibliography. Furthermore, EndNote Plus has a bug that causes it to crash if it sees an open delimiter without a corresponding close delimiter. Since the MIF file contains a lot of square brackets a crash will sometimes occur if you use square brackets. 2. When you are ready to add your bibliography write out your FM document as a MIF file. 3. Create a Microsoft Word 4 file called Bibliography (or whatever name you like). This is the file that will eventually contain your formatted bibliography entries. The first time I tried this I used an empty Word document and EndNote crashed, so add a few paragraph marks to the Word file. 4. Have EndNote open your MIF file using the menu selection: Paper-->Open Paper. 5. Use the "Next file" option (Paper-->Next File) in EndNote to have it open the Word 4 Bibliography file. 6. Tell EndNote to format your paper (Paper-->Format). (As usual, make sure you have selected the appropriate citation style.) EndNote will create two new documents. The first will be a MIF document of your paper with the reference markers replaced with the appropriate in-text citations. The second is a Word file containing your bibliography entries with the appropriate text styles (e.g., italics, underlining, etc.) 7. Open the newly created MIF file from FrameMaker. 8. Open the Word file from within FM. [Note: If you are using Connectix Virtual and FM 2.1, make sure you turn off Virtual or set it at no more than 8 megs before you try to open the Word file. (FM 2.1 filters will crash if Virtual has more than 8 megs assigned.)] 9. Copy the bibliography entries and paste them into the MIF document. You will probably want to apply an FM paragraph style to them. 10. Write the MIF file out as a Normal FM file. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 10 How do I display white text on a black background? (and other X Window System specific information) -------- A. White Text on Black Background For FM 3.0/3.1 on X, set up the following in your .Xdefaults file: Maker.colorDocs: False Maker*docBackground: black Maker*winRect.foreground: white To set the menus, dialogs, borders, etc. to white-on-black, try: Maker*background: black Maker*foreground: white -------- B. Other X Resources Look in the various files in $FMHOME/.fminit2.0/xresources . -------- C. Keyboard Mappings Refer to $FMHOME/.fminit2.0/kbmaps/README.kbmap for lots of info on keyboard mapping, and pointer to the various files used for mapping. (NeXT: /LocalAppls/ Print out: $FMHOME/ There is a Quick Reference sheet for the Macintosh available from Frame Technologies. It was circulated recently in MIF format. -------- D. How come I can't type in any dialogs? Try setting the following attributes: Maker*focusOnMouse: True OpenWindows.FocusLenience: True Also, consult the Release Notes, particularly the section about configuring FM for different window managers. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 11 Is there any easy way to move one or more pages to a different place in the document? (Two layout models.) FM supports two basic layout models; let's call them "newspaper" and "term paper". In the term paper model, there's basically one story that flows from one page to the next; the pages themselves can be thought of as transient, existing only to divide up the flow. In the newspaper model, the pages exist independently of the stories, and you place the stories by reshaping the text columns and linking a column on page 1 to a column on another page. The newspaper model is also used for producing "forms". Overhead transparencies can be done with either model. In the newspaper model, you probably start out by using Page->Add Page to create the proper number of pages, then placing stories in the columns, and linking those columns to additional ones on later pages as necessary. Pages are not automatically generated when text flows out of a column (Autoconnect is off). There's no "easy" way to rearrange pages, but this model doesn't often require it. In the term paper model, you start with one page, and let a lengthening story automatically generate additional pages (Autoconnect is on). If style dictates that page break is required, you simply tag the next paragraph as "Start at Top"; this is probably built into the cataloged tag. In this model, you don't move "pages" around, you move bunches of sentences around (using Cut and Paste), and the pages adjust themselves automatically. Note that in the term paper model you DON'T want to use "Add Page" and you DO want to place any graphics in a anchored frame or table, so they'll move with the text, not stick to the page. Things can get complicated when you want an exception page in the middle of a term paper, such as a rotated page for a landscape formatted graphic. Additional points: - There is NO way to cut/copy and then paste a master page as a unit. - There is NO way to cut/copy and then paste a reference page as a unit. You can only add a new (empty) master/reference page, and then copy and paste objects from the source page. - There is NO way to add a new page (Page:Add Page) and simultaneously specify a desired master page. An added page ALWAYS gets master page "Right" (or "Left" in a 2-sided document as appropriate). If you want to add a page using a different master page you must first add it and then apply the master page using Page:Column Layout. If the desired master page has a different arrangement of text columns you will often end up with "orphan" text columns that you must delete. (Thanks to ?????? and David Cortesi !) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 12 Do you know what happens if the spell checker finds "Interleaf" (a competitor to FrameMaker)? Yes, we do, but just in case, it gets posted every 3-4 months. (Thanks to ??????!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 13 How can I control which master page is used when text flows off of the current page? When you push text out of a column with Autoconnect turned on, how does FM choose which master page to use for the new page? The rule is something like this: If the number and type (letter tag) of the autoconnect flows on the current body page exactly match the autoconnect flows on the Right master page, then the Right master page is used. Otherwise, the master page for the current body page is used. The Right master page is kind of the default master page. (Unless it is a double-sided document, in which case there are Left and Right defaults.) For example, if you were typing a memo, you would have (at least) two master pages, one called "First" which contained the big header, and one called "Right" for all of the continuation pages. You cannot get FM to automatically go from one non-Right master to another. For example, assume that a memo has 3 masters: Fax, First, and Right. There is no way to start the document with only the Fax page, and have it automatically change to First, and then to Right. The solution is to create 3 pages, apply the appropriate masters, connect the flows as needed, and make sure that empty pages are not deleted (see Format->Document). Another item to note is that when changing master pages with Page Layout, the same "union" rules apply, as done with "Use Formats." For example, if the body page currently has one column of flow B, and you apply a master page which has one column with flow A, you will wind up with two text columns. You can then copy the text from the old column to the new column (if appropriate), and then delete the old column. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 14 ! How do I convert a Frame document on the Mac to use it on a Sun? (and other platforms) Why do my imported images show up as gray rectangles when I transfer a file from to ? The document file is the same on every platform that Frame supports, so there is no conversion. If you're having trouble, make sure that you are transfering in "binary" mode, not text mode, not MacBinary mode. If moving to the Mac, you will have to open FM and then open the file; double-clicking won't work. If the document does not show in the Open File dialog, press Option while choosing File Open. If the two platforms are running different versions (1.3/2.x/3.x), and/or you have to convert to an older version, write the file out in MIF format before transferring, and transfer in text mode. Note that imported graphics may not display or print on the new platform; consult FM Reference Manual Appendix on "Using FrameMaker on Multiple Platforms." This occurs becuase the graphics are displayed using features of the operating system (such as QuickDraw routines on the Mac and Postscript on the NeXT) that are not available on every platform. If you "Copy File Into Document" when importing, and set the "Save FrameImage with Imported Graphic" attribute (in File:Preferences), your graphics will be displayed no matter what platform you're on. Although you cannot always import a given graphic format into a given platform's FrameMaker, once that graphic is imported with the FrameImage, its contents are displayable in any platform's FrameMaker. Again, consult the Reference Manual. Note that FrameImages are 72DPI bitmaps, so you can display the image, but you won't necessarily like what you get if you print it. (Thanks to ????!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 15 How do I place an autonumbered figure number in an anchored frame? Why doesn't it update properly? There are three ways to place figure numbers so that they are automatically updated. They each have advantages and disadvantages. Note that you cannot use a "text line" (the A tool) for the figure number, because text lines cannot be autonumbered, since they are not real paragraphs in a text column. -------- A. In-Frame The figure number is containd in a text column which is inside the anchored frame. Advantages: + Can use "floating" figures, because the title is inside the floating frame. Disadvantages: - Text column must be properly placed (see below). - Cannot be used if you want other autonumbered text cols in frame. If you use this method, the text column with the figure number must be the first text column in the drawing order. To ensure this, select the column and do Graphics->Back. -------- B. Out-of-Frame The figure number is outside the frame, usually in the paragrah that contains the anchor. Use Keep With Next and Keep With Previous in Format Paragraph to keep things together. Advantages: + Don't have to worry about text column in frame. + Can have an autonumbered text column in frame. Disadvantages: - Cannot use floating figures. - Hard to place title below frame. (Is there a work-around?) -------- C. Frame in One-cell Table Now that FM3.0 is here, we can place the frame in a table, and use the formating capabilities of tables. Advantages: + Can use all the formatting features of tables: Title above or below Controlled spacing between title and figure Controlled rulling (could use top and bottom rule lines) etc. + Don't have to worry about placement of text column in frame. + Can easily place 2 (or more) figures side-by-side in a column. (If using more than one row, use the Table Format:Basic:Numbering property to set row-first or column-first numbering.) Disadvantages: - Yet another layer of nesting (table contains frame which contains graphic) Note that this method provides and easy way to do side-by-side figures (or other groupings), but you must then place the figure title inside the table cell. Figure number ordering can be set from Table Format. (Thanks to Harro Kremer, !) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 16 How can I get "Page 3 of 152" in the footer to work for a multi-file book? If you place text such as "Page of " (where signifies a variable) in the footer, you will get the expected results for a single-file document, but not for a multi-file book. The solution is replace the variable with a cross-reference to a paragraph on the last page of the last file in the book. The format of the cross-reference should be <$pagenum>. Make sure that you perform "File Generate/Update Files" from the book before you print, to update all cross-references. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 17 How can I print with the "-h" switch in FM3.0/3.1? In FM2.1, you could place "ps -h" in the Printer Name box in the Print dialog, to get a file printed without a header (Unix or similar systems). In FM3.0, the printer script was changed. To restore this feature, edit $FMHOME/, and change occurences of "$PRINTER" to $PRINTER in the lpr commands. This allows multiple arguements to be passed to lpr, instead of passing the entire text to the -d or -P switch. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 18 How do I force a page break? Ideally, you would have a unique tag that leads off the text on the new page (e.g., Head1), and you set this paragraph format to Start: Top of Page or Top of Column. However, this is not always appropriate. There are two solutions: A. Create a Paragraph tag called PageBreak, and set its point size to 4.0pt (smallest possible), Space Above to 0, and Space Below to 999pt. The huge space below forces the next paragraph to the top of the page. (Thanks to !) B. Create a Paragraph tag called PageBreak, and set its Start to Top of Page (or Column). Set the point size to 4.0pt (smallest possible), Space Above to 0, and Space Below to 0. Set the leading to the negative of the point size and the Space Above of the following paragraph. This causes the two paragraphs to overlap. (Thanks to Lester C. Smalley!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 19 How can I specify "DRAFT" in the background when I print? (See also question 4.) The "Printer Name" field on the print box is passed to the FMlpr script. A printername of xxx:yyy calls with a printername of yyy (xxx is translated to lowercase). This allows supporting multiple paper trays, fax modems, draft printing etc., merely by adding scripts into $FMHOME/.fminit2.0. For example, the following script will print "DRAFT" in the background of every page. ----8<---- cut here ----8<---- #!/bin/sh # This script adds postscript code to print the word DRAFT on every page. # Name it FMlpr.draft and place it in any of the directories: # ~/.fminit2.0, ./.fminit2.0, or $FMHOME/.fminit2.0. # Set printer name to draft:xxx where xxx is the name of your # postscript printer. . $3/FMlpr.init echo \ "%! % Prelude to show a draft string on every page. (DRAFT) /DRAFTDICT 10 dict def DRAFTDICT begin /DRAFTSTRING exch def /bd /Helvetica-Bold findfont def /od bd maxlength 1 add dict def bd {exch dup /FID ne {exch od 3 1 roll put} {pop pop} ifelse} forall od /FontName /Outline0 put od /PaintType 2 put od /StrokeWidth 0 put /Outline0 od definefont pop /DRAFT { gsave [1 3] 0 setdash 0.8 setgray initmatrix /Outline0 findfont setfont DRAFTSTRING dup stringwidth pop 8.875 exch div dup 72 mul dup scale 52.3 rotate 2.5 exch div -.35 translate 0 0 moveto show grestore } def /oldshow /showpage load def /oldcopy /copypage load def end /showpage { DRAFTDICT begin DRAFT oldshow end } def /copypage { DRAFTDICT begin DRAFT oldcopy end } def % End of draft prelude" > $TMPFILE tail +2 "$FILE" >> $TMPFILE echo "$MYNAME: Printing DRAFT to printer $PRINTER" cp $TMPFILE "$FILE" rm -f $TMPFILE FMLPR_LOCATION=FMlpr . $FMINITDIR/FMlpr.finder exec $FMLPR_LOCATION $PRINTER "$FILE" $FMINITDIR $HOMEDIR \ $LOCATIONFLAG $FMBINDIR ----8<---- cut here ----8<---- Thanks to (Graham Williams)! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 20 What exactly is copied during File:Use Formats? Here is a description of what is copied and what actions occur during Use Formats. (This is from the Reference Manual, but I think it bears repeating, since it is not in the on-line help.) P Formats P Catalog All paragraphs are updated with the new formats Footnote properties (where placed, prefix, format, etc.) Equation sizes Document Properties: Allow Line Breaks After Flow Properties: Feather C Formats C Catalog All tagged characters are updated with the new formats Page Layouts Master Pages Background and Column Layout applied to all body pages Change Bar Properties Document Properties: First Page Number and Page Number Style View Options Reference Pages Reference Pages Reference Frames in current doc that are not in source doc are removed! Variable Definitions Variables Cross Reference Formats Cross Reference Formats Updates internal cross-references (x-refs) Table Formats Table Format Catalog Ruling Style Catalog Update all tables Conditional Text Conditional Tags Show/Hide Settings Use Format Overrides Note also that if you are going to apply P Formats, than you should also apply C Formats. Otherwise, text that is tagged with C formats will still be tagged correctly, but will be displayed with the default P format. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 21 How can I automatically import a graphic file whose format is not recognized by FM, if I know how to do the conversion manually. Modify in $FMHOME/.fminit2.0 the files suffixlist and MifRead. You can add any filters you want as long as they return a file in a format directly recognised by frame (mif, rasterfile, xwd...) Warning: if you translate in xwd or raster, frame will give a .rf extension to the resulting file (copied in the calling directory), EVEN if such a file already exists.... You can't import, the first time, by copy, only by reference. (Thanks to Bertrand Decouty!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 22 How do I incorporate code fragments in a Frame doc? There is a filter called prog2mif to handle this. It is available with the other filters (see question 3). (Thanks to Janick Bergeron !) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 23 How can I change the page size of an existing document? Method A -------- To change master page sizes, save the file as a MIF document, and then edit the MIF file -- search-and-replace all instances of 8.5" x 11.0" with the desired measurements. Look for the attribute "PageSize". Save the MIF file, and then open it again in FrameMaker -- you will have to use the Page Layout dialog box to reapply Master Page --> Body Page formats, although perhaps you could use the Use Formats From dialog box, specifying the current document as the template and updating only the Page Layout. Also, after doing this, remember to reformat any tabs at the right end of the template's headers/footers. Thanks to Jonathan B. Horen and Anders Thulin ! Method B -------- 1. Make a new document of the right size. 2. Save this document as a new name. 3. Open your old Template. 4. Go to the Master Pages of both documents, For each master page in the old template: - Create or go to that Master Page in the new document, - In the New document, Select all on Page and delete, - In the Old document, Select all on Page and copy, - In the New document, Paste. 5. In the New Document, Select Use Formats from the File menu and bring over everything EXCEPT the Page Layouts. Thanks to Alan S. Koch ! A slightly different method is described in Using FrameMaker, Chapter 14: Specifying Page Layout, Changing a document's page size. Thanks to Ari Cohn ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 24 Are there any grammer checkers for FM? "Grammatik 5.0" (Windows, Mac) Cindy, extension 22588 WordPerfect Corporation tel. +1 (800) 451-5151 Mail Stop Q-300, Information Services fax +1 (801) 222-5077 1555 N. Technology Way Orem, UT 84057-2399 USA $99.00 Thanks to Lester Bautista ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 25 How can I set the default printer name? Refer to FrameMaker Reference manual, Page D-5, Resources for the "Print dialog box". Add the following line to your .Xdefaults file: Maker.printerName: {printername} NOTE: This will affect any document which has not yet been stored with a printer name. If a document was Saved with a printer name, the saved name will be used. The printer name will be saved with the document when: you save after you print the document, and in the Print dialog, the PrinterName edit box contained something even marginally different from what is specified by your Maker.printerName: (either because you changed it, or because it had previously been saved that way) e.g. "34b" vs. "34b -h" The printer name will NOT be saved with the document when: you save after you print the document, and in the Print dialog, the PrinterName edit box was IDENTICAL to what is specified by your Maker.printerName: (either because you changed it, or because it had previously been saved that way) If you build templates, you must be sure there is NOT a printer name saved in the templates, or people's defaults will not affect them. To remove the PrinterName from a document that has one saved with one: 1. Open the document. 2. Select File:Print 3. Change the Printer Name edit box to be IDENTICAL to Maker.printerName: in YOUR .Xdefaults 4. Click OK (print the document.) 5. Select File:Save Thanks to Alan S. Koch ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 26 How can I print pages in pamphlet/booklet/signature order? Pamphlet/booklet/signature order is where two logical pages are printed on each side of a physical sheet of paper, double-sided, and the pages are folded and stapled in the middle. For a 2-sheet, 8 page booklet, the page order would be: 8 & 1, 2 & 7, 3 & 6, 4 & 5. A. psutils is a package of utilities to manipulate postcript files. Page selection and rearrangement are supported, including arrangement into signatures for booklet printing, and page merging for 2up/4up/8up/9up printing. psbook rearranges pages into signatures psselect selects pages and page ranges pstops performs general page rearrangement and selection psnup uses pstops to merge multiple pages per sheet epsffit fits an EPSF file to a given bounding box PSutils is available from ( in the file pub/ajcd/psutils.tar.Z. It is written by Angus Duggan. The package is also available in the comp.sources.misc archives, or mail a message to with the single body line of prog psutils Thanks to (Angus Duggan) and (Robert Pincus) and (David Cortesi) B. On the Macintosh, the DynoPage 2.0 software will do this. It also prints many other formats, such as 2-up, 6-up, etc. A free demo disk is available. Contact Portfolio Software, 10062 Miller Avenue, Suite 201, Cupertino, CA 95014-3466 USA. Phone 800-729-3966, Fax 408-252-0440. Applelink: PORTFOLIO, CompuServe: 75300,520, America Online: Portfolio. C. On Windows, the Double Up software will do this. Contact Legend Communications Inc., 54 Roesdale Avenue, Brampton ON L6X 1K1, Canada, +1 800-668-7077. $259 (CA?) CompuServe: 73220,2006 (?) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 27 How do I open documents from the command line using an already running FrameMaker (and thus only a single license)? In the directory $FMHOME/source/openmaker/clclient the README contains information on how to build and use the clclient (Command Line Client) program. This program allows you to open documents from the command line using an already running FrameMaker. This is useful for desktop tools like Sun's FileManager which associate an application to be run with a document, allowing FrameMaker to be running just once, and communicating with this running FrameMaker to open further documents. Thanks to (Graham Williams)! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 28 Is there a way to print certain pages or ranges from a book or file, besides the one-range-at-a-time printing via FM? The "psxlate" program can extract a whole bunch of pages and organizations from DSC compliant PostScript, which Frame is. The program is contained in the software package called Psroff (the non-Adobe TranScript program). The output of psxlate is standard out, so it can be redirected to the printer or to a file for later printing. The software is available for FTP from Thanks to ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 29 Can FM produce automatically numbered endnotes? (See also question 9.) Not directly. However, there is a work-around using cross-references. * Create an autonumbered paragraph type called "Endnote," with a number format of "E:[] " * Putting each note text in a paragraph of this type, at the end of the document. * Create a character style called "Endnote" which reduces the point size and enables the superscript attribute. This will be used for reference to the note in the main text. * Create a cross-reference format called "Endnote" with a format of [<$paranumonly>] * In the body of the document, add a cross-reference to the Endnote paragraph that lists the reference. Unfortunately, if you rearrange the text, the notes will not automatically be re-arranged in the back of the document. When you are ready to produce the document, go to the beginning, use Edit Search/Find to search for "Cross-Reference of Format: Endnote". If you find an Endnote that is out of order, re-arrange the note text in the back of the document. Thanks to (David Cortesi)! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 30 Are there any SGML converters for FM? "MIF/SGML Conversion System" (Unix) John Payne Avalanche Development Company tel. +1 (303) 449-5032 947 Walnut Street fax. +1 (303) 449-3246 Boulder, CO 80302 USA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 31 Where can I get the FUN tape? The FUN tape contains some sample clip art and various useful programs and filters. It is available by anonymous FTP from Site Directory pbu/FUN/FUN_Tape-2.1 FrameMaker Or, send a blank tape (size/format?) to: Frame Technology Attn: FUN Tape 1010 Rincon Circle San Jose, CA 95131 USA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 32 I want chapter number and title on separate lines, both in TOC. At the beginning of each chapter I want: Chapter Title of Chapter Goes Here This requires two paragraphs, one for the number and one for the title. However, in the TOC I want: Chapter Title of Chapter Goes Here............... Solution: Use different paragraph tags for your Chapter number and Title (e.g. ChapNum & ChapTitle). In your TOC Setup, gather only ChapTitle. In the the TOC document itself, modify the Paragraph Format for ChapTitleTOC to set Numbering Properties to: Chapter .\t This will reproduce the chapter numbering, instead of pulling it from the chapter file. You may have to use a separate series (H:, C:) or use Setup File to reset the numbering appropriately. On the TOC Reference page, set the entry for ChapTitleTOC to: <$paratext>\t<$pagenum> Thanks to Steve Harding , who says that he got the idea from Rob Weinberg. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 33 I am having problems transfering Postscript in and out of FM. ----- A. Can't take FM Postscript and import into LaTex. Comment out the following lines in the FM Postscript file, FMDOCUMENT procedure: setpapername manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse {desperatepapersize} if Thanks to Jan van der Steen (jansteen@cwi.n), by Ingolf Markhof (, and Amir Samad (! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 34 I used a rotated (landscape) page for a large figure, but the figure keeps moving to a portrait page! If you have a document which contains a figure too wide for a portrait page, you can created a landscape master page for it to reside on. The problem is that when you add stuff on the pages before the landscape page, the landscape figure moves onto another (portrait) page, and the new text goes onto the landscape page. If you separate the landscape page from the flow, then the figure numbers get messed up. The easiest solution is to create the figure rotated in an anchored frame. You can use a large "scratch" page somewhere to create the figure of such a size that, when rotated, it will fit on your standard portrait page. Thus you won't need a custom master page. Turn off Cropping in the Special Anchored Frame dialog will allow the frame to extend beyond the margins, which might allow it to be edited on a portrait page. You need to rotate the figure back to horizontal whenever you need to edit it. Custom master pages in the middle of a document are a problem because you cannot integrate them into the automatic alternation of left/right master pages; you cannot create "alternative" left/right master pages. Thanks to Rob Weinberg ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 35 Can I generate a table-of-contents directly into a file? Sort of, by using Cross-References instead of the Generate facility. At the front of your document, start setting up cross references to all the paragraphs you want to appear in it. You can experiment with all the flexibility offered by X-Ref formats, building blocks, paragraph formats, autonumbers, etc. Of course, every time you add a new section to your document, you must manually add a corresponding cross reference in your TOC, but from then on it's self-maintaining. To update the TOC, just do an update on Internal Cross References. If you delete a section and forget to delete the cross reference in the TOC, no problem! You use the standard methods to search- and-destroy (or fix) unresolved cross references. This isn't as automated as the Generate method, but it has the major bonus of giving you the "Go To" hyperlink on the Cross Reference dialogue box. When you want to go to a section, you just double-click on the cross reference in the TOC, hit "Go To" in the dialogue box, and there you are! Very popular if you have various people reviewing a document on-line. Thanks to Ken d'Albenas ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 36 + Why do some of my cross-references keep changing to point to the wrong paragraph? SITUATION: We have a document with many figures (or tables or equations). Each figure is cross-referenced in the body text. SYMPTOM: Some cross-references seem to be "unstable". For example, when one places a cross-reference to 'Figure 3' in the text, the number is correctly displayed ('Figure 3'). Later on, when the cross-references are updated, the cross-reference suddenly changes, e.g. to 'Figure 1'. (Manually changing the cross-reference back to 'Figure 3' (Special Cross-Reference, Replace) restored the correct number (3), but when the 'Update' was performed again, the number reverted to 1!) CAUSE: The problem is caused by the use of the copy/paste functions to duplicate a block of text that contains an X-Ref (aka Cross-Ref) marker. First, here is some background on cross-reference markers. FM puts an X-Ref marker at the beginning of a paragraph when one first sets a cross-reference to that paragraph. Normally, users don't have to bother about such X-Ref markers. The marker symbol ('T') is visible if you have View Text Symbols turned on. Each marker has a marker number and a descriptive text, such as (The Paragraph tag and text are set in the marker when the marker is first created, and they are not updated when the paragraph changes. When a cross-reference is updated, the actual paragraph text is used.) The marker number is crucial; it identifies the source of the cross-reference (i.e., the paragraph to which one refers), therefore it seems essential that each such number be UNIQUE in a document! FM generates a new, unique number whenever you add a new cross-reference source. THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM: However, if you copy a block of text that contains an X-Ref marker, such as a figure caption, and then paste it into another location (e.g., to create a new, similar figure), you end up with TWO identical X-Ref markers, with the same marker number. If you insert a reference to this new caption, it will show correctly in the list box and on-screen, and will read the correct paragraph text or number. However, whenever you Update your cross-references, the destination cross-reference will look for the X-Ref marker with the particular number, and it will find the first instance of a marker with that number. This will cause the cross-reference to be incorrect, as it will refer to the originally copied paragraph. DIAGNOSIS: Is there a simple method to see if an existing document contains the problem described above? There are two methods. Method 1: Choose File Generate, choose 'Alphabetical Marker List', include X-Ref (or Cross-Ref) type markers. This will produce a list of all X-Ref markers, sorted by marker number. Visually inspect the generated file: the presence of two or more (consecutive) lines with the same marker number indicates the presence of the problem. The marker texts may be different. Method 2: Save the document as MIF, for example 'report.mif', then issue the following Unix command: grep MText report.mif | sort > report.lst This searches for all markers in the document and sorts them by number. Visually inspect the list of markers: the presence of two or more (consecutive) lines with the same marker number indicates the presence of the problem. The marker texts may be different. THERAPY: Is it possible to fix the problem? Yes. It is a tedious manual process, but it works reliably. First, find and delete all duplicated X-Ref markers. Open the Special Marker dialog. Use Edit Find/Search to search for "Marker of Type: X-Ref" or "Marker of Type: Cross-Ref". (Look in the Marker Type list in the Marker dialog to find the exact spelling.) Once it has found a marker, examine the marker number in the Marker Text box in the Marker dialog. If this marker is one of the ones with duplicated numbers, delete it. (The marker should be already highlighted by the search, so just give the document window the focus and hit or .) Repeat until all markers that had the duplicated numbers have been deleted. You must delete ALL instances of markers with duplicated numbers, even the original marker which formerly was correct. Second, update all cross-references (File Generate-Update from the book, or Special Cross-References, Update from a single document.) All of the references to the deleted markers will become "unresolved cross-references". Search for these using Edit Find/Search, searching for "Unresolved Cross-Reference". Double-click to bring up the Cross-Reference dialog, and replace the cross-reference with the correct paragraph. Repeat for each unresolved reference. Third, update all cross-references again, and check for incorrect references. You should also regenerate the marker list and check it again for duplicates, in case you missed one. PREVENTION (short term): You can prevent this in the future by noting whenever you duplicate text containing markers. Turn on View Text Symbols to see the markers. Note whenever you copy and paste text containing a marker. If you duplicate text with a marker, if it is an X-Ref marker, delete it! (This may also apply to other types of markers.) When you are ready to publish a document, if there is a possibility of duplicated markers, generate the marker list and check it for duplicates. PREVENTION (long term): Frame has been asked to update the Paste function to check for markers in the pasted text, and ask the user what should be done about the pasted markers (delete them, renumber them, or leave them alone). Thanks to Folco Casadei ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Send corrections or new questions WITH ANSWERS to Bob McCormick at or or uunet!tcs!bobmcc. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME YOUR QUESTIONS!! Post or mail your questions to the group, collect the responses, put together a summary answer, and then mail it to me for inclusion in the FAQ. Thanks! -end of file-