******************NEW YORK CITY BULLETIN BOARD REVIEWS*********** -5th REVISION: APRIL 4, 1993 THE REVIEWS BELOW HAVE BEEN COMPILED BY DAVID J. SHEAHAN The following is a review of many bulletin boards in New York City. These reviews have been conducted over a period of time, by calling and trying out many features on each board. The rating system is based on a scale of Horrible, Bad, Poor, Satisfactory, Okay, Good, Great & Excellent. This is a non-bias review, and does not reflect the opinions or viewpoints of any of the boards reviewed. Please see more notes at the end of the reviews for more information & the readme.txt file. Note: This review is listed in alphabetical order. Phone #'s for the boards listed below can be found in the file: BBSLIST5.txt included with the .zip file. 1. GAMING LINE *This BBS is a bulletin board that deals strictly in game related files. It does not accept any non-related game files. It has many great top-notch doors which strenghten its claim for a great gaming board. It has a great election of shareware games to download. There are also 3 nodes which makes calling & accessing easier. File Rating: Great Door Rating: Great Overall Rating: GREAT! 2. NEMESIS *This is one of those all-around bulletin boards, that mixes great doors, great file selections, and great bulletins into one. It was named the best bulletin board in New York City last year, by an independant review. I wouldn't however, go that far. It has 3 nodes and good access. There is a very good wide selction of files on all topics available. A definate must to call. File Rating: Great Door Rating: Great Overall Rating: GREAT! 3. PARADISE *This is a new bulletin board which has been around for about 2 weeks. It is one of the better bulletin boards to log onto. The SySop whose known as Mr. Mike, is very friendly, and helpful. There is a good selection of files. His board is well organized and graphical. There is a huge adult access option-over 18 is a must.He has great doors & very good conferences with a 2nd node being added soon. File Rating: Good Door Rating: Great Overall Rating: GOOD/GREAT! 4. PERSONAL CONNECTION *This is a very good board that has been around for quite awhile now. Their file selection is very large with a CD-ROM drive that contains millions of files. It does take a while to list these files, so leave yourself pleanty of time. They are also adding an adult selection on CD-ROM-this should be intresting. The one area in which this board abolishes the competition is in the area of their opening graphics. They are truly amazing! They even won an award for them. The SysOps are two roomates who are very proficent in their work. This is a very good board with many good areas to check out. File Rating: Excellent Graphics Rating: Excellent Door Rating: Okay Overal Rating: GREAT! 5. SOFTWARE+ *It has great features, doors & their file selction is wonderful. Their SysOp is very friendly and the conferences vary in subjects from Computers to Gays in the Military. This is a really good board, eventhough it is just beginning. There is also a good Adult Access-over 21. I would definetly recommend this board. The upload/download ratio is 1:5. It is asked that you uload as many files as possible. Come check it out! File Rating: Great Door Rating: Good Overall Rating: GOOD/GREAT! Note: I nor any of the boards listed above, do not claim any responsibility for incorrect information given etc. Every board listed above has been tested over a period of a week or more, and is the information supplied is up to date. More boards will be reviewed and added on a weekly/biweekly schedule. If you would like your board to be included in these reviews, please leaveme a messaage on any one of the five boards listed below, and I will reply. Also, if you have any comments, please feel free to leave me a message. MIDNIGHT CONNECTION BBS NEMESIS BBS PARADISE BBS PERFECT BBS PHENIX BBS SOFTWARE TRADING+ BBS ***For the complete listing of phone #'s see the file entitled (BBSLIST5.txt) which should have been included within the zip file that you downloaded entitled(NYCBL5.zip). Also check out the (readme.txt) & the (update.txt) file for up to the date information on copyright notices ,donations & updates. THANK YOU. Dave Sheahan (04-04-93) *****************************************************************