_____________________________________________________________________________ Intel Problem Report _____________________________________________________________________________ Date: 4/1/93 Name: Myron Engebritson (Second fax describing problem) Address: 3909 N. Sherburn Pl. #205 Shorewood, WI. 53211 SatisFAXtion phone #: 414-259-9066 c/o Christy Company via Ms. Dru Maki Voice phone # 414-964-8470 _____________________________________________________________________________ (Version numbers for the following software can be found by running FAX.EXE and selecting: Options / Display versions.) DOS version: 5.0 FAX.EXE version: 1.40 (mostly voice...only have one phone number/line) CASMGR version: 1.42 DOWNLOAD version: 3.10 LOADER version: 3.00 Faxability Plus version: 1.0a _____________________________________________________________________________ Memory: 8 mg Conventional: 640 K Expanded: 3653632 K Extended: 0 K converted by QEMM v. 6.0 RAM drive 1 mg Cache: 2 mg _____________________________________________________________________________ System type (include model # and operating speed): Northgate PageFrame 386DX @ 20 Mhtz Expansion boards in computer: Video 7 Vram VGA card w. 512 K Sound Blaster Pro Satisfaxtion/400 internal _____________________________________________________________________________ Description of problem (attach CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT): Dos: Affects the colors of some Dos-based applications (eg. Dbase IV). Ansi escape sequence (C prompt screen color) affected after running some applications. Able to send and receive faxes. Windows 3.1: Windows title screen color is hideous shade of blue but fine after Program Manager is loaded. Attempts to send a fax (from Write and AmiPro 3.0) will freeze Faxability Plus, freeze Windows, take me out of Windows or reboot the entire system. Unable to send faxes; never tried to receive from Windows. Modem works fine using Procomm Plus for Windows. Config.sys: DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS RAM I=CC00-CFFF DEVICE=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\bin\rambios.sys DEVICE=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\windows\ramdrive.sys 1024 /e FILES=20 BUFFERS=15 lastdrive=d SHELL=c:\dos\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS\ /e:288 /p DEVICE=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\dos\ansi.sys install=c:\qemm\loadhi.com /tsr /r:2 c:\dos\share.exe /L:30 /F:3072 STACKS=0,0 fcbs=48,8 DOS=HIGH switches=/w DEVICE=C:\FAX\SATISFAX.SYS IOADDR=0350 Autoexec.bat: PATH=C:\;d:\;C:\DOS;C:\QEMM;C:\WINDOWS;C:\BIN;C:\PCTOOLS;c:\sbpro;c:\dbase; C:\BIN\CACHE-E;C:\FAX SET PCTOOLS=C:\PCTOOLS\DATA c:\qemm\loadhi /r:1 files=50 rem fcbs=48,0 c:\bin\mouse61.com copy c:\dos\command.com d:\ attrib +r d:\command.com set comspec=d:\command.com set TEMP=c:\windows\temp SET TMP=c:\windows\temp SET SOUND=C:\SBPRO set blaster=A220 I7 D1 T4 prompt $p$g$e[44;37;1m cls rem SET QDPMI=SWAPFILE C:\QEMM\QDPMI.SWP 1024 sbp-set /m:14 /voc:14 /fm:14 c:\qemm\loadhi /r:2 C:\BIN\CACHE-E\cache-em.exe 2048 /b=16 /t=0 /lend C:\FAX\CASMGR.EXE C:\FAX\CASMGR.CFG C:\FAX\FAXPOP.EXE _____________________________________________________________________________ INTEL USE ONLY Date Rcvd: _______ Status: _______ # _______ Resolution: _____________________________________________________________________________