San Diego OS/2 User Group March INF Newsletter Instructions for viewing in OS/2: Quick & easy way: First, copy the *.inf file to an appropriate space on your hard drive. Then, open an OS/2 Window by clicking on the "OS/2 System" folder icon, then clicking on "Command Prompts", then an OS/2 Window. At the OS/2 prompt, type "view c:\subdir\sdin9303" without the quotation marks and where "subdir" is the subdirectory you may have made to store the file. IF you just copied it to your root directory, then omit the subdirectory. To set up as an icon in the OS/2 "Information" folder: Open up the "Information" folder. Then do the following steps: Use your right mouse button and click on the REXX Information folder (or any of the other "book" like icons you see. Then click on "create another" then select "program". A screen comes up where you can designate where it will be placed. For now, use the default into the information folder and press enter. A settings folder comes up. In the first field, type "view.exe" - I didn't need the path when I tested it. In the parameters field, type "c:\subdir\sdin9303.inf" -- the path where you have stored the INF file. You may notice that the little icon up in the left hand corner has changed to a "book". Select the "general" tab. Type in the name you want the "program" to be called. Try SDOS2UG March Newsletter. Then close the settings folder by clicking on the upper left hand little icon twice. You now have an icon to view the newsletter. Just double-click on it and view it. There's two ways to do it. I spent most of my time the first time setting it up so that it would work better if you double clicked on "March Issue Topics". It should look "cleaner" this way. You could also click on the little "+" sign, too, but I learned the hard way how different that is when you're doing the code. I hope to have dinner someday with the person who wrote the IPFC compiler stuff, but of course that person will just watch me eat.... :). Have fun with it and hope it helps you out or provides interesting reading. And if you have any ideas or spot anything unusual, pass a note along to us. Thanks for your time. The archived file should include the following: SDIN9303.INF - The March INF file. README.TXT - This file for those wondering how to read an INF file. VCALC.LST - The companion code listing with each line numbered to help you read the "Introduction to REXX" article by Craig Swanson. VCALC.CMD - We know you don't like to type code any more than we do, so we included a clean copy of the "VCALC.CMD" file, too. Make sure you have VREXX on your system, though. Egads, April is already here and I'm an issue behind. Ack!!! Cheers. =8:|)ave San Diego OS/2 User Group Newsletter Editor