SUPRA'S V.32bis MODEMS for SYSOPS!!! SYSOP.TXT Rev 2.0 (PHM 6/2/93) from Supra BBS (503)967-2444 SupraFAXModem v.32bis Sysop price 199.95 External (169.95 Internal) Supra has 2 high speed modems at a special price for Sysops. The 14400 Supra FaxModem v.32bis (external) retails for $399.95. The 14400 Supra FaxModem v.32bis-ID (PC internal) retails for $349.95. All modems support 300-2400bps (Bell 103/212A, V.21 / 22A&B / 22bis), v.32 (9600bps), MNP 2-5, V42bis, 9600 send/receive fax (v.27ter/29), class 1/2 (fax software-fax modem communication standard), v.32bis (14400bps) and v.17 (14400 fax). The external units come complete with Caller ID. (This will be available soon for the v.32bis INTERNAL also.) VoiceMail support will be available by the summer of 1993. This is all packaged in Supra's famous small case (1" high x 4.5" wide x 6.5" long). The external modems have 4 lights (RD/SD/OH/TR) and a LED display. The display will show the connection rate, compression protocol, error correction protocol, etc. in a rotating fashion. To obtain one of the new modems under this Sysop offer please complete the following information and it to: Supra Corporation ATTN: Sysop Order 7101 SW Supra Dr. Albany, OR 97321 or FAX the information to 503-967-2401. (Orders will take 3-4 weeks to be processed.) *** ATTENTION! SYSTEM OPERATORS FROM FINLAND *** The price for Finnish SupraFaxModem v.32bis version is FMK 2.300,00 including VAT. For further information, please contact directly WestCom System OY, telephone 952-184 665. All sales to Finland will need to go through WestCom. If you have any questions, please contact either Supra's Sales Department or the Technical Support Department at: 503-967-2400 (main 8-5pst) 503-967-2401 (Fax) 503-967-2410 (Sales 7-5pst) 800-727-8772 (Sales 7-5pst) 503-967-2440 (Tech Support 9-4pst) 503-967-2444 (BBS, 8 lines, v32bis) CompuServe 76004,565 GEnie SupraTech Bix SupraCorp American Online SupraCorp2 ======================================================================== SYSOP INFORMATION BBS Name:________________________ BBS Software:________________ BBS Phone:_______________________ Type of System:______________ No. of Phone Lines:______________ Type of Modem used:__________ No. Calls per Month:_____________ No. of Modems:_______________ How long in operation:___________ ORDER INFORMATION Date:______________ Order#____ Cust. PO#________ BILL TO:_________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________ City______________ State_____ Zip________ Phone____________ Contact Name:____________________________________________________ SHIP TO:_________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________ City______________ State_____ Zip________ Phone____________ Referred by:_____________________________________________________ PRODUCT Model: Price: Quantity: SupraFAXModem V.32bis $199.95 (modem only) _____ SupraFAXModem V.32bis-ID $169.95 (modem & software) _____ SHIPPING United States Price: Billing: -UPS Ground $ 7.50/each _ VISA _______________ exp____ -UPS Orange Label $ 8.50/each _ M.C. _______________ exp____ -UPS Blue Label $11.00/each _ COD Cashiers Check (add $5.50) -UPS Red Label $24.50/each _ Pre-Pay CANADA Billing: -FedEx - 1st unit $60.00 _ VISA _______________ exp____ Additional units $15.00/each _ M.C. _______________ exp____ _ Pre-Pay INTERNATIONAL Billing: -FedEx - 1st unit $90.00 _ VISA _______________ exp____ Additional units $20.00/each _ M.C. _______________ exp____ _ Pre-Pay COMMENTS:_______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ **** Did you fill in a VOICE phone number? **** (VOICE provides the FASTEST service for ORDER corrections)