An international beverage company is preparing to go Network marketing with one of the most exciting high demand products ever to hit the network marketing industry. Yes, this company will be marketing a Liquid, Concentrated, Fresh-Brewed Tasting Iced Tea. This product is something that will sweep the country because many Americans drink Iced Tea Walk into any resturant at any time during the day, and specially during the lunch hour, you will see that 70-80% of the people are drinking Iced Tea. It is the favorite drink of many Americans, yet few drink it at home. Why? It is a nusiance! You have to brew it, you have to steep the bags, Boil the water, cool it down, run it through a funnel into a container and put it into the fridge. Well, Now ALL of that is history! We have an Iced Tea formula that is so SIMPLE that a 6 year old can make a gallon of it in less than 45 seconds. A simple two minute demonstration to a neighbor, and you have made a sale. And once you have tasted this Fresh-Brewed tasting Iced Tea, it will become your favorite beverage....And the most exciting news is It is literally Good for you. It has NO CAFFINE, NO TANTIC ACID, NO CALORIES, and will keep fresh for days and days. It will NOT sour or spoil, or go bad and have to be poured down the drain. So now we have this exciting product, but the most exciting parg is that it does'nt have to work. I'm sure that those of you with a background in Network Marketing are a little tired of products that have you depending on how well they work. This Product Only has to Taste Delicious, and that is exactly what this product is. It does'nt make you lower your colesterol, or lose weight, It does'nt put a shiney finish on your car that will last for years, or remove scratches. This product quite simply TASTES DELICIOUS and is easy to make. I'm sure you have heard the adage, "To dine with the classes, you must cater to the masses". Well, unfortunatly, most programs and products do not cater to the masses, But this one DOES, because it is the NUMBER 1 CHOICE OF DRINK in America today. So we have an incredible opportunity right now, and have chosen to market it through a very unique compensation plan. If you like Matrix Plans, or Uni-level Plans, You will Love this program. If you like Stair-Step Front End Plans, or Break-away Backend Plans, You will Love this program too! This is a combination of a couple of Time-tested, Legally Accepted, Profit Proven compensation plans all woven into one. There are three phases to this program. Number one is a Matrix Program with a 2 X 12 Matrix. Phase 2 is a Uni-level program that pays 5%, 5 levels deep, and Phase 3 is a Break-away Backend program that pays down 7 levels with the opportunity to earn 20% on that 7th level. Total it all up, and you will see that we have the best of the best. Our 2 X 12 MATRIX pays down 12 levels, with an opportunity to earn $6.00 on that 12th level, We are stronger than any other 2 X 12 matrix plan in the industry. We believe that our Uni-level Plan will compare and Match any other uni-level plan in the industry today. And it does not stop there! We have additional Leadership Bonuses, and a 5% Infinity Bonus on the Break-away part of the plan. All of this is based on ONE PURCHASE OF $20.00 PER MONTH. Any Customer or Distributor buys wholesale at $20.00 per month. That is all it takes. All commissions are then based on your sales per month. If you make one sale per month, you override all people in your organization making one sale per month. If you make two sales per month, you override all people 12 levels down making 2 sales per month. This means you can possibly reach 20-30 levels in depth overiding those people who made 2 sales per month. This is a very powerful sales and compensation plan. International Beverage Corporation 6278 North Federal Highway Suite 402 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 $20.00 1 pint bottle $ 3.00 Shipping and Handling ------- $23.00 Total or $40.00 2 pint bottles $ 4.00 Shipping and Handling ------- $44.00 Total Our Fantastic product is TEA, but our second product is opportunity, and for those of you who take advantage of this opportunity, you will get another "T", and that is Prosperity! Remember, "He who snoozes, loses!" Timing is everything, Positioning could not be better, and Today Is Your Lucky Day! "This is a transcript of Informational Phone Message" 10-1992