BBS: TSI 515-282 1642 Date: 04-26-93 (10:59) To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: MIKE SULLIVAN Read: NO Subj: Waco before..1/3 Status: PUBLIC MSG Conf: CurentEvent- (94) Direction: FORWARD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD This is TRUE Censorship.!!!!! Date: 03-28-93 FROM: Linda Thompson [Linda Thompson is an attorney from Indianapolis.] Well, John Baird and I went down to Waco last Friday, March 19. We filed a petition to allow David Koresh to have access to an attorney or for an attorney to have access to David Koresh, citing a lot of Supreme Court law that says a person is in custody when they are no longer free to leave the presence of police and that the person has a 5th Amendment (Miranda v. Arizona) right to counsel when in custody. The Judge, Walter Smith, Jr., of the U.S. District Court, Western District, Waco Division, would not read or hear the motion on Friday or over the weekend and finally, at close of business Monday, gave us an order that literally had pages that were xeroxed from another order in it. He had previously denied seven petitions filed on behalf of Koresh and 6 others by other attorneys -- using the SAME order. We petitioned for an expedited appeal to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Louisiana and got turned down three times by Thursday. While we were there, we saw a lot of interesting things. The ONLY news coming out of Waco comes from two places: (1) Every day at 10:30, the FBI, by a guy named Ricks, holds a "press conference" at the convention center. Whatever the FBI wants told, that's what gets told and that's ALL that is reported across the country, period. (2) The only other source of "news" comes from reporters who are living in RV's alongside one of the roads coming out of the retreat area. If anyone leaves the area (i.e., the people who have left in the past few weeks), they are paraded in open cars past this string of reporters by the FBI on their way to the FBI command post center, so reporters sometimes can take a picture of it. That's all. HOWEVER, interestingly enough, CNN seems to be able to get in or at least get film footage up close of the compound, though no one else can. Also, I know for a fact that CNN made at least two false reports the week we were down there and the reports were directly from the FBI itself. === Walter Smith, Jr., the judge who used the same order to deny 8 different petitions on behalf of people inside the retreat has also done the following: (1) Allowed arraignments of people coming out of the compound to be held in secret. At least one woman, Schroeder, was arraigned and then held as a material witness. This means they didn't have enough evidence on her to charge her with anything, but they kept her in jail anyway. Everyone else coming out of the compound is in jail as a "material witness", too, and they aren't allowed to talk to anyone. (2) Sealed the probable cause affidavits and search warrants that were supposedly the ones the BATF was serving on day one. He is very likely the same judge, or his magistrate, Green, who signed the order. There are no other federal judges in Waco and Green is the only magistrate (sort of a semi- judge who is picked by and works for the judge). === The FBI took out the entire lawfirm of Thompson and Baird for about 2 hours Saturday night, March 20th and the saga goes like this: Gary Hunt, who we now know to be a paid government informant but didn't know at the time, John (Baird, my partner) and I decided to go into the press area at Waco. We also had decided that Hunt would cross the second road block inside the press area. He would promptly be arrested and we would take pictures of his arrest and challenge it on a First and Fourth Amendment basis, along with violation of state law and the 10th Amendment. Our AEN press passes and driver's licenses were checked and passed at the first road block. The guards there, mostly state police, were pretty nice, friendly, etc. and even posed for pictures. They trotted out the BATF "bomb dog", a golden labrador retreiver that had a sign on his back that said "ATF Agent." The dog was quite friendly, complacent, and sleepy. I got a few pictures of all this. As I was taking pictures, the State Police repeatedly said to the dog (just kidding) "FBI agent, boy, sic 'em!!!" and laughed. We went down into the press area, which was a major bore. There was absolutely nothing going on except press RV's parked up and down the road and a few cameras on tripods, taking pictures of every car coming out of the retreat. Interestingly, the government cars often had no tags. We passed out three copies of a press release that announced what we were doing to a couple of reporters. One reporter who knew me walked up and said, "Oh so we have legal counsel tonight." I told him, no, I was there as a press member at that time and briefly mentioned AEN. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Subj: Waco Censorship 2/3 Conf: (13) NewsFlash ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The camera had an auto rewind on it and it was rewinding it's little wheels off. He couldn't see what I was doing because it was too dark inside the car and I got the film out and put it and the other two rolls behind the glove box in the dash -- not IN the glove box, BEHIND it. Shortly, the state policeman-in-charge came back and told us to step out of the car and put our hands on the car. They searched Gary and John . . . but NOT ME. Snort. Of all the people likely to be carrying . . .well, nevermind. So then we had to stand around in the 35 degree weather for another half- hour or so, waiting on "The FBI" to arrive. After we got out of the car, the police started shining flashlights in. The short, dumpy neanderthal kgBATF agent went around to the passenger door of the car and opened it. I repeatedly stated that he did NOT have my permission to search the car, LOUDLY. He picked up my purse off the floor and dumped it in the seat and then he got Gary's camera from the backseat and opened it and took the film out. Gary called out to him repeatedly, "That's the wrong camera, that's not the film." Ahem. So then he found my camera and opened it and said, "Where's the film." To which I replied that there wasn't any (anyone could see that). So then he told Gary to quit lying. hahaha. Told you he was stoopid. So I asked the Texas state policeman bringing up my rear (we all had a triage of our own personal police, front, back and side) if he had sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution. He crossed his arms and looked far away, and nodded imperceptably. So then I asked him if he had ever READ it, to which he didn't reply. About two minutes later, as I put out a cigarette on the ground, the state policeman pointed to it and said, loudly, "YOU'RE LITTERING IN TEXAS!" (Oh, shit, big trouble now, fer sure.) So I picked it up. I gave it to Gary. I asked the nice policeman if his name was Ody or if he'd ever been to Alice's Restaurant and wasn't that in Texas? So then the state-policeman-in-charge says the FBI has arrived and tells us to pull the car off to the side of the road by the big tent. All this time, we've been quite a spectacle in the middle of the road. Remember, this is a PRESS exit and plenty of press had passed by . . . and stopped, and we now, thankfully, had lots of film rolling in our direction. The state-policeman-in-charge says, "They're going to question you one at a time, who wants to go first?" So I said I did. Before we had embarked on this adventure, John and I had discussed whether or not the night's planned events might bring the FBI out of the woodwork, because we had not been able to serve a copy of the legal papers on the head FBI agent (they were avoiding us, but that's another story). So I had taken a copy of the paperwork from the Court with me, just in case we happened to actually run into an FBI agent. I took that in with me for my "questioning." The tent was off to the side of the roadblock. Inside, it was warm. There were four metal chairs in a semi-circle, with an FBI agent on each end of the semi-circle. I sat down in the middle. A bunch of state policemen came in. The atmosphere was clearly one of "We're the big boys and we're gonna show you how it's done, fellas" (from the FBI side) and the State Troopers were dead-pan but smirking as things progressed. First, the agents both stuck their ID badges RIGHT in my face and said they were FBI (deep tone of voice, for effect). Gee, was I ever intimidated (not). So I asked Agent Callaghan (it said so on his ID) if he was going to see Jeff Jamar, the officer in charge of FBI operations, later in the day. He said he was, so I handed him the envelope with the legal papers in it. He opened it and looked at the court documents and said, "Where'd you get this official seal?" Duh. So I patiently explained that the good clerks at the federal district courts often seem compelled to stamp legal pleadings with an official looking seal that they apparently have on hand for whenever the mood hits them, and that it seemed to happen most regularly whenever I filed a LAWSUIT against somebody. Duh. So then Agent Caballo, who had been steadily writing down all the information from my Avis rent-a-car paperwork, my AEN press badge, and my driver's license, said, "How come your driver's license number doesn't match the Avis car paperwork?" I didn't have a clue, honestly. So I told him to ask Avis, I didn't have a clue. So he said my Avis paperwork was phoney. So next, Callaghan says our press badges were phoney, too, to which I replied they were not, that I was a member of a legitimate electronic news service. So he wanted to know where I got the badge and I said the same place CBS, NBC and every- other-body gets theirs. To which he said, "Where?" And I said, "That's your job, you find out." So about that time, I figured it was time for Doc Thompson's Constitutional Subj: Waco..before..3/3 Status: PUBLIC MSG DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD After John andI were "detained for questioning", the next day, we got the film developed and lo and behold, my picture of the kgBATF agent pointing his MP5 machine gun at us, his finger plainly on the trigger, the safety off, was good as gold. We got it blown up to an 11" x 14" and we've been showing it to all the news media who will film it, which is quite a few so far. It shows up REALLY well on camera, too. And I also tried to file criminal charges against him with the local sheriff's office. The lower ranking officers wanted to do it and said what happened was illegal, but the report taking was assigned to a Lt. Larry Lynch who refused to take a report and told me to see the DA personally on Monday if I wanted to do that. So we're filing a lawsuit instead for the illegal search and seizure. === The BATF and FBI each have their own command-headquarters building, about three buildings apart from one another, over on a small airstrip owned by: CHRYSLER TECHNOLOGIES. Chrysler technologies is a defense contractor and it led John to speculate that perhaps the Chrysler buyout was even more of a sellout than it appeared. The FBI's building was surrounded by a chain link fence, with one driveway into it, with a guard post and two-three guards manning it at all times. The guards at the guard post all looked like rent-a-cops or national guard. The FBI set up was on the edge of the runway. There's a big airplane hangar and sticking out of the door of the hangar was the tail end of a camouflaged C5A transport plane. We also saw two plain white, absolutely no markings, small jets, along with two Move-Cargo (blue star on the tail) jets (Move-cargo, I think, is supposed to be a freight service, but it sure smells a lot like "Air America". Oh well). Back into the area a long ways (we couldn't get close) there was a very pretentious, foreboding looking building, one story, with a LOT of lights around the outside of it, that was probably where they have been taking all the people that came out of the Waco retreat for "questioning" before taking them to jail. We saw two BLACK helicopters on three different days, flying, landing, and landed. They *do* reflect light funny and they show up on a movie camera film as sort of a dull black-green, but they most definitely are a flat black in person. There is small red printing back on the tail section that I couldn't read and on the top of the very front, there is a very bright, almost flourescently bright, green patch with a bit of white swirled in it. I haven't a clue what that is or what it means or why it's there. One of the helicopters was flying map-of-the-earth and practicing strafing patterns when we saw it flying. The kgBATF didn't rate the fancy digs. Their building is a cement block one-story building up the road, no fence around it. All they have is two kgBATF agents in their private cars hanging out at the driveway coming in off the road. We didn't even know they were guards and drove right by them. On Friday, there were no other vehicles other than POV's (privately owned vehicles) or obviously military or fed unmarked cars. On Saturday, though, there was a "US Department of the Treasury" BOMB truck at the BATF headquarters and a large firetruck at the FBI headquarters. We thought sure the shit was going to hit the fan then but it didn't. I got a few pictures of all of this, including the black helicopters. ** End of article ** Thank you Bruce Hancock for providing this informative article! --- SECOND ARTICAL PRESENTED ON INTELEC BY MIKE SULLIVAN..... BBS: TSI 515-282 1642 Date: 04-26-93 (10:47) Number: 23742 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: MIKE SULLIVAN Read: NO Subj: Waco..the TRUTH....1/7 Status: PUBLIC MSG Conf: CurentEvent- (94) Direction: FORWARD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Col. Bo Gritz, who talked Randy Weaver out of his plywood 'mountain fortre in Idaho (fortress fed's description in federal court last week), said on For The People this week about CS: 'I think they (feds) intended to burn the Branch Davidian out.' Col. Gritz, a commander of Special Forces in Vietnam, said the feds WERE truthful in saying they didn't use a pyrotechnic to administer the CS2 because they didn't use ignitable canisters, but with the method used, 'You put a tremendous amount of particle activity in the air that carry the CS gas. It is not tear gas. It is a war gas. It is 80-times more powerful than CN, the tear gas. You don't do anything rational like run upstairs, grab your babies and run outside, like the FBI said. With CS gas, you cannot breathe, your eyes clamp shut involuntarily, you panic. It is a combination of vomiting gas alongwith tear gas. 'As a special forces operative, we are trained to destroy things like factories or large buildings like the Branch Davidian, by first of all dispersing dust into the air space. And then any kind of a charge, whether it be a spark or a small demolition will completely take down in a giant conflagration anything that is standing there.' More later, my time running out. Col. Bo Gritz Center for Action 652 N. Glenview Mesa AZ 85213. From Chuck Wharton, Houston. Subj: Waco the TRUTH....2/7 Status: PUBLIC MSG DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD === Repost from Fidonet Civ_Lib === * Original: FROM: Linda Thompson * Original: TO: All * Original: AREA: AEN NEWS * Forwarded by Linda Thompson * Forwarded Using QuickBBS 2.76 Ovr * Forwarded at 02:46 on 21-Apr-93 Words can't express the sickness, horror and outrage I felt, watching an army tank bash holes in the walls of the house at Mt. Carmel Monday, April 19, 1993 -- exactly 50 years after the Nazis burned the Warsaw ghetto. And all the while, the FBI's personal buffoon, Ricks, sanctimoniously made claims that this was done to "urge" the people to come out, that the FBI was "concerned about child abuse" because of the "conditions the children were living in." What utter and total baldfaced lies. The holes were bashed in the sides of the building, not to introduce CS gas, so much as to make sure the house was well ventilated, so that the fire would spread rapidly. I have received reports from no less than 15 people across the country who saw on the TV footage, two men in black uniforms, wearing gas masks, set the fire. I personally saw an incendiary fly through into the second story window. Three others reported seeing footage where the tank drove over a gas tank, exploding it. I represent several family members and Branch Davidians. I have talked with several Branch Davidians. They are not glazed over moonie-type crazies. They are well educated, articulate, very nice people. All of them had normal jobs outside the Mt. Carmel Center. None of them believed they were under David Koresh's "control." All of them said they were free to leave whenever they wanted. One of them said that there was no "suicide" -- that no one from the Branch Davidians set the fire at all and didn't know it was coming. And the real story follows. * Original: FROM: Linda Thompson * Original: TO: All * Original: AREA: AEN NEWS * Forwarded by Linda Thompson * Forwarded Using QuickBBS 2.76 Ovr * Forwarded at 02:46 on 21-Apr-93 Most of you have seen our earlier accounts of Waco while the Branch Davidians were under seige and know from the TV news what the conditions were there. The news media was kept 3 miles from the Mt. Carmel Center by armed guards at all roads into the compound. And the media dutifully reguritated whatever tripe the FBI fed them each day at 10:30, calling it "news" as they slandered the Branch Davidians, spreading lies of "child molesting", "planned mass suicide", and "religious whackos in Waco." --- Subj: Waco..the TRUTH....3/7 Status: PUBLIC MSG DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD No matter, sensationalism sells newspapers, doesn't it? It gets those network ratings up, too. It wouldn't be a story if they told the truth. The FCC might shut down a network or two or yank a permit. Better that 100 people should die in an inferno than expose the depths of the depravity of the leaders of this country. Well, the FBI lied and so have the major media throughout this entire ordeal. Here's the real story: In 1992, Sheri Jewel and her ex-husband were in a custody battle over their daughter, Keri. Sheri was a Branch Davidian and she was killed in the fire Monday. Her ex-husband is a radio announcer. His wife is a TV personality. They have money. A fellow named Mark Breault, who is reputed to have a felony record, used to be a Branch Davidian. He proclaimed himself to be a prophet. After awhile, he tried to take over the Mt. Carmel compound and was ousted by David Koresh. Breault, an Australian, left, vowing revenge. He often called the compound daily to harrass the members. The Jewel's hired Mark Breault to testify in their custody dispute. In an affidavit, Breault made allegations of child molestation and religious weirdness. This was in Michigan in 1992. Senators were contacted to investigate these allegations, as was the "Cult Awareness Network." The Cult Awareness Network is a group in Washington, D.C., headed by the wife of late Senator Ryan who was killed at Jonestown. She has a personal vendetta, too. And she wields a lot of power in Washington, apparently, because if someone ends up on her cult hit list, they frequently end up dead. The allegations of child molestation were investigated in the intervening two years, twice, by Texas welfare department authorities and found to be baseless. The Sheriff's department investigated the allegations of illegal guns and these claims were found to be baseless. The investigations were peaceful. There were no problems. Mark Breault, however, continued to make his baseless and slanderous allegations against the Branch Davidians. The Cult Awareness Network turned up the pressure. The newspapers called Breault a "private investigator who has tracked the Davidians for two and a half years." "Tracked"? They had lived at the Mt. Carmel Center since 1935. How much "tracking" did it take? "Investigator"? Ha. He's a self- proclaimed "prophet" with a vendetta against the Branch Davidians. And who paid him so handsomely that he could afford to "track" them for 2-1/2 years, anyway? Did the media bother to check any of this out? Never. You may remember that in the first few days the Branch Davidians were under seige, they hung a sheet outside the window that said, "Send in Don Stewart, CFA and Ron Ingleman." I now know all these people pretty well by phone. Don Stewart says he is a former paid informant and hired assasin for the BATF. He named dates, times, and places, and detailed a secret hit squad operated under the BATF by a man code-named "Wolfgang" (whose name he identified to me). He claims this secret hit squad killed a fellow named Tomassi in California, a religious leader called the Bogwan Rashnesh Shari, and provided the weaponry to the woman named Moore who tried to shoot President Ford, driving her through guards to get her in place. They took her children to keep her quiet. He also says that John Wayne Hearns, the man who ran the ad in Soldier of Fortune magazine as a hired hitman that got Soldier of Fortune sued when he actually carried out a hired murder for someone, was a paid operative. Congressional records show that a man named Dirk Stoffberg was another such operative, who was a hired assassin of our government and also ran guns and cocaine in and out of the country. Don Stewart is now on the run from the BATF, living in an RV with his family. If even a 10th of his information is true, it is a sorry, sorry tale of the depravity existing at the highest levels of our government. --- Subj: Waco..the TRUTH....4/7 Status: PUBLIC MSG DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD CFA -- the Constitutional Foundational Association, was started by Greg Sali and Bill Griffith, to expose the true story in Waco. They are also now working to establish common law courts throughout the country to put corrupt judicial officials and politicians behind bars, where they belong. Together with Ken Fawcett, they have collected over 300 hours worth of videotapes of the initial onslaught. People who have studied these tapes in slow motion say that they show that the BATF agents who were killed going in through the second story window were killed by friendly fire and their own frag grenade. When they got inside the window, they were in a 10 x 10 room that had a locked steel door. They couldn't get out. They were hit by friendly fire and trapped in the room when the frag grenade went off. One Branch Davidian, Mike Schroeder, left the Mt. Carmel compound that morning to go to work as usual. He passed by agents who never stopped him. He didn't learn of the initial seige until later that day. When he tried to return home, he was shot in the back as he climbed a fence. His body was left hanging on the fence for days, as his wife and child could see him there, from inside the house. The government finally moved his body, using a grappling hook from a helicopter, at night, to drop it into a nearby field, where it was chewed by wild dogs and buzzards beyond recognition as a human being. Another man was shot and his body was left up on the water tower for days by the government and it, too, was dropped to the ground at night by a helicopter, leaving pieces to be scraped up from the ground. The two old ladies who came out of the compound with the children said that all the children had been in an upstairs room when they were suddenly fired upon by helicopters through the roof the day of the seige. They covered the children with their own bodies to protect them. These old ladies were charged with murder and held in jail. Eventually, they were put under arrest as material witnesses and held in a half-way house out of the city. While the FBI was claiming to be urging the Branch Davidians to surrender, FBI spokesperson Ricks announced on Friday, April 17th, that anyone who came out would be considered a threat to the BATF agents and would be shot. Shots and percussion grenades were fired at a person who tried to leave through a window that day and at Steve Schneider. Ricks said that Steve Schneider had "abused his privileges" and had to be taught a lesson. For 51 days, the FBI tortured the people inside the Mt. Carmel center. All utilities, including sanitation, were cut off. Loudspeakers were set up all around the house to blare sounds 24-hours a day, including the sounds of rabbits being slaughtered, the sound a phone makes when it is left off the hook, Tibetan monk chants, jet airplanes, babies crying, and songs such as "these boots are made for walking" and Christmas carols. Stadium lights were set up to keep the place lit up 24 hours a day. Military tanks, including M1 Abrams and Bradley's, were brought in and rapidly circled the house, firing percussion grenades, continuously. The tanks would charge up to the house and then stop within feet of the house repeatedly. Black helicopters flew overhead. Two huey gunships also flew over frequently, guns mounted in front. Around the 40th day of the seige, David Koresh announced that the children and babies were out of milk. Two relief efforts to bring baby food to the Mt. Carmel compound were turned back. Two people, one of them Gary Spaulding from South Bend, Indiana, were arrested for trying to take the food past a roadblock. When I posed the direct question to the FBI headquarters, "Has it come to this? Does the United States government want babies to starve to death?" The answer was, verbatim, "Yes." An ATF agent, in a pickup truck that said "Wild Bill" on the side, stole the food, too. And to that agent, and every state trooper, every BATF agent, and every FBI agent who prevented those children from receiving food, you are murderers. --- Subj: Waco..the TRUTH....5/7 Status: PUBLIC MSG DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD And how did the BATF account for what it did when it assaulted the Branch Davidians? Did it offer to show the American public the search warrant they claimed to have? No. In fact, the search warrant and probable cause affidavit, if they existed at all, were "sealed" by court order. A court order from the same judge who apparently signed it in the first place. The same judge, Walter Smith, Jr., of the Waco Division, Western U.S. District Court in Waco, denied eight petitions for relief filed by various lawyers seeking to order the FBI and BATF to be made to follow the law and the United States Constitution. The government never once filed a single paper in opposition to any of these motions. There was clear, controlling Supreme Court law that required that these petitions be granted. The judge had no legal reason to deny them, yet he did. And he used the same order, nearly a xerox, to deny all of them. Walter Smith, Jr., you are a murderer. Walter Smith is the same judge who allowed arraignments of people who left the compound to be held in secret. When there was not sufficient probable cause to hold them under arrest, he allowed them to be detained in jails as "material witnesses." And this same judge is the only judge in that division, where all the remaining Branch Davidians, now facing "murder" charges, will be put on trial. After the BATF and FBI learned that the American Justice Federation had released a press release stating that the use of military troops against United States citizens violated federal law, specifically, the Posse Comitatus act at the BATF released a cover story, claiming that the tanks were "really" not Army, they were national guard, and had been brought in under the "Drug interdiction act" because they had heard there was a "methamphetamine lab" -- three weeks after the FBI had already publicly announced there was never any question whatsoever of drug involvement. Governor Ann Richards of Texas, who authorized the use of the tanks, claimed she had been tricked. But she still did not order the tanks to be withdrawn. Ann Richards, you are a murderer. Each day, secret horrors were perpetuated upon the Branch Davidians, out of sight of the American public, as the press cowered like sheep, out on the fringes. Each day, the FBI gave us "The Truth", as told by the FBI, and the news media dutifully lapped it up and spread it throughout the country, poisoning the minds of people across the country, just as the FBI intended. FBI Agents Jeff Jamar and Ricks, you are murderers. Did any of the news media ever challenge how the BATF might have any jurisdiction at all over "child molesting" allegations? Or their authority to bring in two cattle trailers full of armed men, who threw grendades at the front door and went in shooting at women and children on a Sunday morning? Each of you in the media, who didn't question, who didn't challenge, who didn't know enough about the Constitution of this country to even ask an intelligent question, each of you are murderers. One or two persons asked decent questions at the press conference. Lewis Beam, a former KKK grand dragon and political activist, and a reporter from Soldier of Fortune Magazine, were kicked out of the press conference for doing so. Lewis Beam was arrested. His crime? Asking "Is this the beginning of gestapo tactics and martial law in this country?" at the press conference. Two other known "trouble makers" (this author included), were prevented from entering the press conference, despite valid press credentials. In fact, later that day, I was detained, as a BATF agent at a road block pointed a machine gun at me and my partner, John Baird, and our credentials were stolen. My crime? I had filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Branch Davidians, asking that they be allowed to have legal counsel. --- Subj: Waco..the TRUTH....6/7 Status: PUBLIC MSG DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD And, for all the unasked questions: No, it is not illegal to own a machine gun in this country. Even if the Branch Davidians had a machine gun, which it now appears they did not, if it was "illegal" it merely meant that a $200 tax had not been paid on it. All it takes to legally own a machine gun in this country is to pay a $200 tax and fill out a form 4. The BATF is supposed to check that those taxes have been paid. Neighbors we have spoken with who have known the Branch Davidians for 15 years described them as "good samaritan" types who helped their neighbors and were kind and friendly. Normal people, good neighbors. The kind of folks you'd probably rather have living around you than the thugs who commit the drive-by shootings, rapes, and robberies, for instance. Calling a religion a "cult" and putting out false information across the media about "child molesting" and "weapons caches" is exactly the same technique that was used by the Nazis to portray the Jews as filthy, disgusing people, so they could be killed. It is the same technique used by every tyrannical government, to kill an unpopular and potentially vocal adversarial group. But in this country, we are supposed to have freedom of religion. It would seem that is a pipe dream. We have three confirmed reported citings of trainloads of U.N. tanks going into Portland, Oregon, over the past few weeks, and troop movements of unmarked military vehicles across the nation. Perhaps you might want to ponder the significance of these events. And tonight, Peter Jennings, in yet another "made for propaganda" ABC News TV special, gave a full and impartial (not) accounting of events by having those bastions of integrity, Kisser, of the Cult Awareness Network, and a former Branch Davidian, give us "insight" into how Branch Davidians and "all cults" think. As if they know. Peter Jennings twice said tonight, that "there are more than 100 cults across the country and this is a warning of things to come." Paul Fatta, a Branch Davidian, held a Class III dealer's license. That meant that he could legally own, sell, and buy, any type of gun. It is thus highly unlikely that there were any "illegal" guns in the center at all. And who is responsible for issuing these permits? The BATF. They knew Paul Fatta had a license. Paul Fatta was not at the Mt. Carmel Center the day the BATF assaulted the Branch Davidians. Nonetheless, he is now listed on the FBI's "10 Most Wanted" list as "armed and dangerous." This gives the government the ability to shoot him on sight and then claim he was a "fleeing felon." It is, in otherwords, a license for the government to kill, again. To bury the best evidence against them, again. David Koresh had a message for the world. He wasn't holding out to commit suicide. He didn't hold anyone hostage. He wanted to give what he believed was a gift to the world. He believed he held the secret to the seven seals, spoken of in Revelations. He wanted to offer what he knew for anyone who could hear it, believing he had a duty to offer it to help save the souls of those who did not know. He wanted the time to write it down, which he had to do in candlelight, using a manual typewriter, on scraps of paper. He sent a message to the FBI telling them this. He also sent messages, Bible scriptures, that said that God would send his holy armies to smite his enemies. That much may be true. The Waco massacre has awakened Americans all across the nation to what is horribly wrong in this country. A voice of unity is being heard, growing louder each day. Interstingly, the day the Branch Davidians were murdered is also the anniversary of the ride of Paul Revere. We have seen our leaders on the television, lying to us with straight faces, offering justifications for this carnage, as if there could ever be any possible moral explanation or excuse that could be enough. That the people offering these excuses are morally bankrupt and corrupt, should be obvious. A simple, "We're sorry" would at least show a glimmer of common decency and humanity, but those words have never crossed any of their lips. And each of them, Bill Clinton, Janet Reno, William Sessions, and Lloyd Bentsen, are murderers. So, America, we have cold-blooded killers running our country. Isn't it about time you put down your beer, get up off the sofa, and do something about it? Linda Thompson American Justice Federation 317-780-5204 ** End of article ** --- Subj: Waco..the TRUTH....7/7 Status: PUBLIC MSG DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Personally, I am INFURIATED....if this post is true...I think it should be U/L'ed toevery board as a text file and attention called to it in all related message bases ....Maybe, just Maybe the wrongful parties in our gov't will think twice before trampling the Rights of the people it represents... ---