THE EULENSPIEGEL SOCIETY T.E.S. P. O. BOX 2783 NEW YORK, NY 10163-2783 DANGER! YOUR IDEAS AND FANTASIES ARE IN DANGER FROM THE U. S. SENATE A new bill, S.1521 has been introduced into the U.S. Senate and has been passed by the Committee on the Judiciary. If this bill becomes law, the writers and publishers of any form of sexual material which can be called "degrading" to women can be sued by, among others, rape victims and sexual harassment victims on the theory that "porn causes rape." Guess who the authors of the bill think of when they think of "sexually degrading materials?" US. WRITE YOUR SENATOR, AND SPEAK UP IN DEFENSE OF OUR FREEDOM WHILE YOU STILL CAN. Enclosed is a sample letter we have sent out to everyone on our mailing list. T.E.S. invites your organization to use this letter (or write your own) and join us in fighting censorship. We have also enclosed a list of current senators for all states. DO IT NOW... OR BE SILENT LATER. Yours in Leather The Board of Directors The Eulenspiegel Society