From Sun Apr 25 23:00:31 1993 Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 22:16-0400 From: The White House <> Subject: President's Statement on the Death of Cesar Chavez To: The White House Office of the Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------- For Immediate Release April 23, 1993 Statement by the President The labor movement and all Americans have lost a great leader with the death today of Cesar Chavez. An inspiring fighter for the cause to which he dedicated his life, Cesar Chavez was an authentic hero to millions of people throughout the world. I share the sadness his family, friends, followers, and supporters all feel upon his passing away. We can be proud of his enormous accomplishments and in the dignity and comfort he brought to the lives of so many of our country's least powerful and most dispossessed workers. He had a profound impact upon the people of the United States. My deepest sympathies go out to all his loved ones. -30-