From Mon Apr 26 00:33:55 1993 Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 22:21-0400 From: The White House <> Subject: Clinton Administration Table of Accomplishments - 100 Days To: CLINTON ADMINISTRATION ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND ACTIONS FIRST 100 DAYS POLICY ACTION BUDGET: REVERSE TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS Congress adopts sweeping investment and deficit reduction package BUDGET CUTS: BUREAUCRACY "We will cut 100,000 federal government positions through attrition." Executive Order 12839 signed 2/10/93. BUDGET CUTS Cut administrative costs by 3 percent Executive Order 12837 signed 2/10/93 -- Creates a 14 percent reduction in administrative costs by '97. EDUCATION Achieve 1989 Education Summit's "National Education Goals" by the year 2000. Introduced Goals 2000: Education America Act. Will improve learning and teaching by providing a national framework for education reform. ECONOMY: ECONOMIC COUNCIL Create an Economic Security Council to coordinate America's international economic policy. Established National Economic Council, 1/25/93. Executive Order 12835. ENVIRONMENT: COMPETITIVENESS COUNCIL End back door for polluters at White House. Abolished by Presidential Memorandum, 01/21/93. ENVIRONMENT: LEADERSHIP "I want to give you a real environmental presidency." Created Office of Environmental Policy, which has broader influence and more focused mandate to coordinate policy than Council on Environmental Quality, 2/8/93. ENVIRONMENT: OZONE DEPLETION Issued Executive Order to reduce ozone depletion. Requires Federal Govenment procurement to restrict use of substances that cause stratospheric ozone depletion. ENVIRONMENT: END FALSE CHOICE Shatter the false choice between environmental protection and economic growth. Babbitt announces compromise naming California Gnatcatcher a "threatened" species, calls for preservation of ecosystem with allowance for limited development, 3/25/93 ENVIRONMENT: FOREST SUMMIT Early in my administration I will convene a Pacific Northwest Forest Summit to work out a legislative solution. Forest conference convened in Portland, OR, 4/2/93. Orders cabinet officials to draft immediate responses and recommendations. FAMILIES: IMMUNIZE CHILDREN Sent the Child Immunization Act to Congress on April 1, 1993. FAMILIES: FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT Promised to get the bill on his desk quickly and sign it. Signed two weeks after taking office, 2/5/93. FETAL TISSUE RESEARCH Lift the ban on fetal tissue testing. Repealed by Presidential Memorandum, 1/22/93. GOVERNMENT WASTE Limits the use of government aircraft by government employees, Memorandum on Restriction of Government Aircraft, 2/10/93. GOVERNMENT WASTE Reduces and restricts use of government vehicles, Memorandum, 2/10/93. HEALTH CARE Will form a health care task force to research and draft health care reform plan. Forms health care task force with First Lady Hillary Rodham Cliton as chair, 1/25/93. JOBS: RE-EMPLOYMENT HELP Extended unemployment insurance and includes reforms to provide reemployment assistance to beneficiaries. MIDDLE EAST: PEACE TALKS Sent Secretary Christopher to region to re-start talks, 2/4/93. REFORM OFFICE OF U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE Prevent trade negotiators from cashing in on their positions by serving as representatives of foreign corporations or governments. Issued Executive Order banning senior staff and trade reprentatives from representing foreign governments. REINVENTING GOVERNMENT "We will reduce the White House Staff by 25 percent." Announced reduction and reorganization of White House staff. Cut staff by 25%, or 350 positions REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS: GAG RULE "Repeal President Bush's 'gag' rule" which prohibits doctors from sharing information with patients. Repealed by Presidential Memorandum, 1/22/93. REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS: MEXICO CITY POLICY "Protect ... right to choose." Repealed by Presidential Memorandum, 1/22/93. REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS: MILITARY HOSPITALS "Protect women's rights in the workplace." Repealed by Presidential Memorandum, 1/22/93. Granted legal rights to privately funded abortions at military hospitals. REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS "Support testing of RU-486." Repealed by Presidential Memorandum, 1/22/93. Rescinded import ban of RU- 486, pending routine testing and approval process. TOWN HALL MEETINGS Will continue as President. First town hall meeting - 2/10/93. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Extend benefits to jobless workers in the event of a recession. $5.8 Billion extension signed 3/4/93 when unemployment remains above level where it was when unemployment insurance was first granted in current recession. WELFARE REFORM: BREAK CYCLE OF DEPENDENCY Make welfare a second chance, not a way of life. Established task force on welfare reform policy with National Governors' Association.