From Mon Apr 26 01:00:20 1993 Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 22:22-0400 From: The White House <> Subject: The First 100 Days of the Administration of President Clinton To: The First 100 Days Administration of President Bill Clinton January 20 - April 30, 1993 INTRODUCTION This is the season of America's renewal. Already, in the first few months of his new Administration, President Bill Clinton has restored an active purpose to the Presidency, and renewed America's commitment to change and progress. We now have a President dedicated to investment and economic growth; a President determined to help Americans weather the winds of change; a President committed to restoring responsibility; a President devoted to returning the government back to the American people. After twelve years of national drift and economic decline, President Clinton has charted a clear path to growth with his New Directions economic plan designed to create jobs, boost incomes, move our economy from consumption to investment, and reduce our deficit, substantially and dramatically. The investments in the Clinton economic plan embrace priorities that will raise the living standards and profits of workers and businesses for the long-term: rebuilding America's infrastructure; committing resources and attention to the education and training needs of our students and workers; and restoring vital incentives that reward productivity, profits, innovation and investment. The Clinton budget -- the outline of his economic plan for New Directions -- passed the Congress in record setting time. It reduces deficit spending by over $500 billion; a plan so credible that the markets continue to reduce interest rates on the American people. These interest rate reductions, coupled with imaginative steps taken by the Clinton Administration to deal with the credit crunch, means American businesses, farms, and consumers have money to save, spend, invest and grow. We now have a President who helps the American people make the choice for change. Enormous changes are sweeping our economy. Inevitable defense cutbacks are forcing military bases to close?they're causing defense manufacturers to lose markets and cut jobs. Problems in the airline industry have caused massive lay-offs in aerospace firms and among the domestic carriers. America's economic partners abroad are beating American companies in the race for markets in the former Soviet Union. That's why President Clinton's economic program will help the American people take advantage of these changes. He has offered a $20 billion, five-year initiative to reinvest in workers, communities and companies harmed by cuts in military spending. He has formed a task force to recommend real changes in Federal policy to help restart our aviation and aerospace industry. And he has provided an enterprise- oriented aid initiative to save the Russian Democracy and spur American economic growth. Beyond growth, Americans want a return to responsibility in our schools, our communities, and our economy. And in that spirit, President Clinton is leading the way. By reforming welfare to make it a second chance, not a way of life; by reforming the health care system to provide health security to every American and bring rising costs under control; by making national service opportunities available to students so that they can exchange opportunities for education with community service. Finally, President Clinton is working to give the government back to the American people. At the beginning of his Administration he announced his decision to cut the White House staff by 25%, and to eliminate the kinds of perks and privileges which isolate federal workers from the people they are supposed to serve. He has cut billions from the budgets of Federal Agencies and Departments, telling them they must do more with less. He is committed to reinventing government and bringing his Presidency directly to the people through town meetings, electronic mail with the White House, and ideas like the Forest Conference?which enabled the environmental and economic problems of the Pacific Northwest to be discussed by average people with the President, Vice-President Gore and Members of the Cabinet. Most important, he is committed to enacting tough campaign finance and lobbying reform legislation to drive special interest dealing out of politics. What follows is a chronology from the first 100 days of the most action oriented Administration in our memory. But it is more than a listing of accomplishments, because now is not the time to be satisfied. Instead, it is indicative of a change in direction. What will come from what we accomplished here -- more economic growth, comprehensive health and welfare reform, a new system of national service, and the like -- is new opportunities for achievement, empowerment and progress for middle-class Americans, and a new direction for us all. It is indeed America's season of renewal. HISTORICAL FOOTNOTE The "hundred days" period was applied by journalists to the special session of the 73rd Congress, which granted newly inaugurated President Franklin D. Roosevelt extraordinary powers to combat the national crisis of the Great Depression in 1933. Less well-known than the hundred days of 1933, is how Woodrow Wilson set a modern precedent in 1913, when one month after taking office, he became the first President in a century to deliver an address to Congress. That speech initiated the sweeping economic reforms enacted later that year -- tariff reform, the first income tax and the Federal Reserve. With that early speech, Wilson had closed the book on the Gilded Age and had shifted Government to the side of average, hard working Americans. Day 1: January 20, 1993 Inaugurated as 42nd President of the United States. Delivers Inaugural Address from the steps of the Capitol. Issues Executive Order on Executive Appointee Ethics; order restricts or limits ways in which senior executive appointees may profit in the future from their experience while serving the President. Proclaims a National Day of Fellowship and Hope. "Our Democracy must be not only the envy of the world but the engine of our own renewal. There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. This beautiful Capital, like every capital since the dawn of civilization, is often a place of intrigue and calculation. Powerful people maneuver for position and worry about who is out, who is up, who is down, forgetting those people whose toil and sweat sends us here and pays our way. Americans deserve better. ... Let us resolve to make our Government a place for what Franklin Roosevelt called 'bold, persistent experimentation,' a Government for our tomorrows, not our yesterdays. Let us give this Capital back to the people to whom it belongs. Yes, you, my fellow Americans, have forced the spring. Now we must do the work the season demands." Inaugural Address Day 2: January 21, 1993 Abolishes Council on Competitiveness, criticized as a back door for polluters who circumvented U.S. laws. Meets with senior White House staff. Day 3: January 22, 1993 Swearing-in of Cabinet members. First Cabinet Meeting. Issues memorandum to revoke Reagan and Bush Administration restrictions on fetal tissue research in the development of treatments for individuals afflicted with serious diseases and disorders such as Alzheimer?s disease, Parkinson?s disease, diabetes and leukemia. Issues memorandum to revoke Reagan and Bush Administration restrictions ("Gag Rule") that prohibited abortion counseling in clinics that receive Title X funds to provide family planning services for low-income patients. Issues memorandum to revoke Reagan and Bush Administration restrictions ("Mexico City Policy") that prohibited Family Planning Grants to be awarded to certain nongovernmental organizations from the Agency for International Development. Issues memorandum to revoke Reagan and Bush Administration restrictions on a woman?s legal right to privately- funded abortion services in military hospitals. Issues memorandum to revoke previous Administration restrictions on the importation of the drug commonly known as RU-486. Day 4: January 23, 1993 Telephone conversations with President Boris Yeltsin of Russia and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel. Day 5: January 24, 1993 Issues Proclamation and statement on the death of Justice Thurgood Marshall. Day 6: January 25, 1993 Establishes National Economic Council to coordinate economic policymaking among all relevant departments and offices of the federal government; holds economic policy meeting. Meets with Joint Chiefs of Staff. Establishes Task Force on National Health Reform, chaired by the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton; Task Force is charged with formulating legislation that would take strong action to control health care costs while providing Americans with the security of knowing that their fundamental health care needs will be met. Day 7: January 26, 1993 Meets with bipartisan Congressional leadership. Nominates U.S. Foreign Service Ambassador Pickering to be Ambassador to Russia. Day 8: January 27, 1993 Meets with Democratic Congressional leaders. Day 9: January 28, 1993 Meets with Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan, Secretary Bentsen and NEC Chairman Rubin. Day 10: January 29, 1993 Teleconference with citizens concerned about Family and Medical Leave Act. Issues memorandum on ending discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in determining who may serve in the Armed Forces; memorandum directs Secretary of Defense Aspin to consult with others to study how revisions in current policy could be implemented in a manner that is practical, realistic and consistent with the high standards of combat effectiveness and unit cohesion maintained by the Armed Forces; memorandum directs the Secretary to submit recommendations prior to July 15, 1993. First news conference. Day 11: January 30, 1993 Weekend working meeting at Camp David with Cabinet and senior White House staff. Day 12: January 31, 1993 Hosts first state dinner, attended by the Nation?s Governors. Day 13: February 1, 1993 Meets with Nation?s Governors about health care and other policy issues. Revokes Bush Administration Executive Orders on federal contracting, thereby reducing Government intrusion into workplace relations. Addresses Democratic Governors? Association Dinner. Day 14: February 2, 1993 Addresses National Governors? Association on initiatives to make welfare a second chance, not a way of life; declares intent to form working group on welfare reform; outlines principles and goals to guide policy reform, ensure that people who work are rewarded, toughen child support enforcement, and encourage policy experimentation to achieve these goals in the states. Declares storm-afflicted areas of Louisiana a Federal Disaster Area, authorizing emergency relief assistance. Day 15: February 3, 1993 Addresses employees of Office of Management and Budget; pledges cooperation with, and asks for help from, federal employees in cutting waste and reinventing government. Discusses campaign finance and lobbying reform with Democratic Congressional leaders. Declares storm-damaged and flood-affected areas of California a Federal Disaster Area, authorizing emergency relief assistance. Day 16: February 4, 1993 Addresses National Prayer Breakfast. Announces Secretary of State Christopher will travel to Middle East to advance the peace process. Meets with German Foreign Minister Kinkel. Day 17: February 5, 1993 Signs Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Meets with Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney of Canada. Holds news conference (number 2) with Prime Minister Mulroney. Addresses U.S. Conference of Mayors. "I am very proud that the first bill I am to sign as President truly puts people first. took eight years and two vetoes to make this legislation the law of the land. Now millions of our people will no longer have to choose between their jobs and their families." ? Remarks on signing Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Day 18: February 6, 1993 First Saturday radio address; focuses on the economy and principles to guide economic plan to be unveiled later this month Day 20: February 8, 1993 Creates White House Office on Environmental Policy, a new office that will have broader influence and a more effective and focused mandate to coordinate environmental policy, one that recognizes the connection between environmental protection and economic growth and the responsibility to provide real leadership on global environmental issues; reaffirms support of legislation to make Environmental Protection Agency part of the Cabinet. Designates Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building. Meets with Turkish President Ozal. Day 21: February 9, 1993 As part of new effort to cut waste and reinvent government, announces reduction and reorganization of the White House staff; Executive Office of the President staff to be reduced by 25%, or 350 positions, in the next fiscal year. Day 22: February 10, 1993 Cabinet meeting (number 2). Signs Executive Orders on greater efficiency and fiscal responsibility in government: 14% reduction in administrative costs by FY97, a savings of $16 billion in taxpayers? dollars; elimination of wasteful advisory committees; reduction of federal bureaucracy by 100,000 positions through attrition; elimination or limitation of perks and privileges in executive branch offices, including the use of executive dining rooms, government aircraft, and government vehicles. Conducts first town meeting with citizens in Detroit, linked via satellite with citizens in Seattle, Miami, and Atlanta. Day 23: February 11, 1993 Addresses business leaders on the economy and the budget. Meets with Japanese Foreign Minister Watanabe. News conference (number 3), nominates Janet Reno to be Attorney General. Telephone conversation with Philippine President Ramos. Day 24: February 12, 1993 Announces child immunization initiative at Fenwick Clinic, Arlington, Virginia; proposal provides more vaccines for children, saving taxpayers $10 in avoidable health care costs for every $1 invested in vaccinations; directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to enter into negotiations with drug manufacturers to see that states can buy vaccines at affordable prices, reversing the trend of skyrocketing costs of vaccines to U.S. consumers. Day 25: February 13, 1993 Saturday radio address on the economic plan. Day 27: February 15, 1993 Address from the Oval Office on the economic plan. "All during this last 12 years the federal deficit has roared out of control. Look at this: the big tax cuts for the wealthy, the growth in Government spending, and soaring health care costs all caused the federal deficit to explode... Now if all that debt had been invested in strengthening our economy, we?d at least have something to show for our money: more jobs, better educated people, a health care system that works. But as you can see, while the deficit went up, investments in the things that make us stronger and smarter, richer and safer, were neglected: less invested in education, less in our children?s future, less in transportation, less in local law enforcement. ...The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change." ? First televised address to the Nation from the Oval Office. Day 28: February 16, 1993 Addresses California Economic Conference via teleconference. Visits construction site, Washington, D.C., to discuss jobs and infrastructure. Day 29: February 17, 1993 Delivers address to Joint Session of Congress on the economic plan. Meets with bipartisan Congressional leaders prior to address. "Our Nation needs a new direction. Tonight I present to you a comprehensive plan to set our Nation on that new course." "I know this economic plan is ambitious, but I honestly believe it is necessary for the continued greatness of the United States. And I think it is paid for fairly, first by cutting Government, then by asking the most of those who benefited the most in the past, and by asking more Americans to contribute today so that all of us can prosper tomorrow." "The test of this plan cannot be 'What is in it for me?' It has got to be 'What is in it for us?' If we work hard and if we work together, if we rededicate ourselves to creating jobs, to rewarding work, to strengthening our families, to reinventing our Government, we can lift our country?s fortunes again." ? Address before a Joint Session of Congress Day 30: February 18, 1993 Delivers speech on the economic plan, St. Louis, Missouri. Day 31: February 19, 1993 Delivers speech on the economic plan and participates in a town meeting, Chillicothe, Ohio. Delivers speech on the economic plan, Hyde Park, New York. Day 32: February 20, 1993 Saturday radio address on the economic plan. Participates in a "Children?s Town Meeting" at the White House. Day 33: February 21, 1993 Delivers speech on the economic plan, Santa Monica, California. Meets with California business leaders. Day 34: February 22, 1993 Announces national technology policy and conducts question-and-answer session with Vice President Gore and employees of Silicon Graphics, Mountain View, California; policy focuses on high-skill, high-wage jobs in the technology sectors, research and development and experimentation, education for America?s workforce, information infrastructure, and U.S. competitiveness in basic science, mathematics and engineering. Talks by phone from Air Force One with Larry Villella, a 14-year-old entrepreneur who donated $1,000 to reduce the federal budget deficit. Addresses Boeing employees, Everett, Washington, on legislation in Congress to establish a commission to examine the U.S. airline industry, efforts by U.S. Trade Representative Kantor to monitor agreements on European Airbus subsidies and their impact on American workers, and the economic plan. Day 35: February 23, 1993 Delivers speech on the economy, the economic plan and other economic proposals to the National Business Action Rally of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Meets with U.N. Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali. Day 36: February 24, 1993 Meets with Prime Minister Major of the United Kingdom. News conference (number 4) with Prime Minister Major. Day 37: February 25, 1993 Delivers speech on the economic plan to business and labor leaders. Announces airdrops of humanitarian aid in Bosnia- Herzegovina. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton accepts invitation to attend "Conversations on Health," a series of four public hearings on the health care crisis, held in Florida, Michigan, Iowa and D.C. Day 38: February 26, 1993 Delivers first major foreign policy address, on the subject of American leadership in the global economy, at American University, Washington, D.C. "For years our leaders have failed to take the steps that would harness the global economy to the benefit of all our people, steps such as investing in our people and their skills, enforcing our trade laws, helping communities hurt by change; in short, putting the American people first without withdrawing from the world and people beyond our borders. The truth of our age is this and must be this: Open and competitive commerce will enrich us as a nation. It spurs us to innovate. It forces us to compete. It connects us with new customers. It promotes global growth without which no rich country can hope to grow wealthier. It enables our producers who are themselves consumers of services and raw materials to prosper. And so I say to you in the face of all the pressures to do the reverse, we must compete, not retreat." ? Address on "The imperative of American leadership in the face of global change," American University Day 39: February 27, 1993 Saturday radio address on the economic plan. Day 40: February 28, 1993 Publishes column, on principles behind the National Service proposal, in the New York Times. "Our new initiative will embody the same principles as the old G.I. Bill. It will challenge our people to serve our country and do the work that should ? and must ? be done. It will invest in the future of the quiet heroes who invest in the future of others." ? "National Service Now," New York Times Day 41: March 1, 1993 Issues statement on community service and participates in a question-and-answer session at Adult Learning Center, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Outlines National Service proposal in an address at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Day 42: March 2, 1993 Meets with Republican House leaders at the Capitol. Lunch meeting with Senate Republicans. Meets with NATO Secretary General Woerner. Meets with Democratic Congressional leaders. Day 43: March 3, 1993 Announces initiative to reinvent government; names Vice President Gore as head of national performance review to cut spending and increase efficiency throughout government, agency by agency. Receives one millionth piece of mail after six weeks in office, as much as the previous President received in six months. Day 44: March 4, 1993 Signs Emergency Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1993. Declares certain storm-damaged areas of the State of Washington a Federal Disaster Area and declares major disaster in Georgia, authorizing emergency relief assistance. Meets with former President Carter. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton discusses health care concerns with steelworkers, New Orleans, Louisiana. Day 45: March 5, 1993 Delivers speech to Mayors on the economic plan. Announces April 3-4 summit with Russian President Yeltsin. Day 46: March 6, 1993 Saturday radio address on the economic plan. Revokes Bush Administration Proclamation that suspended Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 within areas struck by Hurricanes Andrew and Iniki. Day 48: March 8, 1993 Delivers speech on the jobs package to the Legislative Conference of the National League of Cities. Telephone conversation with former President Bush to discuss the situation in Russia. Meets with members of the House Budget Committee. Meets with former President Nixon. Day 49: March 9, 1993 Meets with President Mitterrand of France. News conference (number 5) with President Mitterrand. Signs Executive Order to extend U.S. Cooperation with the European Atomic Energy Community. Meets with Senate Budget Committee. Day 50: March 10, 1993 Announces initiative to alleviate the credit crunch, to open up credit to creditworthy loans, to generate jobs in the private sector, and to assist small businesses on fair lending, equal opportunity and credit availability. Meets with California State legislators. Announces Forest Conference to be convened in Portland, Oregon, on April 2. Secretary Christopher announces the President?s plan on Bosnia-Herzegovina. Day 51: March 11, 1993 Outlines plan for defense conversion and reinvestment to Westinghouse employees, Linthicum, Maryland; plan confronts issues raised by cutbacks made in defense spending since 1985; major components include: worker training and adjustment, investing in hard-hit communities, dual-use technology and commercial-military integration, and conversion opportunities in new civilian technology investment. Delivers speech on children and family policies to Children?s Defense Fund conference. Meets with National Conference of State Legislatures. Issues statement on murder of Dr. David Gunn, Pensacola, Florida. Discusses campaign finance reform with Democratic Senators. Day 52: March 12, 1993 Attorney General Reno assumes office. Visits and addresses the crew of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt. Radio address to the Armed Forces. "I pledge to you that as long as I am President, you and the other men and women in uniform of this country will continue to be the best trained, the best prepared, the best equipped, and the strongest supported fighting force in the world." ? Remarks to the crew of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt Day 53: March 13, 1993 Radio address on plans for defense conversion and reinvestment. Declares storm-afflicted areas of Florida Federal Disaster Areas, authorizing emergency relief assistance. Day 55: March 15, 1993 Meets with Israeli Prime Minister Rabin. News conference (number 6) with Prime Minister Rabin. At the direction of the President, U.S. begins negotiations with Canada and Mexico to seek side agreements to the North American Free Trade Agreement; side agreements would seek greater protections for American workers, farmers and the environment. Day 56: March 16, 1993 Meets with bipartisan Congressional leaders. Meets with exiled Haitian President Aristide. Day 57: March 17, 1993 Meets with Irish Prime Minister Reynolds; attends Friends of Ireland luncheon at the Capitol. Signs Aircraft Equipment Settlement Leases Act of 1993. Day 58: March 18, 1993 House of Representatives passes Budget Resolution, basic outline of the economic plan. Addresses employees of the U.S. Treasury Department on the economic plan. Meets with National Newspaper Publishers Association. Meets with Commission of European Communities President Delors. Addresses Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner. "I want to thank all of you for the work that you do. I think you have a difficult job. Each of us sees the world in different ways and the whole complex interplay of the press and people in public life is designed somehow to give the American people a kaleidoscope of opinion, a mountain of facts organized in ways that will enable them to grasp it, so that somehow they ? not you or me ? they can be the main actors in the great American democracy." "I ask that in the months and years ahead you stay faithful to yourselves and to your cause. Never lose your sense of humor. And remember that most of us who do this on both sides do it because we love our country and prefer to believe that an effort made today can make it better tomorrow. It?s a good way to live a life." ? Remarks to the Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner Day 59: March 19, 1993 Meets with members of the House of Representatives who supported the economic plan. Issues statement praising career and service of Supreme Court Justice Byron R. White; thanks Justice White for time to deliberate on the choice of a successor and still have nominee considered and confirmed by the Senate well in advance of the Court?s next term, which begins in October. Delivers speech on the economic plan and health care at Downtown Child Development Center, Atlanta, Georgia. Delivers speech on the economic plan, the jobs package and reinventing government to local business leaders, Atlanta, Georgia. "I think that there are few decisions the President makes which are more weighty, more significant, or can have a greater impact on more Americans than an appointment to the Supreme Court. And I?m going to try to pick a person that has a fine mind, good judgment, wide experience in the law and in the problems of real people, and someone with a big heart." ? Exchange with reporters at the Downtown Child Development Center, Atlanta, Georgia. Day 60: March 20, 1993 Saturday radio address on the economic plan. Issues statement on the situation in Russia in support of Russian President Yeltsin. Day 63: March 23, 1993 News conference (number 7) on the economic plan and aid to Russia. Addresses to Democratic Governors? Association, state officials and business leaders. Day 64: March 24, 1993 Meets with Russian Foreign Minister Kozyrev. Meets with Governor Pedro J. Rossello of Puerto Rico. Day 65: March 25, 1993 Senate passes Budget Resolution, basic outline of the economic plan. Meets with Foreign Minister Zlenko of Ukraine. Working dinner with Members of the House of Representatives on the Administration?s policy toward Russia. Day 66: March 26, 1993 Meets with German Chancellor Kohl. News conference (number 8) with Chancellor Kohl. Meets with Bosnian President Izetbegovic. Working dinner with Senators on the Administration?s policy toward Russia. Names Commerce Secretary Brown to lead Cabinet-wide effort on the economy in California. Day 67: March 27, 1993 Radio address on the economic plan and the jobs package. Signs into law an Act to extend the Export Administration Act of 1979 and authorize appropriations under the Act for fiscal years 1993 and 1994. Addresses Gridiron Club Dinner. Day 69: March 29, 1993 Issues Executive Order on International Development Law Institute. Day 70: March 30, 1993 Makes available emergency appropriations for the Departments of Agriculture and Education to provide assistance for victims of recent natural disasters. Day 71: March 31, 1993 Cabinet meeting (number 3). Signs Memorandum on Certification of Major Narcotics Producing and Transit Countries. Day 72: April 1, 1993 Congress passes basic outline of the economic plan just six weeks after the President?s State of the Union Address; for the first time in 17 years, Budget Resolution conference report is passed before the legal deadline. Meets with bipartisan Congressional leadership. Transmits to Congress the proposed Comprehensive Child Immunization Act of 1993. Signs into law an act to extend the suspended implementation of certain requirements of the food stamp program on Indian reservations and for other purposes. Addresses Naval Academy Midshipmen, Annapolis, Maryland. Outlines aid to Russia in address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Annapolis, Maryland. "Just today, the Congress passed the heart of my economic program, a long term plan to drastically reduce the deficit and increase investment in our nation?s future. After years of policies that have diminished our future, Washington has finally realized that the best social program is a good job, and the best route to deficit reduction is a growing economy founded on a bold plan of change that will both cut spending and increase investment to empower the working people of our country." ? Address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Annapolis, Maryland "Decisions command attention. Crises drive action. But it is only with an overriding sense of purpose, drawn from their history and their cultures, that great nations can rise above the daily tyranny of the urgent to construct their security, to build their prosperity, to advance their interests, and to reaffirm their values." "Like a wise homeowner who recognizes that you cannot stop investing in your house once you buy it, we cannot stop investing in the peace now that we have obtained it. must drive our investment and our engagement in this new world." "Nowhere is that engagement more important than in our policies toward Russia and the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. Their struggle to build free societies is one of the great human dramas of our day." ? Address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Annapolis, Maryland Day 73: April 2, 1993 Holds Forest Conference, Portland, Oregon; conference convenes interests at odds over management of the Nation?s forests in the Pacific Northwest. Declares major disaster in the State of New York due to effects of the bombing of the World Trade Center and in the State of Nebraska as a result of severe March flooding and ice jams, authorizing emergency relief assistance. Day 74: April 3, 1993 Summit with Russian President Yeltsin, Vancouver, BC. Meets with Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney, Vancouver, BC. Lunch meeting with Prime Minister Mulroney and President Yeltsin. Radio address on the economic plan and aid to Russia package. Working dinner with President Yeltsin. Day 75: April 4, 1993 Summit with Russian President Yeltsin, Vancouver, BC. News conference (number 9) with President Yeltsin. Issues Vancouver Declaration: Joint Statement of the Presidents of the United States and the Russian Federation. Day 76: April 5, 1993 Throws out first pitch at opening day, baseball game between the Baltimore Orioles and Texas Rangers, Oriole Park at Camden Yards, Baltimore, Maryland. Day 77: April 6, 1993 Meets with Egyptian President Mubarak. News conference (number 10) with President Mubarak. Signs act providing for temporary increase in the public debt limit. Day 78: April 7, 1993 Signs enabling legislation providing for the "National Commission to Ensure a Strong Competitive Airline Industry". Day 79: April 8, 1993 Submits budget to Congress. Meets with Defense Secretary Aspin and Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. Day 80: April 9, 1993 Announces the White House will send to Congress proposed legislation to extend fast track for the Uruguay Round of the GATT negotiations. Day 83: April 12, 1993 Addresses the first Technology Reinvestment Project Conference via satellite. Issues statement on jobs package and immunization of children. Announces that General Vessey will travel to Vietnam as the President?s Special Emissary for POW/MIA Affairs. In first engagement outside of NATO territory, NATO forces begin enforcement of no-fly zone in Bosnia, a policy urged by the President and adopted by the United Nations. Day 84: April 13, 1993 Hosts town meeting to discuss summer jobs proposal and school-to-work training for young Americans, with Secretaries Riley of Education and Reich of Labor and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, via satellite. Delivers speech at Ceremony honoring 250th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson?s birth, Jefferson Memorial. "The genius of Thomas Jefferson was his ability to get the most out of today while never taking his eye off tomorrow, to think big while enjoying the little things of daily life. Perhaps most important, he understood that in order for us to preserve our timeless values, people have to change. And free people need to devise means by which they can change profoundly and still peacefully." ? Remarks at Ceremony honoring the 250th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson Memorial Day 85: April 14, 1993 Addresses at Summer Jobs conference on jobs package, Crystal City, Virginia. Releases letter to Congressional leaders consistent with War Powers Resolution, advising of actions in support of United Nations efforts in Bosnia- Herzegovina. Day 86: April 15, 1993 Addresses speech to law enforcement organizations on jobs package provision for hiring police officers. Day 87: April 16, 1993 Announces jobs package revisions to break gridlock in the Senate; reduces size of package by 25%, but reduces jobs created by only 18%; maintains original full funding for unemployment benefits, highway improvements, summer jobs, childhood immunization, Ryan White program for AIDS victims, wastewater treatment, food safety, and assistance to small businesses; new provision includes $200 million for new police hiring. Meets with Japanese Prime Minister Miyazawa. News conference (number 11) with Prime Minister Miyazawa. Day 88: April 17, 1993 Delivers speech on the jobs package, Pittsburgh Airport, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Radio address on the jobs package, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Day 90: April 19, 1993 Delivers speech on the jobs package to the Building and Construction Trades Union of the AFL-CIO. Issues statement on federal operations in Waco, Texas. Issues statement on death of Turkish President Ozal. Day 91: April 20, 1993 Issues statement and conducts news conference (number 12) on Federal Operations in Waco, Texas. Meets with Czech President Havel. Day 92: April 21, 1993 Delivers speech on the eve of Earth Day; announces U.S. will sign international treaty to protect biodiversity; commits U.S. to specific targets and timetables to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases; outlines long term strategy to protect the environment while promoting economic growth and creating millions of new high-skill, high-wage jobs. Issues Executive Order to increase the use of alternative fuel vehicles in the federal fleet. Issues Executive Order to reduce government use of ozone-depleting substances. Issues Executive Order requiring federal agencies to use energy efficient equipment. Meets with President Walesa of Poland, Prime Minister Meksi of Albania, President Havel of Czech Republic, President Zhelev of Bulgaria, President Tudjman of Croatia, President Herzog of Israel, President Soares of Portuguese Republic, President Iliescu of Romania, President Goncz of Hungary, President Kucan of Slovenia, President Kovac of Slovak Republic, and Prime Minister Sangheli of Moldova. Republican filibuster prevents vote on jobs package in the Senate. Submits sweeping education reform legislation, "Goals 2000," to Congress. "For all our differences, I think there is an overwhelming determination to change our course, to offer more opportunity, to assume more responsibility, to restore the larger community, and to achieve things that are larger than ourselves and more lasting than the present moment. All across this country, there is a deep understanding rooted in our religious heritage and renewed in the spirit of this time that the bounty of nature is not ours to waste. It is a gift from God that we hold in trust for future generations." Earth Day address Day 93: April 22, 1993 Delivers address at the dedication ceremony of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Day 94: April 23, 1993 News conference (number 13) Day 96: April 25, 1993 Addresses the Newspaper Association of America, Boston. Day 98: April 27, 1993 Announces proposal for campaign finance reform to limit campaign spending, curb the influence of special interests and open greater access to communication with voters. April 30, 1993 Outlines legislation to enact a National Service plan. ###