From Wed Apr 28 21:58:24 1993 Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 18:41-0400 From: The White House <> Subject: Energy and Education Nominations 4.28.93 To: THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release April 28, 1993 PRESIDENT NAMES OFFICIALS AT EDUCATION AND ENERGY (Washington, DC) President Clinton announced today that he intends to nominate former San Francisco Superintendent of Schools Ramon Cortines to be Assistant Secretary of Education for Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs and Jay Hakes, a top aide to Senator Bob Graham of Florida, to be Administrator of the Energy Information Administration. "Ramon Cortes and Jay Hakes have both distinguished themselves as public servants in their own states and at the national level," said the President. "I am grateful that they have agreed to continue their service as part of my Administration." Ramon Cortines was Superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District from 1986-92, after having served that same capacity for the public schools of San Jose for two years and Pasadena for more than a decade. He had previously been a school principal and administrator in Pasadena and Covina, California. He first became a teacher while serving in the Army from 1953-55. In addition, Cortines has been involved in a wide variety of education reform efforts through the California Department of Education, and the Federal Departments of Education and Health and Human Services, among many others. Cortines, 60, holds a bachelor's degree and masters degrees in School Administration and Adult Learning, all from Pasadena College. Jay Hakes is a political scientist with a wide range of government experience who currently serves as Director of Senator Bob Graham's Florida office. He previously served as then- Governor Graham's Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff, and as Director of the Governor's Energy Office. He also served in a variety of positions in Washington during the Carter Administration, primarily in the Department of the Interior. Prior to entering government service, Hakes was an Associate Professor of Political Science of the University of New Orleans. He holds a B.A. from Wheaton College in Illinois, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Duke University. ###