From Wed May 5 16:23:49 1993 Date: Wed, 5 May 1993 14:33-0400 From: The White House <> To: Subject: President's Remarks at Photo Op w/ Bipartisan Leadership THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ______________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release May 5, 1993 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN PHOTO OPPORTUNITY WITH BIPARTISAN LEADERSHIP The Cabinet Room 11:00 A.M. EDT Q Mr. President, will you be going to Congress to get authorization before any troops would be sent to Bosnia? THE PRESIDENT: We're here consulting about Bosnia today, and I have been extensively consulting and no decision has been made by this administration about this yet. So when I do, then we'll continue to have proper process. Q Do you think the War Powers Act is constitutional? (Laughter.) THE PRESIDENT: Ask my lawyer. I don't play lawyer. I think it's worked reasonably well. Q How do you think the vote will go in the Serb parliament? THE PRESIDENT: I don't know. I hope they'll not only vote for it, I hope they'll observe it, which is two different issues. We have to start our meeting here in a minute, but I think one of the things that we have to discuss is that we want an agreement in words and an agreement in fact. And that's what we've got to watch. Q Are you feeling any comfort in what Mr. Christopher is saying? It sounds as though he's running into roadblocks. THE PRESIDENT: No, I talked to him several times since he's been on the trip. I'm pretty pleased, actually, with the progress he's made. We're a lot -- we're in a much different place and much nearer agreement than we were 10 or 12 days ago. Q Have you and Senator Dole made up? THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely. (Laughter.) I agree with what he said yesterday. THE PRESS: Thank you. END11:10 A.M. EDT