From Wed Jun 9 19:36:45 1993 Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 10:31-0400 From: The White House <> To: Subject: McLarty Statement on Gearan & Myers 6.7.93 The White House Office of the Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------- For Immediate Release June 7, 1993 STATEMENT OF THE WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF THOMAS F. "MACK" MCLARTY During the Memorial Day weekend, I announced the appointment of David Gergen as Counselor to the President and George Stephanopoulos as Senior Policy Advisor. At the time, I discussed my intention to review further the personnel and operations of the White House with the goal of strengthening our performance on the President's behalf. The announcements I make today advance us toward that goal substantially. For the last several months, the President and I have benefitted from the advice and professionalism of Mark D. Gearan, Deputy Chief of Staff. Mark is blessed with intelligence, maturity, and good humor, and these qualities joined by his extensive Washington experience made his contributions to the Administration's work invaluable. His new assignment is to serve the President as Director of Communications and implement the Administration's decisions on how best to inform the media and the public of the President's activities to make our country better and more prosperous. Dee Dee Myers will serve as principal spokesperson for the Administration. These decisions will improve what is already a strong White House communications operation. Mark Gearan, 36, has served as Executive Director of the Democratic Governor's Association, as press spokesperson for the Presidential Campaign of Michael Dukakis, and as Washington Liaison for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. ###