From Thu Jun 17 15:50:58 1993 Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 10:28-0400 From: The White House <> To: Subject: Public Schedule for 6.17.93 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release June 15, 1993 PUBLIC SCHEDULE OF THE PRESIDENT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1993 4:00 pm EDT THE PRESIDENT GREETS CARTI Kids The Rose Garden, The White House OPEN PHOTO/WRITING POOL Press Note: 37 children from 20 Arkansas cities and towns who are patients at the non-profit Central Arkansas Radiation Therapy Institute (CARTI) 4:30 pm EDT THE PRESIDENT GREETS participants in the White House Fellows program The Oval Office, The White House Inhouse Coverage pool photo session THE PRESIDENT HAS NO OTHER PUBLIC EVENTS ON HIS SCHEDULE FOR THURSDAY UPCOMING EVENTS ON THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE: June 18, 1993 President Clinton meets with his Majesty King Hussein I of Jordan June 19, 1993 President Clinton Delivers Commencement Address at Northeastern University, Boston, MA June 29, 1993 President Clinton meets with The President of Argentina, Carlos Saul Menem July 7-10, 1993 The President participates in G-7 Summit, Tokyo, Japan 30-30-30