NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: MacIPX Gateway v1.01 NLM. DOCUMENT ID: TID350001 DOCUMENT REVISION: B DATE: 15SEP93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: MIPXGW.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: MacIPX Gateway 1.01 ABSTRACT: This is the IPX(tm) gateway software, which Novell(R) provides to support networked applications that use the MacIPX(tm) transports. The IPX gateway is LAN driver software, and the IPX gateway can be used on computers running the Novell NetWare(R) operating system, version 3.11 or later, or the NetWare Multiprotocol Router(tm) software (MPR), version 2.0 or later. ________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the IPX(tm) gateway software, which Novell(R) provides to support networked applications that use the MacIPX(tm) transports. The IPX gateway is LAN driver software, and the IPX gateway can be used on computers running the Novell NetWare(R) operating system, version 3.11 or later, or the NetWare Multiprotocol Router(tm) software (MPR), version 2.0 or later. You need the IPX gateway software *only* under specific circumstances: you are using a MacIPX-based application on network segments that use only the AppleTalk(R) transport protocol to connect Macintosh(R) workstations to the network. Such "AppleTalk-only" segments result from technological or administrative conditions; the segment may use LocalTalk or another cable served by a third-party AppleTalk router, or a network administrator may want to designate a segment for AppleTalk traffic only. If you use Ethernet or Token Ring segments to connect your Macintosh workstations to an IPX network and if you permit IPX traffic on those segments, then you do *not* need this README file or the IPX gateway software. ************************************************************** * PLEASE NOTE: MacIPX software provides support for IPX transport protocols. It does not enable Macintosh users connected to the IPX network to log in to a NetWare server or to print documents on NetWare printers. Users and developers must rely on other software to support NetWare file and print services. ************************************************************** Self-Extracting File Name: MIPXGW.EXE Revision: B Files Included Size Date Time \ MIPXGW.TXT (This File) MACIPXGW.TXT 29819 09-14-93 04:04p \NW311\ MACIPXGW.LAN 15923 03-30-93 10:47a \NW40\ MACIPXGW.LAN 17166 03-30-93 10:50a MACIPXGW.MDB 55296 03-30-93 10:29a MACIPXGW.MSG 3255 03-30-93 10:49a Installation Instructions: To install the IPX gateway on the NetWare server or NetWare Multiprotocol Router, copy the file MACIPXGW.LAN to the SYS:SYSTEM directory of the server. Make sure that the SYSTEM directory is in the server's or router's search path. In addition, the MACIPXGW.MSG and MACIPXGW.MDB files provided with the IPX gateway must be copied over to the SYS:SYSTEM directory on NetWare 4.0 servers. These files are *not* required for NetWare 3.x. Please refer to the MACIPXGW.TXT documentation text file (included in this zip file) for further instructions on loading and using the IPX Gateway LAN drivers. Support for the IPX Gateway is available by calling Novell Technical Support at 1-800-NETWARE at a charge of $50 per incident. You can also post questions to NetWire on Compuserve in NOVA Section 5.