This file contains some hints and suggestions to help you get NetPager to run with your MHS installation. The most common message NetPager returns when trying to set it up to work with MHS is "Unable to locate valid MHS installation." This can occur under a number of circumstances. 1. You are not using an MHS version compatible with version 1.15. If this is your case, please upgrade your MHS and try again. 2. The MV environment variable is not set correctly. See your MHS manual for details on how to set this. 3. NetPager cannot determine its username. Try setting the "USR" or "USER" environment variables to the name of the user running NetPager ex. SET USR=PAGER or SET USER=NETPAGER. NetPager *requires* an installation of MHS for this support. However, it can be "tricked" into thinking a valid installation is up and running. To do this, you must create the following directories: \MHS \MHS\MAIL \MHS\MAIL\SND \MHS\MAIL\USERS\PAGER\MHS \MHS\MAIL\PUBLIC Give the NetPager user full access to \MHS. A table file must be created in the \MHS\MAIL\PUBLIC directory with information regarding the MHS system. Unfortunatly, I am unable to provide a means of doing this at present. Future releases of NetPager will (hopefully) contain ways around this. However, if you have an MHS installatio or access to one, you can create this file by temporarily re-configureing that hub and copying the file. 1. Backup all MHS data (or rename the directory) 2. Re-install MHS from scratch 3. Setup MHS in the directory manager to "look" like the hub NetPager will use. 4. Copy \MHS\MAIL\PUBLIC\NETDIR.TAB to the \MHS\MAIL\PUBLIC directory NetPager will use. 5. Reload from backup or reconfigure MHS back to its original format. *** Please note, the above information should only be considered ideas and thoughts. It has not been tested but should work given the way NetPager operates. NetPager will not be able to reply to mail messages since it places new mail in the /MHS/MAIL/SND directory and most mailers cannot read it from there.