From the desk of: Luciano Chavez OS/2 LAN Server Field Support Austin Programming Center Austin, Tx Subject: SMBTRACE.EXE Tool for 1.2 - instructions The SMBTRACE.EXE can only be run on OS/2 workstations/servers. Also, the REQUESTER service must be started in order to run SMBTRACE.EXE. If the SMBTRACE tool will not be run from the drive where it is located, the directory it is located in should be in the PATH or it should be prefixed when running the tool... ex. A:\TOOL\SMBTRACE ? (displays options). The options specified for SMBTRACE.EXE MUST be in lower case. Taking a trace: 1. Open an OS/2 full screen session. 2. If a recreatable problem, it is advisable to only trace the error so if possible follow the steps right before the error and then go to step 3 to trace the error. 3. At the prompt type SMBTRACE -y -t:3 -s:3 -d:512 -v:3 > trace.smb where trace.smb is the name of your trace file. 4. Once you press ³ENTER³, the trace output will be redirected to the trace output file. At this point, the cursor will just be sitting at the far left one line below with no new prompt. 5. Trace the error or the state of system during the problem. 6. Once the problem has been traced, open a second OS/2 full screen session and stop the trace by typing SMBTRACE -k 7. Switch back to the first OS/2 session, it should now have an OS/2 command prompt, this means the trace has been stopped and is in the trace file (trace.smb). regards, Luciano Chavez ************************************************************************ From the desk of: Luciano Chavez OS/2 LAN Server Field Support Austin Programming Center Austin, Tx Subject: SMBTRACE tool for 1.2 instructions... I couldn't find the note that had the instructions but here they are: 1. copy the SMBTRACE.EXE file on to the OS/2 machine you will do the trace from. 2. open an OS/2 full screen session and type: SMBTRACE -y -t:3 -s:3 -d:512 > trace.smb (note the options must be in lowercase. Also if file I/O is involved you may want to use the verbose option and end up with SMBTRACE -y -t:3 -s:3 -d:512 -v:? > trace.smb). (-v:3 will get everything verbose) 3. Press enter and recreate the problem scenario. 4. Once the problem is recreated open another OS/2 full screen session and type SMBTRACE -k this will stop the trace and then have them send you the trace file. Luciano Chavez