Thank You for your interest in Rolodex 3D. After UnZipping ROLODX3D.ZIP The Following Files *MUST* be put in the Windows Directory... qex.ini qevbdbf.vbx ss3d.vbx ss3d2.vbx ss3d3.vbx vbcomm.vbx The *.dbf and *.mdx MUST be in the same directory where the main program file (glrolodx.exe) is located. The easiest approach is to unzip all the files into the Windows Directory. Please refer to ROLODX3D.WRI for further information. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have to make this a better program. Thank You Gene Lucio GLSoftware P.O.Box 11081 Las Vegas, NV 89111-1081 (702) 367-0326