2 February 1994 FormFill 1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This version of FormFill has little practical use outside of NQF. It contains 2 forms: a subscription/renewal coupon, and a form regarding our free sample program. TextView utilizes a DOS shell to bring up FormFill. If there is insufficient memory on your system to have both programs loaded at the same time, FormFill will fail to load. In this event, it may be possible to release additional memory by removing any TSRs, perhaps by remarking them out of the autoexec.bat (REM command). Or access the program directly from the DOS command prompt, as shown below. FormFill is easy to use and can be evoked from the Contents selection of TextView. The DOS prompt syntax is: FORMS form# [filename] (Filename is optional. The subscription coupon is form 1, the free issue address form is form 2.) Be careful when clearing a screen or saving a file. FF will not give warning if a file is about to be over-written. A blank form can be printed out from a clear (no data entered) screen using the print option. A form, completed or not, can also be printed to file. Again, when printing to file, FF will write over an existing file without warning. The lines option from the print window will allow you to print only select lines of the form. A line counter is located on the top bar. The save option saves only the data to a datafile. Generally, a file that is saved is smaller than a file that has been printed to, with form and all. When e-mailing to me, I'd prefer the datafile (.FF) over a file containing a printed form. FormFill supports a Microsoft compatible mouse. Click on any menu item. Scroll by clicking on the top and bottom bars. FormFill 1.1 can be freely circulated. A future version will have multiple record/form capabilities. Feel free to contact me about customizing a version of FormFill for your needs. Michael Cooley Post Office Box 593 Santa Cruz, CA 95061-0593 mikecooley@aol.com nqf@netcom.com