3 February 1994 There is one useful change to TextView (not yet documented in the program): It is now possible to specify hot keys for the Contents window. This is easily done in the .CTS file by adding a forward slash (/), followed by a two digit number at the end of the menu item description. From the Editor/10 ---> no spaces Index/01 ---> proceed all single digit numbers with 0. The 10th and 1st letters will be highlighted ('E','I'). TextView has uses beyond that as an electronic "magazine." For instance, use it as a mini DOS commands manager. Consider this .CTS file: DOS Directory/05 *dir See Memory Usage/05 *mem Remember, an asterisk preceding the command line indicates that what follows is a program, rather than a text file to be viewed. FormFill ~~~~~~~~ FF now fills out fields in the data file with spaces, rather than with nulls. This will be useful for compatibility with other programs, a consideration once I upgrade the program with multiple records and user-defined forms. There is no doc included with FF. Frankly, it doesn't really need it. Perhaps the only point that needs mentioning is that, for mouse users, the top and bottom bars can be clicked on for scrolling. FormFill is still pretty useless outside of NQF. However, it would be a fairly simple matter for me to customize it for your needs. Let me know. Thanks ~~~~~~ About 100 people have been regularly downloading NQF ON DISKETTE from America Online. I do not have the figures for the NGS-BBS, Dephi or GEnie but I do know that people there are also reading it. I am happy that I am able to offer NQF in this way. Undoubtedly, those subscribers that submit queries to NQF benefit from the additional exposure. But I'd like to point out that there is no better time to subscribe, despite the fact that you can download it at no charge (apart from the usual fees that may be paid to your online services). The first 20 words of every subscriber-submitted query are now free -- the first 30 words for queries submitted on diskette (in IBM / ASCII text). I will soon accept queries via email, but have had trouble finding the appropriate software and messaging service. Queries submitted to NQF will be published both in print and on diskette. The magazine is circulated to hundreds of subscribers and to genealogical fairs and conventions around the country. The diskette version goes to the diskette subscribers and is uploaded to the BBS of the National Genealogical Society, America Online, GEnie, Delphi and soon to Roots-L and probably to Compuserve. This variety in distribution makes NQF unique and possibly one of a kind in genealogy and extends its circulation well beyond that of paid subscribers. Additionally, I have temporarily lowered the subscription rate for the diskette version to $25, regardless of the disk format. Click on "Subscription Coupon" from the Contents for details. Please don't misunderstand me. Anyone is welcome to download NQF, subscribers or not. But even so, I'd like to hear from you: - Have you been able to help a queryist? - Have you found useful information? - Have you been able to utilize TextView outside of NQF? (Please read "about TextView" from the menu before responding to that question.) - Do you use QueryScan? - Do you have any suggestions or other comments? I also have a question for current diskette subscribers. -- Do you have a 3-1/4" disk drive? Happy Hunting, Michael Cooley nqf@netcom.com [rev. 4 Feb 1994]