Note from the Editor . . . I had hoped to have been caught up on the backlog resulting from last year's special by now, but it looks like it will be at least issue #40 before things are back to normal. I have done three things to help relieve the backlog. First, I have limited the number of queries in this issue to 3 per person so as to represent a larger number of submitters. (See editor's note in #36 about query selection methods.) As always, remaining queries will appear in successive issues. Secondly, I have minimalized editorial space. And finally, I have set aside several queries that do not meet the word limitations for free queries. (Of course, paid-for queries having extra words are unaffected.) This last point is important. Printing those queries results in the delay of the publication of those from people who have followed the guidelines. For instance, I have set aside 8 queries having a total of 922 words. As a result, I have been able to print at least 18, possibly as many as 25, more queries than I otherwise could, while advancing the cutoff date by about 3 or 4 more days. I have also decided to discontinue sending notices to persons that do not adhere to the word limitation. It is the submitter's obligation to know the guidelines. Founding Subscribers can refer to NQF #2 about their benefits and word limitations or send an SASE requesting a copy of the Founding Subscriber guidelines. (Founding Subscribers have a account number less than 1,000.) Although I am now publishing only six times a year, each issue this year has had about 100 more queries than those of last year. If this keeps up, by the end of the year NQF will have published approximately as many queries as in 1993. But, even tho ugh there is presently a backlog, don't stop sending in your queries! That could result in a dry period and fewer queries per issue later in the year.