Propagrams The Ultimate in 3D Stereogram Generation Another fine Product by Cedar Lake Software Written, Produced, Designed, and Engineered by Matt Witzman & Wayne Pafko (c) 1994 Cedar Lake Software TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 OVERVIEW 2 WARRANTY 2 REGISTRATION 2 GRAPHICS 2 CREATING A PROPAGRAM 2 USER INTERFACE 3 MENU SCREEN 3 File Formats 3 Fields and functions 4 PROPAGRAM DISPLAY 4 REGISTRATION INFORMATION 5 OVERVIEW This software converts an ordinary picture (PCX or RAW format) into a 3D optical illusion called a PROPAGRAM (Propagating Random Dot Stereogram). To view a PROPAGRAM you must focus on a point slightly behind your screen. This is accomplished by staying at least 2-3 feet away, and staring at a reflection in the screen. If at first you cannot see anything, have faith and patience, the image is really there! If you are having trouble, try relaxing your eyes, and remember to focus on a point behind the screen. Many people have to try several times, each effort consisting of several minutes, before they are successful. However, the results are definitely worth the effort, and once your first PROPAGRAM has been successfully viewed, they become quite easy to see! WARRANTY CEDAR LAKE SOFTWARE hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. CEDAR LAKE SOFTWARE will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect, or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if CEDAR LAKE SOFTWARE has been advised of the possibility of such damages. CEDAR LAKE SOFTWARE's liability for any damages shall never exceed the price paid for the license to use this software, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using this software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of this software. REGISTRATION Unregistered copies of PROPAGRAMS are shareware. You may freely distribute unregistered copies as long as all the original files remain intact without modifications. Unregistered copies do not have the capability of displaying PROPAGRAMS in super VGA modes, nor the ability to create PROPAGRAMS with more than one level of depth. The sample images included in this program were created with a registered version of PROPAGRAMS. For information on how to register PROPAGRAMS see the file called `REGISTER.FRM'. GRAPHICS PROPAGRAMS requires a VGA card capable of displaying a resolution of 320 by 200 pixels with 256 colors. Registered versions are also capable of displaying super VGA resolutions. Current modes supported by the registered version are 640x480x256, 800x600x256, and 1024x768x256. These extended modes require a VGA card that complies with the VESA VGA v1.2 standard. If this standard is not built into your card, you must obtain a driver from the manufacturer of your VGA card. CREATING A PROPAGRAM To create the Source file, used to generate a PROPAGRAM, you need a paint program capable of saving files in a 256 color PCX or RAW file format. In the Source file the number of the color from the palette represents the height the pixel will assume in the generated PROPAGRAM. Color zero (0) represents the lowest possible level in the PROPAGRAM. As such, it is recommended that you begin your Source file with a background color of color zero (0), and work your way up using higher colors. It is important to note that the actual RGB values of the color have no effect on the height, only the colors location within the palette is of importance. Actual colors in the final PROPAGRAM will be read from the Palette file, not the Source file. NOTE: The maximum height supported by the PROPAGRAM is equal to one-half the Bandwidth. Also, unregistered versions of PROPAGRAMS only support one depth level besides the background level. NOTE: All data within Bandwidth pixels from the right edge of your image data will be lost in the resulting PROPAGRAM. Therefore, it is important to choose your bandwidth to be large enough to accommodate enough depth levels for your image, yet small enough to avoid losing too much of your image. The increased super VGA resolutions supported in the registered version will allow more depths while minimizing image loss. EXAMPLE: The following screen segment will demonstrate how to create a pyramid emerging from the background. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 USER INTERFACE MENU SCREEN Screen Layout: The left half of the screen contains file entry fields, and program functions. They right half contains all the PCX, RAW, and PAL files in the current directory. Simply use the arrow keys, in conjunction with carriage returns, to select and execute all program options. To select a file from the current directory press when at the end of a file name within a file name entry field (Source File, Palette, or Save As). Once you have moved to the right half of the screen the and keys will switch between columns, and bring you back to the file name entry field. Pressing will select the current file for the field in question. The key will return from the current directory or file entry field, and replace the field with the last valid file name used there. File Formats The following graphics formats are supported for loading and saving images. PCX This graphics format includes both image and palette information and is supported by most graphic manipulation software. When viewing a PCX (View) both the image and palette information are taken from the PCX in the Source File field. However, when generating a PROPAGRAM only image information is read from the PCX in the Source File field, while palette data is read from the file in the Palette field. PCX files may also be used in the Save As field. RAW A RAW file contains uncompressed raw data and no palette information. For a 256 color image each color will be represented as one byte so the size of this file should be the product of the X and Y resolutions (64000, 307200, 480000, or 786432 bytes). A RAW file can only be used in the Source File and Save As fields. PAL This file should be a 768 byte file that contains 256 sets of three bytes, where each of these three bytes corresponds to a red, green, and blue color value. PAL files may only be used in the Palette field. Fields and functions Source File: Contains the file to be converted to a PROPAGRAM (Make Propagram), or viewed directly (View). This file must be in either PCX or RAW format (including appropriate extension). If a file is larger than the current graphics mode, only the upper left-hand portion of the picture will be displayed and translated into a PROPAGRAM (what you see is what you get)! Palette: Contains the file used to generate the palette for the PROPAGRAM (Make Propagram). This file must be either a PCX or PAL format (including appropriate extension). Save As: Contains the destination file name to save a generated PROPAGRAM. A PROPAGRAM can be saved by pressing the key while viewing the PROPAGRAM. The format of the saved file is determined by the file name extension given (PCX or RAW). Bandwidth: The bandwidth determines the distance you must shift the image to be able to see depth. Typically this should correspond to between one and two inches on the screen. The bandwidth also determines the maximum number of distinct depths that can be resolved. Any depth values over half the bandwidth will appear at the same depth. If the bandwidth is increased to accommodate more depth levels the PROPAGRAM may be more difficult to see and more of the image may be lost at the borders. If the bandwidth is to small double shifting may occur. Color Begin & Color End: These are the beginning and end colors from the palette used in the PROPAGRAM. These colors must be between 1 and 254 inclusive. Make Propagram: This option switches to the PROPAGRAM DISPLAY mode, and creates a PROPAGRAM using the currently selected files and options. View: This option will take you to the PROPAGRAM DISPLAY mode, and view the file in the Source File field in the current graphics mode. No PROPAGRAM will be generated. Exit: This option will exit the program. The key will also exit the program. Graphics Mode: The current graphics mode can be changed by using the and the keys or by pressing the function key ( through ) corresponding to the desired mode. If you have a VESA compatible VGA card and do not see super VGA modes listed make sure your VESA driver is loaded. If a video mode is printed in red it means you must register to use that mode. PROPAGRAM DISPLAY While the PROPAGRAM is being created the key will abort generation. The key will save the PROPAGRAM to the file name found in the SAVE AS field. The key will cycle colors. Cycling speed can then be adjusted using the number keys (<1> through <9>). Any other key will exit the PROPAGRAM DISPLAY mode and bring you back to the MAIN MENU. For methods of viewing a PROPAGRAM please see the OVERVIEW. REGISTRATION INFORMATION This program may be registered by sending a check or money order of $25.00 (plus shipping and handling) to: Cedar Lake Software PO BOX 201103 Bloomington, MN, 55420-1103 Note: Please use the registration form (REGISTER.FRM)! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions (or just wanna be friendly) you can contact the authors at: (The following Internet addresses),, or the mailing address above. The latest version of this program may be obtained from The WAREHOUSE BBS at (612) 379-8272.