Fri 12-03-1993 11:57:12 Version 1.0 CREDITCD.COM will check to see if the credit card number you enter is a -VALID- NUMBER. It is a simple program that I made because I am curious about how a computer calculates numbers; especially "CheckSum" numbers. A "CheckSum" is the sum of the number values of a group of characters (sic) or the sum of ALL the characters in a file. CREDITCD.COM performs a CheckSum of the numbers that you enter. Runs a little clever algorithm (which I found on CompuServe) to deduce if the numbers you entered can be a valid number used (apparently) by ALL American credit card companies. CREDITCD.COM is the compiled version of the QuickBASIC program contained in CREDITCD.BAS. It was compiled using Crescent's Software's PDQ program to make it tiny. CREDITCD.BAS is NOT in this file set. If you can't find it on CompuServe, "call" me. I am tired.... Normally at this point I spend the next one- thousand (1,000) words or so doing a stem-winding dissertation on some unrelated topic. But, not today.... So you are on your own this time. I'm even too tired to take a passing slap at the legal profession and the lawyers who will use this little honey of a program and then complain that it doesn't work for credit cards issued in Bangladesh. If you like the program, tell me, if you find an error, tell me; and if you are a lawyer.... well your parents have my most sincere and apoplectic condolences. John De Palma on CompuServe 76076,571