(9035) Sat 14 Aug 93 7:14p By: Olivier Reubens To: Adam Nikic Re: Exe header St: 9044> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @EID:2123 70820127 @MSGID: 2:291/1800.20 71944152 -> Does anyone can send here detailed description of EXE file header -> (for DOS)? Sure thing, it's in a PASCAL record format though, but should be easy to work out. EXEHEADER = RECORD SIGNATURE : WORD; { 'MZ' } MODLENGTH : WORD; { Length of file MOD 512 } DIVLENGTH : WORD; { Length of file DIV 512 + 1 } Relocat : WORD; { Number of relocation Items } HeaderSiz : WORD; { Size of header } MinPARAM : WORD; { Min. paragraphs required } MAXPARAM : WORD; { Max. paragraphs required } StackDisp : WORD; { Displacement of Stack } Init_SP : WORD; { Value for SP after Load } CheckSUM : WORD; { Word checksum } Init_IP : WORD; { Initial value of IP } Init_CS : WORD; { Initial value of CS } DispReloc : WORD; { Displacement of 1st reloc. } OverLayNr : WORD; { Should be 0 for program } END; --- TosScan 1.00 * Origin: 3Gig, USR 16.8K DS, +32-50-620112 (2:291/1800.20) @PATH: 500/1 105/42 334 138/1 13/13 260/1