(7599) Thu 20 May 93 11:25a By: Wilbert van Leijen To: Terry Carmen Re: high memory St: Rcvd <5794 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @MSGID: 2:281/256.14 2bfb6b87 @REPLY: 1:260/338@Fidonet 440ccf51 @PID: GE 1/b8 16 May 93, Terry Carmen writes to All: TC> Does anybody know how to get a memory manager (QEMM, 386MAx, EMM386, etc.) TC> to give the location or size of available high memory blocks? Since these memory managers are also XMS servers, use the XMS interface via INT 2Fh, AH=43h. Here's a snippet of code from a TSR I wrote: ; Check presence of an XMS driver ; (such as HIMEM or QEMM386) XMSCheck: MOV AX, 4300h INT 2Fh CMP AL, 80h JNE NoXMS MOV AL, 10h INT 2Fh MOV Word Ptr [XMSDriver], BX MOV Word Ptr [XMSDriver+2], ES ; Allocate upper memory block to store alternative font in MOV AH, 10h MOV DX, 4096 / 16 CALL [XMSDriver] OR AL, AL JZ NoXMS XOR AX, AX MOV Word Ptr [NewORG+AltFontPtr], AX MOV Word Ptr [NewORG+AltFontPtr+2], BX CLD ; Copy alternative font into the UMB MOV SI, Offset NewORG+AltFont MOV ES, BX XOR DI, DI MOV CX, 4096 / 2 REP MOVSW MOV [FontUpper], 1 JMP Short Activate NoXMS: Wilbert --- GEcho 1.00/beta * Origin: Charge of the Light Bregade (2:281/256.14) @PATH: 281/256 1 280/0 28/777 500/1 105/42 334 138/112 13/13 260/1