This package is a fix for some common PWB problems. Specifically applicable to PWB 2.1.49 (included with C7, MASM 6.1, and MASM 6.11). Files included are: PWBFIX.TXT - this file MI33.COM/ASM - not so much a fix, but a convenience CLNPWB.EXE/BAS - fixes PWB problem with Library template The big problem with PWB when using the Library template is that one part of the template is needed during the initial dependencies test, but then that same part causes PWB to fail to recognize the makefile as a PWB makefile. The Library template uses this line (one line, split here): build: release command lrf_lib "$(LRF) @<<$(PROJ).lrf\n-+$ (?: = &^\n-+)\n$(LIBFLAGS_G)\n$(LIBFLAGS_R);\n<<\n#$(OBJS)" The <<\n#$(OBJS) is what causes the problem in the resultant makefile. It cannot be removed from this template because doing so causes PWB to not be able to identify any of the modules to be included into the project (from the Edit Project dialog). However, what can be done is the actual makefile can be altered so that the #$(OBJS) is not included (or actually, simply removed by overwriting with spaces). The above template generates the following in the projects makefile (*.MAK): OPL\O\$(PROJ).lib : $(OBJS) !IF $(DEBUG) $(LRF) @<