*:***********************************************************************:* *: :* *: Program: ACDISP.EXE or ACDISP.FXP :* *: Version: 2.5 :* *: :* *: Author: George Allen :* *: Phone: (403) 450-4107 :* *: CompuServe ID: 71533,42 :* *: Copyright (c) 1994, George Allen :* *: :* *: Programming language: Microsoft FoxPro 2.5b Dos :* *: Last modified: 02/13/94 :* *: Windows defined: boxx, disps, look50, acpass, rvwin :* *: :* *:***********************************************************************:* Use this program file to display reports created by FoxPro report writer or any text file. The displayed report will fill the screen except for the first two lines where you can put your own heading. You can also leave these lines blank if you setup your heading before running ACDISP. This program is free. Go to page 4 for information on how to get source codes. Syntax: From the Command window or within a program: DO acdisp [WITH [, [, [, ; [, [, [, ]]]]]]] Example DO acdisp WITH "REPORT.TXT" or =acdisp("REPORT.TXT") If the FoxPro 2.5 runtime files are in the current directory or on the path you can run ACDISP.EXE form the dos prompt as follows: ACDISP REPORT.TXT (or FOXR ACDISP REPORT.TXT if you only have ACDISP.FXP) The name of the text file to be displayed. The default file is "ACREPORT."+_USER. If the memory variable "_USER" does not exist the default file will be "ACREPORT.TXT" A logic .T. here will force ACDISP to create its tempory working file (used to display the report) as a memory variable rather than a cursor. A cursor will be created if memory is limited. First line of the heading used when viewer is active. Leave empty or .F. for no heading. Second line of the heading used when viewer is active. Leave empty or .F. for no heading. A logic .T. here will cause ACDISP to bypass its viewer and display the file using standard FoxPro command MODIFY FILE NOEDIT WINDOW A logic .T. here will cause ACDISP to NOT use extended display mode. Reports will be displayed using normal 25 line display mode. A logic .T. here will cause the arrow keys to behave just like the Ctrl+Arrow keys. Up/Down move a screen at a time rather than just a line. Left/Right move across 5 characters rather than one. Page 2 ACDISP gives you the flexibility to display reports created by different users. If no report is specified and the memory variable "_USER" has been defined ACDISP will look for a file called "ACREPORT."+_USER. You may choose to specify your own user specific name by entering the command as follows: =acdisp("REPORT."+_USER) If you do not specify a report to display and the memory variable "_USER" does not exist ACDISP will look for a file called "ACREPORT.TXT" (this file). Once the report has been displayed you can use the hot keys listed at the bottom of the screen to move through your report. The up and down arrow keys will move between screens if the page length exceeds the length displayed on screen. The left and right arrow keys will scroll reports from side to side if the report is wider than the screen. Use the PgUp and PgDn keys to move between pages in the report. To move to a specific page in the report press "G" and enter the page number. Press Escape to terminate report display. ACDISP will next allow you to print this report. You may print all pages or a range of pages. ACDISP uses the standard page end character CHR(12) to determine the end of a page. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· Page 3 º Memory or write to Drive º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ ACDISP creates a cursor (a tempory DBF) that stores its temporary display file. If you would prefer ACDISP store its temporary file as a memory variable then add a second parameter ".T." to the command line as follows: DO acdisp WITH "REPORT.TXT", .T. Using a cursor is faster in most memory situations. If you choose to use the memory variable option and your report is too large to fit in memory then ACDISP will create a cursor instead. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Page Limit - Display Report º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ The size of the report that can be displayed will depend on your available disk space and available memory (RAM). Very long reports can take awhile to generate screen display. If there is not enough free resources to display a large file then ACDISP will display the report using the standard FoxPro command MODIFY FILE NOEDIT WINDOW . ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Printer Driver Setup º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ ACDISP will display any text file and can be used anywhere you normally use the command "MODIFY FILE NOMODIFY". See ACREPORT.TXT for instructions. As with the FoxPro command "MODI FILE" you must disable any Printer Driver Setup before generating the text file to be displayed. Your codes may look something like this: _PDSAVE = _PDSETUP IF !EMPTY(_PDSETUP) SET PDSETUP TO ENDIF REPORT FORM TO FILE DO acdisp WITH IF _pdsetup # _pdsave set pdsetup to _pdsave ENDIF ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º IMPORTANT º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ If a character variable called _PDSAVE exists ACDISP will reset PDSETUP to _PDSAVE when it terminates. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· Page 4 º Registration º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Please register your copy of ACDISP. ACDISP.FXP is free. You only need to register if you find this program useful and would like the full source codes. Send registration fee of US$15 or CAN$19 to: George Allen G. Allen Ent. 67 Grand Meadow Cres. Edmonton, AB. Canada T6L 1A3 Tel: (403) 450-4107 Fax: (403) 450-3266 CompuServe 71533,42