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Some of the material used comes from scanning CLIPPER echoes which are carried in various BBS throughout the World. These Echoes are very often the source of the most often asked Questions and Answers about Clipper. Other material, which is fully signed or abbreviated is the copyright of the appropriate persons. The publisher is not responsible for other authors submissions.... Published material is not necessarily the opinion of the publisher. Redaction: Publisher...................................Daniel Docekal Chief editor ...............................Daniel Docekal Language editor .................................Dave Wall Table of Contents 1. ARTICLES ............................................................. 1 DOSRCS - Revision Control System - part (6) .......................... 1 The Programmer's Guide to CLIPPER Linkers - part (5) ................. 9 2. ANOMALIES ............................................................ 14 ANOMALIES reports and commets ........................................ 14 Memory(n) function ................................................... 14 MENU functions incompatibility ....................................... 14 RTLINK is not possible to stop ....................................... 15 3. CLIPPER NET .......................................................... 16 Index of described files in Clipper BBS Magazine ..................... 16 ClipperNet - CALC14.ARJ .............................................. 16 ClipperNet - DOC111.ARJ .............................................. 17 ClipperNet - JG2.ARJ ................................................. 18 ClipperNet - LUTLIB.ARJ .............................................. 18 4. CLIPBBS .............................................................. 20 CLIPBBS distribution ................................................. 20 CLIPBBS, how to write an article!!! .................................. 21 - - - - - CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 1 15 Oct 1991 ============================================================================= ARTICLES ============================================================================= DOSRCS - Revision Control System - part (6) __________________________ Identify files - IDENT.EXE ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ IDENT.EXE is small one purpose utility for DOSRCS system. It's searching named files for all occurrences of the pattern $keyword: .... $ where keyword is one from keywords defined in article about CO (Check Out). This command has only one option "-q" which is suppressing warning given if there are no pattern in a file. IDENT works on text files as well as object files, therefore can be used for identifying if files are made with support of RCS or not. Just use this like this: IDENT -q *.PRG or IDENT -q *.OBJ ________________________ RCSDIFF - DIFF interface ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ RCSDIFF.EXE is used for comparing RCS revision. Normally it's used INTERNALLY in CheckIn (CI) program and user cannot see this using. But sometime can be good to know how to use this utility. But one must be warned before. RCSDIFF needs for work file DIFF.EXE which is also coming with DOSRCS package. ______ SYNTAX RCSDIFF [ -biwt ] [ -cefhn ] [ -q ] [ -rrev1 ] [ -rrev2 ] file ... Options -b, -i, -w, -t, -c, -e, -f and -h are the same as options described in documentation about DIFF.EXE and i will try to explain them there if i will find docs about DIFF.EXE because they are not part of DOSRCS. -n RCSDIFF generates edit script of the format used by RCS systems. -q Supresses diagnostic output. CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 2 15 Oct 1991 -rrev1 and -rrev2 If both rev1 and rev2 are omitted, rcsdiff compares latest revision on the default branch (normally highest branch on the trunk) with te contents of the corresponding working file. This is useful for determining what you changes since the last CheckIn. If rev1 is given, rev2 is omitted, RCSDIFF compares revision rev1 of the RCS file with the contents of the corresponding working file. If both rev1 and rev2 are given, RCSDIFF compares revisions rev1 and rev2 of the RCS file. _______________________________ RLOG.EXE - Log messages utility ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ RLOG.EXE is another utility used for getting direct informations from RCS files. ______ SYNTAX RLOG [ options ] file ... Rlog prints the following information for each RCS file: RCS file name, working file name, head (i.e., the number of the latest revision on the trunk), default branch, access list, locks, symbolic names, suffix, total number of revisions, number of revisions selected for printing, and descriptive text. This is followed by entries for the selected revisions in reverse chronological order for each branch. For each revision, rlog prints revision number, author, date/time, state, number of lines added/deleted (with respect to the previous revision), locker of the revision (if any), and log message. Without options, rlog prints complete information. The options below restrict this output. _______ OPTIONS -L ignores RCS files that have no locks set; convenient in combination with -R, -h, or -l. -R only prints the name of the RCS file; convenient for translating a working file name into an RCS file name. -h prints only RCS file name, working file name, head, default CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 3 15 Oct 1991 branch, access list, locks, symbolic names, and suffix. -t prints the same as -h, plus the descriptive text. -b prints information about the revisions on the default branch (normally the highest branch on the trunk). -ddates prints information about revisions with a checkin date/time in the ranges given by the semicolon- separated list of dates. A range of the form d1d1 selects the revisions that were deposited between d1 and d2, (inclusive). A range of the form selects all revisions dated d or earlier. A range of the form d< or >d selects all revisions dated d or later. A range of the form d selects the single, latest revision dated d or earlier. The date/time strings d, d1, and d2 are in the free format explained in co(1L). Quoting is normally necessary, especially for < and >. Note that the separator is a semicolon. -l[lockers] prints information about locked revisions. If the comma-separated list lockers of login names is given, only the revisions locked by the given login names are printed. If the list is omitted, all locked revisions are printed. -rrevisions prints information about revisions given in the comma-separated list revisions of revisions and ranges. A range rev1-rev2 means revisions rev1 to rev2 on the same branch, -rev means revisions from the beginning of the branch up to and including rev, and rev- means revisions starting with rev to the end of the branch containing rev. An argument that is a branch means all revisions on that branch. A range of branches means all revisions on the branches in that range. -sstates prints information about revisions whose state attributes match one of the states given in the comma-separated list states. -w[logins] prints information about revisions checked in by users with login names appearing in the comma- separated list logins. If logins is omitted, the user's login is assumed. CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 4 15 Oct 1991 Rlog prints the intersection of the revisions selected with the options -d, -l, -s, -w, intersected with the union of the revisions selected by -b and -r. _________________________________ DIFF.EXE - difference GNU utility ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Unfortunately, DIFF.EXE documentation was not a part of DOSRCS package, therefore i will try to describe a bit this utility from my own discovering. If i will later find correct documentation from GNU, i will write new article only about DIFF.EXE Syntax DIFF [-options] file1 file2 DIFF is comparing TWO files named and and generatinf several kind of outputs about differences between this two files. Originally, DIFF belongs to UNIX and therefore outputs are fitting for some other utilities from UNIX. Best will be, try to explain work of DIFF on example file(s): FILE1 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ This is example text file called FILE1 ³ ³ It will be used for DIFF.EXE checking ³ ³ ³ ³ Line3 was empty, Line4 is here ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ FILE2 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ This is example text file called FILE2 ³ ³ It will be used for DIFF.EXE checking ³ ³ Line3 is here,but Line4 is empty ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ WITHOUT any options is result of comparation like this: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ 1,2c1,3 ³ ³ < This is example text file called FILE1 ³ ³ < It will be used for DIFF.EXE checking ³ ³ --- ³ ³ > This is example text file called FILE2 ³ ³ > It will be used for DIFF.EXE checking ³ ³ > Line3 is here,but Line4 is empty ³ ³ 4d4 ³ ³ < Line3 was empty, Line4 is here ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ It's special format telling about changes between file1 -> file2. Notation like "4d4" or "1,2c1,3" are telling about copying, changing or deleting lines between files. CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 5 15 Oct 1991 OPTIONS -a All compared files are TEXT files, never trying to get them as BINARY files. DIFF.EXE is able of course to compare also binaries. -q All compared files are BINARY files. It's opposite switch from "-a" switch. -b Ignore changes in amount of whitespace. In our two examples if FILE2 different in two more more spaces on SECOND line. When used "-b" switch , result is: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ 1c1 ³ ³ < This is example text file called FILE1 ³ ³ --- ³ ³ > This is example text file called FILE2 ³ ³ 2a3 ³ ³ > Line3 is here,but Line4 is empty ³ ³ 4d4 ³ ³ < Line3 was empty, Line4 is here ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Really is here a difference, that SECOND line is not treated as change, because it has only change in spaces. -B Ignore changes affecting only blank lines. It means, every changes with adding or deleting BLANK lines are ignored, it will work of course only for TEXT files. -c Make context-style output. Example is: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ *** file1 Sun Sep 15 12:42:14 1991 ³ ³ --- file2 Sun Sep 15 16:21:24 1991 ³ ³ *************** ³ ³ *** 1,4 **** ³ ³ ! This is example text file called FILE1 ³ ³ ! It will be used for DIFF.EXE checking ³ ³ ³ ³ - Line3 was empty, Line4 is here ³ ³ --- 1,4 ---- ³ ³ ! This is example text file called FILE2 ³ ³ ! It will be used for DIFF.EXE checking ³ ³ ! Line3 is here,but Line4 is empty ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Just another kind of output from DIFF program. Is giving information which is probably better for print human CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 6 15 Oct 1991 readable output. -C n Make context-style output and show name of last C function. Define context size to be n lines. -d Don't discard lines. This can be used for MINIMAL set of changes, it's of course much slower than normal way, but can give more accurate result. -D Make merged #ifdef output. Without complete documentation, i was not able to make this working at all. Therefore, i will search around for complete documentation. -e Make output that is a valid "ed" script. Example: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ 4d ³ ³ 1,2c ³ ³ This is example text file called FILE2 ³ ³ It will be used for DIFF.EXE checking ³ ³ Line3 is here,but Line4 is empty ³ ³ . ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Above script is useful for running "ed" (unix editor) on FILE1 and it will make from FILE1 new FILE2. -f Make output that look like "ed" script but changes are in order of appereance in the file. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ c1 2 ³ ³ This is example text file called FILE2 ³ ³ It will be used for DIFF.EXE checking ³ ³ Line3 is here,but Line4 is empty ³ ³ . ³ ³ d4 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Compare it with above generated script and one can see difference which is really in order of commands. -F regular_expression Show, for each set of changes, the previsou line that matches then specified regexp. Currectly affects only context-style output. -h CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 7 15 Oct 1991 Splits the files into chunks of around 1500 lines for faster processing. It's not changing result mostly, but it's faster. -H Use heuristic. Who now what is this doing... -i Ignore changes in case. With this switch, never mind if there were changes in upper or lower form of text. It's still the same. -I reg_expression Ignore changes affecting only lines that match the specified regular expression. Because of not having original documentation, really cannot make explanation what regular expression is. -l Pass the output through "PR" to paginate it. In UNIX environment it has probably effect, because PR is utility for formating text, but in DOS it's doing nothing. -n Output is in RCS-style diffs. Example: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ d1 2 ³ ³ a2 3 ³ ³ This is example text file called FILE2 ³ ³ It will be used for DIFF.EXE checking ³ ³ Line3 is here,but Line4 is empty ³ ³ d4 1 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ DOSRCS is then using this 'script' for recoring informations about all changes made between versions. -N When comparing directories, if a file appears only in one directory, treat is as present but empty in the other. DIFF is also able to compare directories if they have the same contents and also ALL files within directories if they have the same name. For comparing and generating diff script of files in directories is usual to guess, that files which aren't exist are as empty files. For comparing directory is needed to use DIFF dirname dirname -p CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 8 15 Oct 1991 Make context-style output and show name of last C funtion.' -r When comparing directories, recursively compare subdir's found. -s Print a message if the files are the same. -S filename When comparing directories, start with the specified file name. This is used for resuming an aborted comparison. -t Expand tabs to spaces in the output so tat it preserves the alignment of the input files. -T Use a tab in the output rather than a space, before the text of an input line, so as to keep the proper alignment in the input line without changing the characters in it. -v Print version number -w Ignore horizontal whitespace when comparing lines. See you later... .DD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 9 15 Oct 1991 The Programmer's Guide to CLIPPER Linkers - part (5) = MEMORY-PACKING = BLINKER, WARPLINK and dCLIP provide an "automatically-called" and "user-callable" function which helps to prevent the common memory fragmentation caused by Clipper applications. Some of the fragmentation is actually caused by the linkers themselves because "dynamic-linking" creates unresolved symbols at runtime. These symbols are placed in the Clipper free-pool or "heap" at the most prudent location determined by the Clipper memory management system. Once a symbol has been created, it will occupy the same memory space forever, therefore it is desirable that the symbols all be placed in adjacent memory locations rather than "fragmenting" the free pool. "Memory packing" is a technique developed by Steve Steiner and was introduced in his product SMARTMEM. This is a very simple process in which unneccesary memory control boundaries are removed thereby giving the Clipper application a large contiguous block of memory to work with rather many small blocks placed end to end. BLINKER calls its memory pack routine at user-definable intervals each time an overlay is loaded. For example, the command BLINKER MEMORY PACK 10 will insure that memory is packed every tenth time an overlay is loaded. BLINKER's overlay pool may also be "flushed" by calling a function before packing memory to insure that fragmented code segments are also removed thereby providing the best possible de-fragmentation. dCLIP calls its memory-pack function "every" time a module is loaded into memory, whereas WARPLINK uses a similar technique as BLINKER. dCLIP and WARPLINK do not need to "flush" their overlay pools to prevent main heap fragmentation because they allocate a separate memory area and will only "flush" their overlay pools when they cannot find sufficient space to load a new module. Clipper-5.0 does not need third-party memory-packing routines because a new "garbage-collection" system has been implemented in their new Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) system to correct memory fragmentation. = MEMORY ALLOCATION = Some linkers provide for complete control of memory allocation to help the programmer manage the runtime environment of the application. PLINK86, RTLINK and BLINKER support a STACK command for allocating the amount of memory reserved as the call stack. This is necessary in sophisticated applications which use windowing schemes and nest calls many levels deep. These linkers also support a MEMORY command which will define the heap memory to allocate to the application in addition to the .EXE load module. If this command is not used, then Clipper grabs all the free dos memory. This command is useful to insure that Clipper uses CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 10 15 Oct 1991 only the memory you want it to use. This memory control can also be accomplished with the SET CLIPPER= in your dos environment, but burning it into the .EXE can some- times be more useful. BLINKER provides a very useful feature for burning the SET CLIPPER environment into the .EXEcutable program including the files parameter. For example, the command - BLINKER EXECUTABLE CLIPPER V10;R32;F39 will eliminate the need to use this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. BLINKER, dCLIP and WARPLINK also provide control of the overlay pool size to optimize the object memory allocation. dCLIP follows the same guidelines as any Clipper application and allocates memory from the SET CLIPPER environment variable. dCLIP also incorporates a "virtual-memory" technique to allow calls to other .EXEcutable programs which are larger than the available memory. This "virtual-memory" is any disk device, expanded memory, or a network server. Memory is released from the application and saved as a temporary file, then reallocated to dos as new free memory for calling the other program. After returning from the called program, the original memory condition is restored from the temporary file. Clipper-5.0 uses a virtual-memory (VMM) system for allocating memory space outside the main DOS memory for memory that is needed by the application. This should not be confused with "virtual-overlaying" because the Clipper-5.0 virtual memory manager DOES NOT handle executable code segments. Executable code is managed through the caching system provided by the RTLINK overlay manager, while Clipper memvars, arrays, and database buffers can use up to 64MB of disk space or 8MB of LIM 3.2 expanded memory as "virtual memory" in the event that the Clipper application requires more memory than DOS can provide. The great advantage of this system is that you will never run out of memory, however there is a performance trade off while the virtual memory system swaps to and from disk. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Linking Tips for Productivity ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ When using a compiler language such as Clipper, there is no way to eliminate the EDIT-COMPILE-LINK cycle. This is a necessary to produce machine-readable code. There are a variety of new linking techniques, however, which reduce this cumbersome task to an acceptable, manageable process. In order to understand how to choose a linker for productivity and project management, we must first examine the methods in which linkers accomplish this task. They are as follows: 1. Pre-linked Libraries 2. Dynamic Linking CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 11 15 Oct 1991 3. Incremental Linking 4. Speed-Linking 5. Library-Module Linking 6. Debugging PRE-LINKED LIBRARIES NOLINK introduced the concept of pre-linked libraries to the Clipper community about 3 years ago. Shortly after that, RTLINK introduced their .PLL (prelink-library) system for all languages. Pre-linked libraries are files which are built from object and libraries into and .EXEcutable format. The only step remaining is the "fixing-up" of any references made by the code in the pre-linked library to those in the rest of the application. Unlike an .EXEcutable program, a pre-linked library cannot be run from dos, but instead is used in conjunction with another .EXEcutable program. RTLINK developed their .PLL (prelinked-library) system with the intent of saving disk-space for applications which use common routines. For example, every Summer 87 Clipper application links in about 150k of code from the CLIPPER.LIB library into the .EXE program. If you have 10 Clipper .EXE programs, then this code redundancy will use up 1.5megs of disk space. RTLINK allows you to build a .PLL file which pre-links this "common" code. The .PLL file is then referenced when you create the .EXE program with all the "unique" code. When you run your .EXE program the pre-linked .PLL file will be "fixed-up" to the rest of your application code each time you startup your program. Clipper-5.0 includes a BASE50.LNK file to create a BASE50.PLL file which contains about 277k of code from the Clipper libraries which is common to most Clipper applications. When creating applications with RTLINK/CLIPPER-5.0 the command /PLL:BASE50 can be inserted into your .LNK response file, thereby telling RTLINK to use the BASE50.PLL file with with .EXE file containing the custom application code. You must be sure to distribute the BASE50.PLL file with your application. The disadvantage to .PLL files, however, is that they cannot contain overlays, so this technique will not allow the overlaying of the Clipper library modules as demonstrated in the "RELOADABLE OVERLAYS" section of this document. NOLINK, dCLIP, and dCLIPRUN use pre-link libraries for a dual purpose - disk management and memory management. These linkers provide linking from .DLB files (dynamic-libraries) at "runtime" whereas RTLINK's .PLL system is simply a "load-time" linker. Linkers which use "true-dynamic" pre-link libraries will only link code into memory if it is called by the application that is running. These systems will also "manage" the object pool to use a small amount of memory space for large applications. CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 12 15 Oct 1991 DYNAMIC-LINKING Dynamic-linking is also covered under the "Memory Management" section because of its inherent memory-management capabilities. Dynamic-linking is probably more useful however in its ability to provide a "turbo-style" development system. All other linkers require that you QUIT the program being executed to make changes to ANY part of the code. Even the smallest change, such as adding a "CLEAR" to clear the screen will require that you (1) Quit to dos, (2) Edit your code, (3) Compile the code, (4) Link the code and (5) Restart the application. The NOLINK dynamic-linker eliminates step (4), the Link cycle, because it links code into memory from your .OBJect files. For most Clipper developers, just saving the Link step will double the programmer's productivity if he/she is using a slow linker like ALINK, PLINK86 or RTLINK. The dCLIP development platform takes the "dynamic-link" concept two steps further and also eliminates step (1) and step (5) of the EDIT-COMPILE-LINK cycle. For many applications this is also a great time savings because sometimes it takes a lot of time to "restart" an application and get back into the desired sub-menu to test the changes. Some sophisticated application development tools such as ARTFUL.LIB must open as many as 25 files, build arrays, set relations, etc. before you can even get into the desired menu. dCLIP helps during development of these larger application systems by allowing the programmer to (1) suspend execution of the program, (2) Call his/her editor, (3) recompiles the changes, (4) automatically de-links the old code and re-links the new codes into memory, (5) return to the program. This process does not in any way change the program "environment", only the executable portion of the code, thereby saving even more time in getting back to the desired menu to test the changes. dCLIP does have a limitation when being used in this manner. Let's say that procedure A calls procedure B. The programmer hits the ALT-D hotkey while running procedure B to get to the interactive dot prompt, then calls his editor and changes something in procedure B. dCLIP will allow the editing and recompiling of the changes, however the procedure B code cannot be replaced in memory until the application returns back to procedure A and then comes back into B. It is suggested that if a change needs to be made to a procedure on the fly like this, that the programmer go back one menu in the program before hitting the ALT-D hot key. INCREMENTAL-LINKING Incremental Linking is a process in which only the code which is changed is linked into the new .EXEcutable program. RTLINK, NOLINK, dCLIP and dCLIPRUN all support incremental linking however, each uses a different concept. CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 13 15 Oct 1991 RTLINK's and BLINKER's concept of incremental linking is to create an information file which is generated containing a list of each module in the program along with a checksum and time stamp. It is with the use of this file that the linker is able to tell what has changed in the program. This technique has the disadvantage of causing the .EXEcutable program to grow larger than usual because of wasted space in the output file which is needed to allow for the growth of modules. A certain amount of extra space (25% is the default) is needed. This is not really a problem because incremental linking is usually done during the development cycle. The final product can be linked with NOINCREMENTAL to disable the feature and bring the .EXE back down to normal size. I tried using this RTLINK feature in several of my applications, but noticed no appreciable time-saving due to the disk overhead involved in comparing linked objects to the data in the information file. Maybe on smaller applications this is more effective. BLINKER introduced this feature in version 1.3 and is a much more effective method of incremental linking than either RTLINK's or WARPLINK's incremental linking. NOLINK's incremental linking system must work differently since linking is normally done "on the fly" and is always activated. When running an application under NOLINK and using dynamic- libraries, each time a module is called and needs to be linked into memory, the date and time of the module in the dynamic library is checked against the date and time of the .OBJ file on the disk. If there is NO .OBJ file, then the module from the library is linked, if there is an .OBJ file with a later date and time then it is linked instead of the module in the library. dCLIP's incremental linking system uses essentially the same technique as NOLINK, except the DCLIP.SYS file allows the programmer to define the location of the .OBJect files so they may exist on another drive in another directory or on the network server. This makes project management simpler. dCLIP also allows the programmer to put a memory variable in the start of his/her program to disable the incremental link system, eliminating the constant disk access and date/time comparisions and link only from the libraries thereby improving the speed of operation. This feature is usually implemented when using dCLIPRUN rather than dCLIP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 14 15 Oct 1991 ============================================================================= ANOMALIES ============================================================================= ANOMALIES and their comments This part of Clipper BBS Magazine is dedicated to all discovered anomalies and comments about them in Clipper products. Because Nantucket is still unable to give own bug and anomalies reports (as actually did in past with Summer 87 version) is very handy to have results of many investigations done on many user places. I'm also doing my own investigatings, because i'm always very good when someting has hidden problems. Everything what i buy will first show all problems and then all normal things. This amazing part of my live is sometime making me crazy, but for testing of programs it's great . Daniel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memory(n) function Never take a care of value returned by Memory() function. When there is 30KB reported by Memory(1), then Memory(3) (run space) can report this number: -1 (probably -1 as result of calculating) 768 just perfect, i have 640KB of memory in computer and RUN space is 768KB free .DD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU functions incompatibility One nice surprise i had after running our applications. I made a own menuying system which was using FACT that cursor is staying just immediately AFTER selected menu line. This one WAS true in Clipper 5.0 and this one IS NOT true in 5.01 I don't understand why 5.01 is putting cursor on place of SET MESSAGE (never mind if there is MESSAGE or not) and not logically to place after selected menu line. Then if your menu system is acting strange and you are getting sure that MENU TO is still working the same, change your mind - it's different. .DD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 15 15 Oct 1991 RTLINK is not possible to stop.... Another stupidity of RTLINK which is making me really angry is fact, that one still cannot press Ctrl Break for stop linking somewhere in middle of linking. One MUST wait till RTLINK will display something to screen (and this can be after 10 or 15 minutes from moment when one pressed Ctrl Break). Only at moment of displaying will DOS see your Ctrl Break. RTLINK will NEVER look for this key. Solving of this stupid fact is only one. Use /VERBOSE:2 switch for your Rtlink and then there will be continuous flow of text on screen and RTLINK will stop when you will need it. Another suggested solution coming from Nantucket (use BREAK ON in your CONFIG.SYS) is not working with many versions of DOS, therefore we can forget about this. .DD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 16 15 Oct 1991 ============================================================================= CLIPPER NET ============================================================================= Following is COMPLETE list of all published file descriptions in Clipper BBS magazine in previous numbers. Purpose of this index list is to allow anybody find needed file descriptions in growing number of described files. Short description after name will give first possible close image about file. Number enclosed in "[]" will mean number of Clipper BBS magazine. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³FileName ³Src ³Description ³Where ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ACCESS.ARJ ³Cln ³Source of speed testing program ³[1-06]³ ³ACH2TB.ARJ ³Cln ³Convert ACHOICE to TBROWSE ³[1-05]³ ³ACHOO2.ARJ ³Cln ³Replacement of ACHOICE with GET possibilites ³[1-06]³ ³ADHOC302.ARJ ³Cln ³Summer 87 inteligent report program ³[1-04]³ ³CL5103.ARJ ³Cln ³Report of 5.01 anomaly number 3 ³[1-04]³ ³CL5REP6.ARJ ³Cln ³5.01 replacement of REPORT command ³[1-04]³ ³CLIP110.ARJ ³Cln ³Clipper Documentor program ³[1-05]³ ³CLIPLINK.ARJ ³Cbs ³Complete text of R.Donnay about linkers ³[1-04]³ ³CLIPSQL.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of complete SQL library for CLipper ³[1-05]³ ³CLPFON.ARJ ³Cln ³Set of fonts for EXPAND.LIB from author ³[1-03]³ ³COND.ARJ ³Cln ³Builder of conditional indexes like SUBNTX ³[1-03]³ ³DBSCN2.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen designer generator ³[1-05]³ ³HGLASS.ZIP ³Cln ³Hour glass for indication of index progression ³[1-04]³ ³INDXSL.ARJ ³Cln ³User Fields selection builder for index generate³[1-03]³ ³IOBASYS9.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of S87 library and calling Clipper from C ³[1-03]³ ³MK30.ARJ ³Cln ³Mouse library demo version ³[1-03]³ ³MOVEGETS.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for moving between gets via VALID ³[1-03]³ ³NFDESC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library description list ³[1-06]³ ³NFLIB2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library main file ³[1-06]³ ³NFSRC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library Source files ³[1-06]³ ³NOTATION.ARJ ³Cln ³Complete text of article about hungarian notat. ³[1-04]³ ³PACKUP.ARJ ³Cln ³ASM source of PACK/UNPACK replacement SCRSAVE.. ³[1-04]³ ³POPUPCAL.ARJ ³Cln ³Popup calender ³[1-05]³ ³READPW.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for password invisible reader ³[1-03]³ ³SCRSAVE.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen AntiBurning utility (inactivity snake) ³[1-05]³ ³SOUND.ARJ ³Cln ³Multiple TONE() used as one SOUND function ³[1-06]³ ³SYMBOL.ARJ ³Cln ³Dumper of symbol tables of Summer87 .EXE ³[1-03]³ ³TBWHL4.ARJ ³Cln ³WHILE browsing using TBROWSE, well commented ³[1-06]³ ³VSIX711.ARJ ³Cln ³Vernon Six Clipper utilities and library ³[1-05]³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Src can be: Cln File is accesible on ClipperNet Cbs File is accesible in HQ BBS of CLipper BBS Magazine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClipperNet - CALC14.ARJ CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 17 15 Oct 1991 File Name: CALC14.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 23,106 bytes File Contents: CALC.TXT 20491 CALC.OBJ 11831 CALCEASY.PRG 346 CALCHARD.PRG 3058 REGISTER.DOC 2020 CALCEASY.RMK 240 CALCHARD.RMK 240 READ.ME 2583 CALC.NG 16966 "PopUp" calculator in .OBJ form with good facilities of classical pop-up calculators, including tape, nesting of expressions and pasting value back to edited GET. Good examples also included. It's a DEMO version with (c) screen. Working version without (c) screen available only after paying. In time of existency NANFOR.LIB it seems like anachronism to ask for single function registration.... .DD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClipperNet - DOC111.ARJ File Name: DOC111.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 57,121 bytes File Contents: DOC.EXE 111616 DOCUMENT.DOC 28519 CLIPPER5.KEY 1639 READ.ME 771 Newer version of Clipper documentor program. DOC110 was described early before as far as i can remember. Sorry for delay :-) i was trying it to run now on 1500 lines of code. It was 11 minutes of painfull waiting... Some comments: 1) it's very, very slow... (AT286 only) 2) making of tree diagrams failing of course on #ifdef like this: #ifdef TYPE1 if nValue<1 #endif #ifdef TYPE2 if cValue<"a" #endif CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 18 15 Oct 1991 ,,,,action,,,, endif 3) trying to become intelligent in case of passing parameters and returning values is resulting in some strange commenting comments in program.... 4) lengths of inputs for names and paths are TOO short for reality and too long for displaying in program itself... Finally. It has lot of things to do to become small equivalent of SNAP or FOXDOC... .DD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClipperNet - JG2.ARJ File Name: JG2.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 4,550 bytes File Contents: JG2.PRG 9242 JUMP2GET.CH 2545 Demonstration of capabilities of GET system: o Enter a READ at *ANY* GET in the 'getlist'; o Jump to any other GET in the getlist from a GET's postblock; o Jump to any other GET based on user input of either the ordinal position of the GET in the getlist, or, the GET's name. This one is not requiring ANY changes of GET system in Clipper! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClipperNet - LUTLIB.ARJ File Name: LUTLIB.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 10,598 bytes File Contents: LUTLIB.LIB 19003 LUTLIB.DOC 9984 Yet Another Clipper Library (YACL) with Shareware idea of distributing. Functions for: Menuing Conversion number to string of words Global string replace Selection menu CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 19 15 Oct 1991 Appends from open working area .DD> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 20 15 Oct 1991 ============================================================================= CLIPBBS ============================================================================= CLIPBBS Distribution CLIPBBS is special magazine about CLIPPER and CLIPPERing (or about another related problems and xBASE languages). This magazine is for free and articles aren't honored. Nobody can make a profit from the distribution of this magazine. CLIPBBS can be freely downloaded and uploaded to any BBS or any other public system without changes of original contents or number of files in original archive (kind of archive can be changed, but we are sup- porting ARJ archive because is best and smallest). If you are interested in CLIPBBS and would like to become a DISTRIBUTION site, contact publisher on 2:285/608@fidonet or 27:1331/4412@signet or just call to 31-10-4157141 (BBS, working 18:00->08:00, 2400bps) or voice to 31-10-4843870 in both cases asking for DANIEL (Docekal). Distribution sites: United Kingdom Welsh Wizard, SYSOP Dave Wall, phone 44-656-79477 United States of America The Southern Clipper, SYSOP Jerry Pults, phone 1-405-789-2078 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIPBBS 1-08 Page 21 15 Oct 1991 How to write articles in CLIPBBS? Submission of articles to CLIPBBS is really easy: Maximum of 78 characters per line, as long or as short as you like ASCII text. Choose from the list of extension which most describes your text, or just name it .ART as ARTicle and send it to publisher or to any distribution site via modem to BBS or with mailer as file attach. Article will come automatically appear in the next free issue. Extensions are: Articles (anything) .ART Software .SOF News .NEW Question and Answers .Q&A ANOMALIES and their comments .ANO Letters to editors .LET Advertisement .ADV Wanted .WAN Comments .CMS DUMP from conferences .DMP Clipper Net .CLN That's all at the moment, there will probably be changes later, as the magazine evolves. If you have any ideas for a new section of CLIPBBS, please tell us, or just write an article about it. Daniel, publisher -----------------------------------------------------------------------------