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These Echoes are very often the source of the most often asked Questions and Answers about Clipper. Other material, which is fully signed or abbreviated is the copyright of the appropriate persons. The publisher is not responsible for other authors submissions.... Published material is not necessarily the opinion of the publisher. Redaction: Publisher...................................Daniel Docekal Chief editor ...............................Daniel Docekal Language editor .................................Dave Wall Table of Contents 1. EDITORIAL ............................................................ 1 Again back, it's of course me ........................................ 1 2. ARTICLES ............................................................. 2 The Programmer's Guide to CLIPPER Linkers - part (9) ................. 2 3. SOFTWARE ............................................................. 7 List of CLIPPER related areas on CLIPPER BBS HQ system ............... 7 4. Q&A .................................................................. 8 Q&A:4DOS, Clipper 5.01 and RUN command ............................... 8 Q&A: Clipper 5.0x books .............................................. 8 Q&A: DBU in Clipper 5.01 is hanging? ................................. 11 Q&A:GHOST RECORDS .................................................... 11 5. ANOMALIES ............................................................ 12 ANOMALIES reports and commets ........................................ 12 DBEDIT()* Locks up with return value of 2 .................... 12 DOS 5.0 Using PLL's with DOS 5.0 ........................... 13 DOS ERROR 4 Encountered on a network ........................... 13 6. COMMENTS ............................................................. 15 How to use 4DOS for managing projects ................................ 15 CLIPBBS 1-12 Table of Contents (...) 12 Nov 1991 NOTICE of some older articles second time ............................ 17 7. CLIPPER NET .......................................................... 18 Index of described files in Clipper BBS Magazine ..................... 18 ClipperNet - TBUNIQUE.ARJ ............................................ 19 ClipperNet - TICKER.ARJ .............................................. 19 ClipperNet - GETKEY.ARJ .............................................. 20 ClipperNet - VSIX800.ARJ ............................................. 20 ClipperNet - OCLIP.ARJ ............................................... 21 ClipperNet - STATUS.ARJ .............................................. 21 ClipperNet - PARTIDX3.ARJ ............................................ 22 ClipperNet - SNAP497.ARJ ............................................. 22 8. CLIPBBS .............................................................. 23 CLIPBBS distribution ................................................. 23 CLIPBBS, how to write an article!!! .................................. 24 - - - - - CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 1 12 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== EDITORIAL ============================================================================== Again back, it's of course me.... It's nice to have readers. Eleven numbers is out and i'm slowly getting some mail or notices about my magazine. Hope that sometime will also come more articles from some other peoples. Thanx for all of few which were coming. What's new on my side of world? It's simple. The Netherlands is on autumn very rainy country. Raining and raining. It's far better to leave my portable at home, otherwise it will get a swimming. My company is now moved into new office in different building (thanx God, that we were moving only from one side of street to another). Never want to move again, it's something really terrible, but it's far better. New cabling for network, telephone lines for centrale, all of those needed changes and new things were taking about week. That's also reason why so long pause between last editorial. Company is faking busy thing and business has importance before hobby (otherwise hobby will not get money for existance, but i guess, it's known problem). During this time of movement i got several nice programs like QEMM 6.0 with Desqview 2.40 (it's really very nice), DMAKE which i hatched in ClipperNet and which seems far best MAKE program which i ever seen (40lines RMAKE make file was shutted down into about 10 lines only with this DMAKE...). Therefore at this moment is evening and i'm sitting at home (it's now exactly 00:59am) and writing this editorial after long playing with mentioned DMAKE. TV is trying to satisfied watcher with "BLACK WIDOW" thriller which is as usual totally loosing action and only giving nice women faces (as common). How it's coming to make and publish this magazine? It's very simple. I'm continuosly collecting interesting texts which i see somewhere, then i'm continuosly writing sometime new articles. Scanning of all ClipperNet files, testing and writing descriptions, then extracting from my database of BUG reports, collecting sometime articles from other authors (it's not happening very often). Then i'm starting program which i'm developing and which is using collected texts to make one big magazine. Every friday it's going out with some mail robot and messages to ClipperNet, PDN and persons who are asking for Hold putting of every issue. Then articles for made number are totally gone. One can see how they are flowing out and if there is too less of them, must write new ones.... Simple, isn't? Of course yes if there is valid one condition. Enough time. Still (it's now 5 minutes later than latest mentioned time ) i'm too mad to stop this, especially when i see a good future and fact that it can help to you or anyone else. Let stop sentimental talking , see you again on our pages... Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 2 12 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== ARTICLES ============================================================================== The Programmer's Guide to CLIPPER Linkers - part (9) Linker Comparison Chart - Productivity Features (cont.) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Linker ³ Link ³ True ³Dynamic ³ Debug ³ Pro- ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Speed ³Dynamic ³ Link ³Library ³ filing ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³Linking ³Library ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³PLINK86+ ³ Slow ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³PLINK86s87³ Slow ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³RTLINK ³ Slow ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³RTLINK-5.0³Slow *6 ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³RTLINK+ ³ Slow ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ YES ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³MS LINK ³ Medium ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ALINK ³ Slow ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³BLINKER ³V. Fast ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ YES ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³WARPLINK ³ Fast ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³TLINK ³V. Fast ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³NOLINK ³V. Fast ³ YES ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³NOLINK-KB ³V. Fast ³ YES ³ YES ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³DCLIPRUN ³V. Fast ³ YES ³ YES ³ NO ³ NO ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³DCLIP ³V. Fast ³ YES ³ YES ³ YES ³ YES ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ NOTES: 1. dCLIP, dCLIPRUN and NOLINK are "runtime" systems rather than linkers which produce an .EXEcutable program. dCLIP's .EXE can be customized by re-creating it from the dCLIP libraries, therefore dCLIP provides the advantage of using any other linking technology in conjunction with their "dynamic-linking" system. This means that a dCLIP.EXE engine built with RTLINK will support all the features of RTLINK .AND. all the features of dCLIP. 2. Dynamic overlaying of C/ASM code is tricky and can cause undesirable results when the code includes data or interrupts. CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 3 12 Nov 1991 3. RTLINK seems to have occasional problems with Clipper-code static overlays when the modules pass parameters. 4. BLINKER allows the SET CLIPPER= to be burned into the .EXEcutable program. 5. dCLIP, dCLIPRUN use the SET CLIPPER= for free pool memory allocation and the OBJMemory= in DCLIP.SYS for object pool allocation. 6. If using Incremental Linking option or pre-linked libraries then speed is improved. 7. Symbol reduction is accomplished by compiling your .PRGs into fewer large objects, then dynamic overlaying at the procedure level. 8. Memory packing in RTLINK/Clipper-5.0 is unnecessary due to the garbage-collection system designed into the Clipper libraries. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Choosing a Linker for your Clipper Projects ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Selecting a linker to use for a Clipper application is not always an easy task. There are many factors which must be considered before deciding which is the very best possible solution. Then again, it may not be necessary to always choose the best linker, but simply a linker which is adequate and will solve the problem with the least effort. To help you decide, I have chosen to use 6 real case studies, in which our staff had to make a choice of a linker or linkers for our different Clipper projects. Case Study #1: FYI - Work Smarter (ALINK and BLINKER) FYI - Work Smarter is a Clipper application that is almost entirely written in Clipper with a few functions from several third-party libraries (GET-IT, Overlay(), SMARTMEM, IDL). When development started on Work Smarter, about 1-1/2 years ago, the product was linked using PLINK86 and 4 "static overlay" areas. As the product evolved, memory usage went up. No matter how we managed the overlays, the symbol table grew to the point where we had to use a new linker to get more memory. We purchased ALINK, a "dynamic-overlay" linker and with only a few hours effort reduced the memory overhead by 50k. ALINK dynamically overlays ONLY Clipper-compiled .OBJ files. This was not a problem for us since this project was "Clipper- code" intensive. With a little more effort and by compiling our application into CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 4 12 Nov 1991 larger and less .OBJects we reduced the symbol count further and were successful in reducing the memory overhead an additional 30k. A total investment of about 24 hours of time and $179.00 reduced our .EXE load module from 340k to 260k. ALINK likes to fragment the Clipper memory pool and we were getting OUT OF MEMORY during re-indexing, so we invested in a product named SMARTMEM and made structured calls to the H_PACK() function which packs the free pool. As FYI - Work Smarter evolved, it grew more powerful and larger. The .EXE load module increased another 10k over several months and we were running into memory problems again because now the program was designed to work with a 90k resident TSR. Enter BLINKER, (designed by Jud Cole, the author of ALINK). BLINKER uses the same basic overlaying concept as ALINK, however it offers the ability to also dynamically overlay the EXTEND.LIB library. This brought the .EXE load module down from 270k to 230k. Our BLINKER link file: FILE hoa,swapattr,resident OUTPUT fyi.EXE BLINKER MEMORY PACK 10 BLINKER OVERLAY OPSIZE 50 BLINKER EXECUTABLE CLIPPER V10;R32;F39 SECTION INTO fyi.OVL BEGINAREA FILE errorsys FILE hoaovl1.OBJ FILE hoaovl2.OBJ FILE hoaovl3.OBJ FILE hoaovl4.OBJ FILE hoaovl5.OBJ FILE hoaovl6.OBH ALLOCATE overcl.LIB ALLOCATE dclip.LIB ALLOCATE extend.LIB ENDAREA LIB dclipr,getit,smartmem,clipper,idl Case Study #2: FYI - LetterWriter (.RTLINK and .RTLINKplus) FYI - LetterWriter is a Clipper application which is a data- merging word-processor, spell-checker and thesaurus. FYI - LetterWriter is approximately 30% Clipper-compiled code and 70% C/ASM code. When this project started, about 1 year ago, it was linked using PLINK86 and 5 "static overlay" areas. After many "crashes" we determined that this application was far too sophisticated to be managed with "static overlays", so we purchased .RTLINK, reduced our overlay areas from 5 to 3, and completely eliminated computer lock-up problems while reducing CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 5 12 Nov 1991 the .EXE load module by 50k. The Clipper-code portion of the program was still overlayed "static" so we had to be careful to structure the Clipper-code segments properly to prevent lockup, however the C/ASM code was all automatically reloaded simply by entering the command: "RELOAD FAR 300" in our link file. We tried using dynamic-overlay linkers like BLINKER and WARPLINK for this project, but they could not dynamically overlay the sophisticated C/ASM routines we used in the spell checker and thesaurus. During development we use RTLINK+ because it supports Microsoft Code-View, then we link the final product with RTLINK 3.1. Our link file: Sorry, but this is information is proprietary Case Study #3: dCLIP/dCLIPRUN (.RTLINK and NOLINK 2.1) dCLIP is a development platform and runtime system for Clipper which runs Clipper applications from .OBJect files or dynamic libraries. dCLIP is basically a Clipper application, however, the dCLIP.EXE program contains about 5% Clipper-compiled code and 95% C/ASM code. The dCLIP dot-prompt interpreter, debug system, database manager, report writer, query-builder, etc. are all written in Clipper, yet none of this Clipper-code is included in the DCLIP.EXE program, but instead is included in a "dynamic-library" which is linked into memory only as the functions are needed. dCLIP and dCLIPRUN are an example of 2 linking technologies working together to produce the very best memory management solution. NOLINK is a "dynamic link" library which is linked into the dCLIP.EXE "engine" using .RTLINK. The engine also includes the entire CLIPPER.LIB and EXTEND.LIB libraries and makes provisions for including any third-party libraries. When dCLIP development started 2 years ago, we used PLINK86 and NOLINK version 1.2. Our dCLIP.EXE engine load module size was approximately 310k. This left very little room for the Clipper application so dCLIP version 1.0 could handle only small Clipper programs or it would run out of memory. Like ALINK and BLINKER, the NOLINK-1.2 "dynamic linker" used the Clipper free pool to link the Clipper-compiled code. This caused memory fragmentation and eventually the program would run out of memory. dCLIP 2.0 used a whole new approach to the problem of overlay linking. First, we threw away "static overlays" and found that we could extract modules from the CLIPPER.LIB and EXTEND.LIB libraries and overlay them using .RTLINK and the "MODULE" command. The Clipper libraries are all C/ASM code, so we use the "RELOAD FAR 200" command to insure that the overlayed CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 6 12 Nov 1991 segments get properly reloaded. RTLINK allowed us to overlay the "dynamic-link" functions from the new NOLINK-2.1 library as well, so now our DCLIP.EXE load module was reduced from the original 310k to only 230k. With this additional 80k memory overhead, rewriting the "dynamic-linker" to allocate a seperate object pool and including a "memory-packing" utility for memory defragmentation, we improved dCLIP to now be capable of running any large Clipper application without running out of memory. Our link file: STACK 1024 FI dclip.OBJ LIB dclipnl,dclip,dclipr,dcextend,clipper OUTPUT dclip.EXE RELOAD FAR 200 OVERLAY CODE VERBOSE BEGINAREA #modules from DCEXTEND.LIB SECTION MODULE memoedit,memotran SECTION MODULE memoline,memoread,memowrit,mlcount,mlpos SECTION MODULE achoice,ascan,adir,afields,asort,ains,acopy MODULE afill,gete SECTION MODULE report SECTION MODULE dbedit SECTION MODULE icreate,sort,sortof,examplea,examplec,recsize #modules from DCLIPNL.LIB SECTION MODULE c_call,global,parseobj,msg,kern,omalloc,mtbuf MODULE mtobj,screen #modules from DCLIP.LIB SECTION MODULE overlay,over_6,over_22,over_24 ENDAREA BEGINAREA #modules from DCEXTEND.LIB SECTION MODULE ntx #modules from DCLIP.LIB SECTION MODULE dbgbrow,dbgio,dbgscrn,dcega43,dcvga50,videoid,dckey SECTION MODULE txtstuff SECTION MODULE _dcinit ENDAREA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 7 12 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== SOFTWARE ============================================================================== List of CLIPPER related areas on CLIPPER BBS HQ system Mentioned files are available on NETCONSULT BBS, 31-10-4157141 (working hours, workdays 18:00->08:00, weekends 24hours/day) Speeds 1200bps -> 14400bps (V32 modem) FIDONET 2:285/608, Signet 27:1331/4412 ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ # 57 ³ CLIPPER - dBASE *CL* Access Level : 10 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ °°°°°±±±±±²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛ ³ 50 KBytes in 1 Files ³ ÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²±±±±±°°°°° ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; - CLIPPER NET area belong to dBASE files ANOM_17.ARJ 50130 12-27-89 [000] dBASE IV BugList ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ # 59 ³ CLIPPER - FOXBASE *CL* Access Level : 10 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ °°°°°±±±±±²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛ ³ 44 KBytes in 1 Files ³ ÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²±±±±±°°°°° ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; FOXDCOMP.ARJ 44812 12-04-90 [0] This one is NOT a CLIPPER, but is related - several times i had a problem with crazy programmers :-) - in FoxBASE using FOXPCOMP. Now this problem is out, because - this one is FOXDCOMP. Decompiler for compiled .PRG files - from FoxBase 2.x -----------------------------NEW FILES--------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 8 12 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== Q&A ============================================================================== Question: I'm using 4DOS with Clipper 5.01 and having problems with using RUN (!) command from CLIPPER. What i have to do for correct using of 4DOS? Answer: 1) take a sure, that CONFIG.SYS contains correct specs: shell=c:\4dos.com /e:512 /s:d /p This one is telling to boot that has to take 4DOS.COM instead of COMMAND.COM with 512 bytes for environment and swapping to disk (replace with /s:e for EMM swap) /P is telling to run AUTOEXEC.BAT for start of system. 2) AUTOEXEC.BAT has also to set several things: path c:\;c:\4dos Be sure that PATH is telling where to found all other files from 4DOS! set COMSPEC=c:\4dos.COM set 4DSHELL=/S:D First one is giving correct COMSPEC for all invocation of COMMAND.COM like later and other is telling again about swapping for all other copies of 4DOS.COM later. This two things are needed for DOS to get correctly working, for CLIPPER here is needed something totally different. Clipper is taking COMSPEC DOS variable to run 'command.com', then will RUN without problems any internal or external DOS commands or another programs. If one wants to run another session of 4DOS.COM, then for compatibility is best to use RUN("%COMSPEC%") which is without problems. And last comment - ONE MUST HAVE ENOUGH MEMORY TO RUN _TWO_ coppies of 4DOS.COM in case of running another 4DOS.COM or copy of 4DOS.COM + runned program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I'm looking for good books about Clipper 5.0x and also looking for some newspapers about it, where i can found some from them? CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 9 12 Nov 1991 ANSWER: AVAILABLE CLIPPER BOOKS AND PERIODICALS BOOKS Clipper 5: A Developer's Guide Author: Joseph D. Booth, Greg Lief and Craig Yellick Publisher: M&T Books 501 Galveston Drive Redwood City, CA 94063-4728 To Order: 1-800-533-4372 1-800-356-2002 (in CA) Clipper Developer's Library Author: James Occhiogrosso Publisher: Microtrend Books Slawson Communications, Inc. 165 Vallecitos de Oro San Marcos, CA 92069 To Order: 1-800-SLAWSON Clipper Programming Guide, 2nd Edition Version 5 Author: Rick Spence Publisher: Microtrend Books Slawson Communications, Inc. 165 Vallecitos de Oro San Marcos, CA 92069 To Order: 1-800-SLAWSON Illustrated Clipper 5.0, 2nd Edition Author: John Meuller Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc. 1506 Capital Avenue Plano, TX 75074 To Order: 1-800-229-4949 Straley's Programming with Clipper 5.0 Author: Stephen J. Straley Publisher: Bantam Books 666 5th Avenue 24th Floor New York, NY 10103 To Order: 1-800-223-6834 ext. 9479 212-492-9479 CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 10 12 Nov 1991 Using Clipper, 2nd edition Author: Ed Tiley Pubisher: Que Corporation 11711 North College Avenue Suite 140 Carmel, IN 46032 To Order: 1-800-428-5331 PERIODICALS The Aquarium Publisher: Grumpfish, Inc. PO Box 17761 Salem, OR 97305 To Order: 503-588-1815 Compass for Clipper Publisher: Island Publishing 1424 Sherman Avenue Suite 300 PO Box 2347 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 To Order: 208-667-3727 Nantucket News: The Technical Journal of Nantucket Corporation Publisher: Nantucket Corporation 12555 W. Jefferson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90066 To Order: 213-390-7923 Reference(Clipper): The Independent Guide to Clipper Expertise Publisher: Pinnacle Publishing 28621 Pacific Highway South PO Box 8099 Federal Way, WA 98003-009 To Order: 1-800-231-1293 206-941-2300 European Nantucket Users Club Magazine - Clip a Time Publisher: The Europen Nantucket Users Club 33 Nobel Square Basildon Essex SS13 1LT England To Order: 44-268-590955 44-268-590905 (FAX) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 11 12 Nov 1991 Question: I have a problem with the DBU in Clipper 5.01. I can create a dbase, but when I go to enter data, DBU hangs. No response from keyboard... nothing! Running an AT (286) 10hz V/c drive VGA. (Can't see any probs there) Is there a fix I should know about? Answer: You are completely right. Nantucket produced changed DBU but this change is putting in DBU new error which wasn't in previous version. Here is a fix (one from many): at line 281, change DBUEDIT.PRG to say: /* Edit the current field */ IF bof() .and. eof() .and. !lAppend keyboard chr(K_DOWN) + chr(nextkey()) loop ENDIF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I encounter very often a very annoying problem which i refer to as "ghost records". With no apparent regularity i find in my .dbf files, usually but not always at the end, one or more records whose fielsd are filled with right arrows (chr(26)'s). For sure this problem is a very well known one; Can someone tell me the origin of these records and how to avoid them ? (I use clipper 87 and am starting with clipper 5.1. The ghost records are visible also with dbxl interpreter and enter in the total number of records of the fields). ANSWER: Sounds like a dBase III pack of a clipper .dbf file. Or header corruption where there is one more record in the filesize than the header says. Clipper reads the real filesize and gets the last record which is full of end-of-file markers (^Z or ASCII 26). Solution : don't access the files from dBase or DBXL. (I do it often though and only stop doing it when problems arise - which has not happened for a year or so now). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 12 12 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== ANOMALIES ============================================================================== ANOMALIES and their comments This part of Clipper BBS Magazine is dedicated to all discovered anomalies and comments about them in Clipper products. Because Nantucket is still unable to give own bug and anomalies reports (as actually did in past with Summer 87 version) is very handy to have results of many investigations done on many user places. I'm also doing my own investigatings, because i'm always very good when someting has hidden problems. Everything what i buy will first show all problems and then all normal things. This amazing part of my live is sometime making me crazy, but for testing of programs it's great . Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBEDIT()* Locks up with return value of 2. Problem Statement When a UDF returns a value of 2, DBEdit locks up. --------COMMENTS--------- Long time i was trying to get situation where DBEDIT will hang up with return value of two. I did it with simple program: ³ #include "inkey.ch" ³ ³ use adres ³ dbedit(0,0,maxrow(),maxcol(),,"ufun") ³ ³ function ufun(mode,ind) ³ do case ³ case mode=4 ³ if lastkey()=K_ENTER ³ return (0) ³ endif ³ if lastkey()=K_ESC ³ @ 0,70 say 'Ctrl A' ³ return (2) ³ endif ³ case mode=0 ³ @ 0,0 say '+-+' ³ return (1) ³ otherwise ³ return (1) CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 13 12 Nov 1991 ³ endcase ³ return (1) All is working perfect and actually few of other mine programs (old ones) with DBEDIT are using also RETURN (2) very often. And they haven't problems at all. If someone knows about sample which will cause REAL hang, please give it to me. Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOS 5.0 Using PLL's with DOS 5.0. General Comment If you encounter a problem executing an application.EXE and you are using a PLL try: a) LOADFIX App b) Re-making the PLL file under DOS 5.0 c) Executing the application from a batch file which 'eats up' some of the memory in the first 64Kb segment; e.g., @echo off command /e:32000 /c %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 -----------GENERAL COMMENT------- It's well known problem of DOS 5.0 when used with DOS=HIGH because it's leaving first 64KBs free for application and application is then starting in first 64KBs. This is making some problems for some applications. And it's not ONLY problem of CLIPPER. Dos 5.0 has many problems with many other applications. Some from them are caused by wrong written appli- cations, but some other also with some "incompatibility" of new DOS to previous versions. .DD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOS ERROR 4 Encountered on a network. General Comment If you encounter DOS Error 4 on a network, check that your SHELL.CFG file has a sufficent number of files specified. Without a FILES= statement, the default will be 40 (Novell). ------ADDITIONAL COMMENT------- Formulation and placing of this 'comment' between other anomalies of Clipper are not very good choosen. Because it's problem only of not enough knowledge of programmers writing applications for NOVELL. It's common knowledge that Novell application can open FROM NETWORK CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 14 12 Nov 1991 only 40 files if is not specified bigger number inside of SHELL.CFG. I saw several people saying with flames "CLIPPER IS NOT ABLE TO OPEN MORE THAN 40 FILES IN NOVELL, I READ IT IN REPORT FROM COMPUSERVE". It's pitty and big mistake and is giving big misunderstanding. .DD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 15 12 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== COMMENTS ============================================================================== How to use 4DOS for managing projects More on the theme of zipping and unzipping whole work areas to save on disk space... These two let you put a whole directory branch away into a zip when you aren't working on them. The zip is in the same place that you otherwise find the directory so the main structure is constant. The usual sequence is: cd \projects open hoover .... do hoover stuff close This works better with an alias like: alias job=cd \projects ^ if not isdir %1 open %1 _______________________________________________________________ :: This is used from the directory containing the zip alias open=unzip -n -d %[1].zip %[1]\ ^ cd %1 _______________________________________________________________ :: close.bat :: Fold current or named directory and subs into a zip file :: one level higher. :: Remove files and directories folded loadbtm on :: use argument if present if not "" == "%1" cdd %1 :: Touch the directory to ensure pkzip has :: something to do. Avoid Error #12. echo %_date >zip.log :: zip it up set fspec=%[_cwps]*.* set zspec=%[_cwp].zip set dspec=%_cwp zip -urp %zspec %fspec iff errorlevel == 0 then cd .. call prune %dspec echo OK: %fspec ZIPped into %zspec else echo *** Error %? *** ZIP of %fspec Failed. endiff CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 16 12 Nov 1991 set fspec= set zspec= set dspec= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 17 12 Nov 1991 NOTICE of some older articles second time After long thinking new decision is born. Sometime Clipper BBS Magazine will do a REPRINT of OLD articles from old numbers if they are interesting or in any way useful. This decision is based on possibility that no everyone has available old numbers and maybe can easily get present ones. Therefore it can be handy to have them now. Therefore if you see that article is TWICE in Clipper BBS Magazine, nothing bad. It's purpose. Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 18 12 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== CLIPPER NET ============================================================================== Following is COMPLETE list of all published file descriptions in Clipper BBS magazine in previous numbers. Purpose of this index list is to allow anybody find needed file descriptions in growing number of described files. Short description after name will give first possible close image about file. Number enclosed in "[]" will mean number of Clipper BBS magazine. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³FileName ³Src ³Description ³Where ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ACCESS.ARJ ³Cln ³Source of speed testing program ³[1-06]³ ³ACH2TB.ARJ ³Cln ³Convert ACHOICE to TBROWSE ³[1-05]³ ³ACHOO2.ARJ ³Cln ³Replacement of ACHOICE with GET possibilites ³[1-06]³ ³ADHOC302.ARJ ³Cln ³Summer 87 inteligent report program ³[1-04]³ ³CALC14.ARJ ³Cln ³PoPup Calculator ³[1-08]³ ³CL5103.ARJ ³Cln ³Report of 5.01 anomaly number 3 ³[1-04]³ ³CL5REP6.ARJ ³Cln ³5.01 replacement of REPORT command ³[1-04]³ ³CLIP110.ARJ ³Cln ³Clipper Documentor program ³[1-05]³ ³CLIPLINK.ARJ ³Cbs ³Complete text of R.Donnay about linkers ³[1-04]³ ³CLIPSQL.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of complete SQL library for CLipper ³[1-05]³ ³CLPFON.ARJ ³Cln ³Set of fonts for EXPAND.LIB from author ³[1-03]³ ³COND.ARJ ³Cln ³Builder of conditional indexes like SUBNTX ³[1-03]³ ³DBSCN2.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen designer generator ³[1-05]³ ³DIAL.CLN ³Cln ³Dialer with using of FOPEN() ³[1-07]³ ³DOC111.ARJ ³Cln ³Documentor, newer version ³[1-08]³ ³GSR151.ARJ ³Cln ³Global Search and replace for programmers ³[1-07]³ ³HGLASS.ZIP ³Cln ³Hour glass for indication of index progression ³[1-04]³ ³INDXSL.ARJ ³Cln ³User Fields selection builder for index generate³[1-03]³ ³IOBASYS9.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of S87 library and calling Clipper from C ³[1-03]³ ³JG2.ARJ ³Cln ³Jumping between GET statements in READ ³[1-08]³ ³KF_LOKUP.ARJ ³Cln ³Set of program for database relations ³[1-07]³ ³LUTLIB.ARJ ³Cln ³Another Clipper library ³[1-08]³ ³MK30.ARJ ³Cln ³Mouse library demo version ³[1-03]³ ³MOVEGETS.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for moving between gets via VALID ³[1-03]³ ³NFDESC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library description list ³[1-06]³ ³NFLIB2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library main file ³[1-06]³ ³NFSRC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library Source files ³[1-06]³ ³NOTATION.ARJ ³Cln ³Complete text of article about hungarian notat. ³[1-04]³ ³OOPSCL5.ARJ ³Cln ³Another version of pseudo objects ³[1-07]³ ³PACKUP.ARJ ³Cln ³ASM source of PACK/UNPACK replacement SCRSAVE.. ³[1-04]³ ³PAT1.ARJ ³Cln ³CIX NanForum Libraryy PATCH ³[1-07]³ ³POPUPCAL.ARJ ³Cln ³Popup calender ³[1-05]³ ³POWER10.ARJ ³Cln ³French library ³[1-07]³ ³READPW.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for password invisible reader ³[1-03]³ ³SCANCODE.ARJ ³Cln ³Database with scan codes ³[1-07]³ ³SCRSAVE.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen AntiBurning utility (inactivity snake) ³[1-05]³ ³SHELP50A.ARJ ³Cln ³SuperHelp for Clipper ³[1-07]³ ³SOUND.ARJ ³Cln ³Multiple TONE() used as one SOUND function ³[1-06]³ ³SYMBOL.ARJ ³Cln ³Dumper of symbol tables of Summer87 .EXE ³[1-03]³ ³TBWHL4.ARJ ³Cln ³WHILE browsing using TBROWSE, well commented ³[1-06]³ ³VSIX711.ARJ ³Cln ³Vernon Six Clipper utilities and library ³[1-05]³ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 19 12 Nov 1991 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Src can be: Cln File is accesible on ClipperNet Cbs File is accesible in HQ BBS of CLipper BBS Magazine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - TBUNIQUE.ARJ File Name: TBUNIQUE.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 3,397 bytes File Contents: TBU.PRG 5217 TBUMAKE.BAT 32 VENDCOMM.DBF 1766 Example of possibility to browse NONunique indexed database as it is indexed with UNIQUE. It is using custom skipper function for ignoring duplicite keys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - TICKER.ARJ File Name: TICKER.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 5,578 bytes File Contents: TICKERC.C 1801 TICKER.LNK 140 TICKER.PRG 2616 MSASM.ASM 1025 TICKER.MAK 225 MK.BAT 18 TICKER.DOC 2446 TICKERC.OBJ 770 MSASM.OBJ 219 THERE IT IS! Programs and sources of pushing SYSTEM timer connected function into CLIPPER. If someone needs to display system CLOCK on screen whenever hee is, then take this and use this! However, still the same problem is appearing as in call cases of redirection of interrupts. This one is using INT8 to redirect and this MUST be changed BACK to original, otherwise will come mailfunction of system. Thanx to gap in Clipper which isn't allowing simple this way and is able just jump out without ANY executing of some user closing function. Therefore in case of crash of Clipper program will redirection stay in place at all. However, great idea is born and can have nice future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 20 12 Nov 1991 ClipperNet - GETKEY.ARJ File Name: GETKEY.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 280,043 bytes File Contents: DEMO.EXE 430080 DEMWPRO.TXT 1727 DEMOGET.SPT 1702 EKOT.TXT 139 DEMOLD.PRG 22591 EMPH.TXT 63 DEMOMAIL.PRM 21 EXP.TXT 279 DEMOMAIL.SPT 1204 GETKEY.LIB 102723 DEMOMAIL.TXT 637 GETKEY.OBJ 15560 DEMOPEN.MEM 9226 GETKEY.PRG 31147 DEMOPEN.PRM 23 KARTIS.DBF 6226 DEMOPEN.SPT 1166 MANUAL.DOC 71128 DEMWPRO.PRM 21 PSOURCE.LIB 29237 DEMWPRO.SPT 2390 TI.CH 9488 TI_MSG.DBF 24971 TI_DEFLT.DBF 18761 TI_MSG.NTX 2048 TI_DEFLT.NTX 2048 From first moment of discovering, this looks as one good library oriented for FIELD INPUT in professional manner and ideas. Some facilities - integrated wordprocessor, Mail Merging, input of field in virtual window, enhanced entry of date, MemoEdit() replacement, screen painting. Final price of this library is $149. Available .LIB in this DEMO package shouldn't be crippled in any way ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - VSIX800.ARJ File Name: VSIX800.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 250,040 bytes File Contents: VS_DEMO.EXE 83753 VERNSIX5.LIB 139909 COMPILE.BAT 140 README.BAT 29 CHANGES.DOC 646 READ.ME 1823 REGISTER.FRM 4229 VERNSIX.DOC 12812 FUNCTION.DOC 274949 VERNSIX.NG 144692 MISC.EXE 7954 CLIPBRD.DOC 4658 READ.COM 4288 ERRORSYS.OBJ 7603 ERRORSYS.PRG 9183 MAINTSRC.EXE 18205 Vern Six's library is coming in brand new version written especially for CLipper 5.01. It's very long list of about 140 functions for Clipper from those parts: Help creating and displaying, printer support, conversion functions, screen functions.... CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 21 12 Nov 1991 Well good documented with very good demo program. Take it and try, i'm sure this is one from libraries which should come into your \LIB directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - OCLIP.ARJ File Name: OCLIP.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 13,954 bytes File Contents: IVAR.ASM 5207 OCLIP.DOC 9892 HISTORY.TXT 2609 OCLIP.PRG 3023 OCLIP.LIB 10752 SIVAR.ASM 5818 OCLIP.CH 1476 ODEMO2.PRG 449 ODEMO1.PRG 243 Finally, this is REAL OBJECT extension for Clipper 5.01. Objects created with this extension are real objects and are recognized as real objects by Clipper itself. Take it! Investigate! and use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - STATUS.ARJ File Name: STATUS.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 8,221 bytes File Contents: STATUS.MAN 5428 STATUS.LIB 3615 INTS.ASM 4217 TIMENTXA.ASM 6800 TIMENTXC.C 1272 CLIPDBF.H 1295 Timer interrupt hooked status indicator of progress of INDEXing or any database operations. It's actually very nice idea, because it's eliminating manipulation with index key, later hard overwriting of index header and so. Next BIG advantage of this function is, that it can be used also for PACK functions, COUNT, APPEND.. Just for all who are skipping through database and changing recno() of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 22 12 Nov 1991 ClipperNet - PARTIDX3.ARJ File Name: PARTIDX3.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 17,406 bytes File Contents: INDEX.TXT 11494 PARTINDX.PRG 3757 PARTIDX3.PRG 6702 TEST.PRG 546 POOL.DBF 26335 PARTINDX.DOC 4845 PARTIDX3.DOC 5785 README.TXT 641 Partial indexing is way how to make index from only some particular records in big database and get index which is small and is fast in processing and was fast created. Take this if you have this need because this is at this moment latest version of this great idea.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - SNAP497.ARJ File Name: SNAP497.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 275,474 bytes File Contents: ARTFUL.KEY 4049 SNAP.DOC 178718 BREEZE.KEY 1127 SNAP.EXE 106912 CLIPPER.KEY 1427 SNAP.HLP 56578 CLIPPER5.KEY 1233 SNAP.MSG 28774 CLIPTOOL.KEY 5305 SNAP.OVR 299632 CLIRMA.KEY 1999 SNAPPRT.SNP 1900 DB2WORDS.SNP 1039 STRALEY.KEY 6409 DB3WORDS.SNP 6543 SWASYNC.KEY 1565 DB4WORDS.SNP 4622 VENDOR.DOC 1954 DGE.KEY 4159 BLINKER.KEY 3782 ESCAPE.KEY 3915 CFTS102.KEY 4343 FOXPRO.KEY 2253 FLEXFILE.KEY 4270 FUNCKY.KEY 8025 PERSONAL.KEY 73 GETIT.KEY 3756 PROCLIP.KEY 6136 GRUMP.KEY 3954 QSILVER.KEY 3075 NETLIB.KEY 5240 RETTIG.KEY 4258 SMARTMEM.KEY 1151 This is DEMO version of new SNAP which is starting support CLIPPER 5.0. Unfortuntaly HAS not use for programs which are REALLY using Clipper own developed programming. It has big problems with #ifdef, programs which are linked without any .PRG names consequence, ";" multiple command lines and so on. But it's still good hope that one day there will be a SNAP for CLIPPER also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 23 12 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== CLIPBBS ============================================================================== CLIPBBS Distribution CLIPBBS is special magazine about CLIPPER and CLIPPERing (or about another related problems and xBASE languages). This magazine is for free and articles aren't honored. Nobody can make a profit from the distribution of this magazine. CLIPBBS can be freely downloaded and uploaded to any BBS or any other public system without changes of original contents or number of files in original archive (kind of archive can be changed, but we are sup- porting ARJ archive because is best and smallest). If you are interested in CLIPBBS and would like to become a DISTRIBUTION site, contact publisher on 2:285/608@fidonet or 27:1331/4412@signet or just call to 31-10-4157141 (BBS, working 18:00->08:00, top is V32b) or voice to 31-10-4843870 in both cases asking for DANIEL (Docekal). Distribution sites: Clipper BBS Home system NETCONSULT BBS, SYSOP Daniel Docekal, phone 31-10-4157141 Daily 18:00 till 08:00 (GMT+1), sat+sun whole day Modem speed 1200, 2400, 9600, 12000, 14400 (V32b) United Kingdom Welsh Wizard, SYSOP Dave Wall, phone 44-656-79477 Daily whole day, modem speed HST United States of America The Southern Clipper, SYSOP Jerry Pults, phone 1-405-789-2078 Daily whole day, modem speed HST Clipper File Distrubution Network (ClipperNet, area CL-DOC)) Various systems around whole world Programmers Distribution Network (PDN, area PDNDBASE) Various systems around whole world ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-12 Page 24 12 Nov 1991 How to write articles in CLIPBBS? Submission of articles to CLIPBBS is really easy: Maximum of 78 characters per line, as long or as short as you like ASCII text. Choose from the list of extension which most describes your text, or just name it .ART as ARTicle and send it to publisher or to any distribution site via modem to BBS or with mailer as file attach. Article will come automatically appear in the next free issue. Extensions are: Articles (anything) .ART Software .SOF News .NEW Question and Answers .Q&A ANOMALIES and their comments .ANO Letters to editors .LET Advertisement .ADV Wanted .WAN Comments .CMS DUMP from conferences .DMP Clipper Net .CLN That's all at the moment, there will probably be changes later, as the magazine evolves. If you have any ideas for a new section of CLIPBBS, please tell us, or just write an article about it. Daniel, publisher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------