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These Echoes are very often the source of the most often asked Questions and Answers about Clipper. Other material, which is fully signed or abbreviated is the copyright of the appropriate persons. The publisher is not responsible for other authors submissions.... Published material is not necessarily the opinion of the publisher. Redaction: Publisher...................................Daniel Docekal Chief editor ...............................Daniel Docekal Language editor .................................Dave Wall Table of Contents 1. EDITORIAL ............................................................. 1 Monday editorial ...................................................... 1 2. ARTICLES .............................................................. 3 5.0 FOCUS: Memory Management - Symbol Reduction ....................... 3 Some useful aliases for 4DOS!!!! ...................................... 9 DOS 5 and QUARTERDECK PRODUCTS ........................................ 10 How to get more options out of ............................ 15 How to be indepndent from drive letters, directory names .............. 18 3. Q&A ................................................................... 19 Q&A: DSZ aborting uploads when running on BBS with Lantastic .......... 19 Q&A: Lantastic hangs system after loading network drivers ............. 19 Q&A: Optimizing Lantastic performance ................................. 20 Q&A: MNP5 problems with connection, slowing speed ..................... 20 4. ANOMALIES ............................................................. 21 ANOMALIES reports and commets ......................................... 21 AEVAL, undocumented second passing parameter .......................... 21 5. CLIPPER NET ........................................................... 22 Index of described files in Clipper BBS Magazine ...................... 22 CLIPBBS 1-16 Table of Contents (...) 10 Dec 1991 ClipperNet - PAT2-5.ARJ ............................................... 23 6. CLIPBBS ............................................................... 24 CLIPBBS distribution .................................................. 24 CLIPBBS, how to write an article!!! ................................... 26 - - - - - CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 1 10 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== EDITORIAL ============================================================================== Monday editorial RAMBO III, funny movie :-) RTL 4 is giving this comic movie before christmas, 'soviet like' helicopters are flying with red star, but on first see they are typically american manufactured. What else to expect, it must be quite difficult to get somewhere real sowiet helicopter (vertioljot)... Back to the point as usual. It's too busy time now and it's really hard job to keep Clipper BBS magazine filled with interesting things and not become too short. Still looking for other authors.... Last few issues were filled a little by some other non-clipper stuff, i just found them useful to help me with my computers and programs, therefore they were here. This or some next numbers i'm continuing with discovering profit of 4DOS replacement of COMMAND.COM. It's something what i'm every day discovering as really good step in past. In past week we received FIRST time in history something from NANTUCKET (BELGIUM) with offer on NANTUCKET TOOLS II and some other additional third party libraries for CLipper. What was really surprising - prices. ASTRONOMICAL number in BFR after changing into USD or just GLD is coming to be few times more expensive that can be expected... Still don't know what to thing about it. CLIP-A-TIME magazine published by England Clipper user club which is good in quality is every issue (MONTHLY, i guess i can make it also when count four or five CLIPBBS numbers ) asking for contribution. FEW months ago i sent them FEW articles and they were not published nor was coming any reaction. Problem probably was, that they were criticising Nantucket and picking up some problems of Clipper 5.01 just few weeks after releasing. CLIP-A-TIME is at this moment following simple way "NEVER PUBLISH SOMETHING THAT WILL BOTHER NANTUCKET ENGLAND". Maybe it is not true, but last six or how much issies are following this way in my opinion, telling like "INCREMENTAL LINKING IS WORKING PERFECT AND CAN BE HELPFULL" or "RTLINK IS INVALUEABLE UTILITY" following with odas of perfectness of RTLINK, is giving me only one answer... But anyway, this magazine is in good value (in past was better) and maybe will come better. What i will try to prepare for you? That's a question. There are many plans what to write, but time is shorter and shorter. But let see: - serie about codeblocks, i guess, it's something not yet well known - DANIEL.LIB got changed into DTOOLS.LIB shareware postcard library which will come published and distributed in Clipper BBS Magazine with complete SOURCE code here. It's still under development and will be freely distributed with registration condition - one post card - because i'm just curious and i like to have lot of post, actually my wife likes it more :-) - serie about DMAKE, one from most wonderfull and universal make which i ever seen and i'm using - serie about Multi Edit 5.0, programmers editor which can be in CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 2 10 Dec 1991 quality compared only to BRIEF i guess - revision of long time coming serie about Clipper BUGS (honestly called anomalies) is planned to take a care of sorting of all discovered and found problems with some cross referencing to be able give complete printout - some TBROWSE related articles OK guys, it's maybe much more, but what about you, can't you write something too? Have a nice reading.... Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 3 10 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== ARTICLES ============================================================================== 5.0 FOCUS: Memory Management - Symbol Reduction by Roger Donnay In my previous articles, I discussed how to manage memory in your Clipper applications by using the RTLINK linker which comes with Clipper 5.0. Now it time to discuss how to manage the SYMBOL TABLE in your Clipper applications to reduce memory usage. Every compiled object contains symbols, constants, code and data. Linkers can usually do a good job of overlaying code and constants but symbols and data must be treated differently. Symbols must always be placed in "root" memory for overlay managers and macro-compilers to be able to find and load the module which contains the called symbol. The more symbols your application uses, the more conventional DOS memory will be required to run your application, therefore, any time spent in learning how to reduce or prevent symbol table entries will pay off big dividends. Symbol Redundancy Clipper is a very powerful language largely because of it's runtime Macro-compiler which can evaluate any expression. Unfortunately, the ability to perform these magical feats is dependent on creating a public symbol table which occupies a great deal of memory. Each memvar, array and database element referenced in a Clipper program occupies space in this symbol table. In most Clipper applications, COMMON SYMBOLS will be referenced in many different program modules. For example, if you reference the memvar INV_NMBR just one time in each of 10 different clipper-compiled objects, there will be 10 different symbol-table entries for INV_NMBR. CLIPPER SUMMER 87 If you are still using Summer 87, then there are two options for removing the redundant symbol-table entries: (1) Compile your 10 programs into one larger object, then INV_NMBR will occupy only 1 memory location in the symbol table thereby greatly reducing the root memory allocation for the symbol INV_NMBR. This can become a delicate balancing act, however, when trying to find the proper balance of .OBJ file size verses symbol count to make a difference in memory usage. If you are using an overlay linker such as PLINK86, increasing the .OBJect size may increase the overlay area size thereby nullifying the memory savings from the reduced symbols. Static overlay linkers do nothing to help this problem because they overlay at the "object" level. If you are using a "dynamic" overlay linker such as BLINKER, ALINK or WARPLINK, this method of symbol compaction is very effective because these linkers overlay at the "procedure" level and are not affected by the size of the compiled objects. CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 4 10 Dec 1991 (2) Use a third-party product which will "compact" the symbol table in your .EXEcutable program to remove the redunant entries. WARPLINK provides a utility named SP.EXE which essentially performs the same task, however, symbol-compaction with WARPLINK is a two-step process. First the .EXE must be created using WARPLINK.EXE, followed by running SP.EXE using the following syntax: SP The results, in some cases can be dramatic. In one of my applications, SP.EXE removed 908 duplicate symbols from the symbol table and reduced my .EXE by 15k. SP.EXE will work only on .EXE files created with WARPLINK or .EXE files which contain no overlays. CLIPPER 5.0 The RTLINK linker provided with 5.0 has been specially-designed to "compact" the symbol table during linking, thereby making it unneccessary to compile your .PRGs into larger objects. This saves an immense amount of time when making changes to your code, because each .PRG can be compiled into a separate .OBJ and reduce compile-time. Symbol Reduction There are several techiques for reducing the symbol-table size in your applications, all which are accomplished in your program source code. In the following examples, I will show you how to eliminate symbols both in Summer 87 and Clipper 5.0. If you are using Summer 87, then these techniques may have the affect of making your code less verbose and therefore more cryptic. Many programmers prefer to use symbols in their source code to make it more readable and understandable. The Clipper-5.0 pre-processor offers the advantage of both readable code and symbol-reduction, therefore it is recommended that you use pre-processor techniques when programming in 5.0. 1. USE CONSTANTS INSTEAD OF MEMVARS Clipper memory variables are always treated as "symbols". Refrain from using a memory variable if a constant is sufficient. For example, an unnecessary symbol can be eliminated by changing the code: escapekey=27 DO WHILE INKEY()#escapekey *clipper code ENDDO to: CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 5 10 Dec 1991 * Summer 87 or Clipper-5.0 DO WHILE INKEY()#27 *clipper code ENDDO or: * Clipper-5.0 only using preprocessor commands #define escapekey 27 DO WHILE INKEY()#escapekey *clipper code ENDDO 2. USE ARRAYS INSTEAD OF MEMVARS Every different Clipper memvar name creates a "symbol", whereas an array name creates only ONE symbol. The following example shows how to save considerable memory in a clipper application by reducing the symbol count with an array. This code produces 10 symbols: mname = name maddress = address mcity = city mstate = state mzip = zip @ 1,1 SAY 'Name ' GET mname @ 2,1 SAY 'Address' GET maddress @ 3,1 SAY 'City ' GET mcity @ 4,1 SAY 'State ' GET mstate @ 5,1 SAY 'Zip ' GET mzip READ REPL name WITH mname, address WITH maddress,; city WITH mcity, state WITH mstate, zip WITH mzip This code produces 6 symbols: * Summer 87 or Clipper-5.0 PRIVATE gets[5] gets[1] = name gets[2] = address gets[3] = city gets[4] = state gets[5] = zip @ 1,1 SAY 'Name ' GET gets[1] @ 2,1 SAY 'Address' GET gets[2] @ 3,1 SAY 'City ' GET gets[3] @ 4,1 SAY 'State ' GET gets[4] @ 5,1 SAY 'Zip ' GET gets[5] READ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 6 10 Dec 1991 REPL name WITH gets[1], address WITH gets[2],; city WITH gets[3], state WITH gets[4], zip WITH gets[5] The following code also produces 6 symbols, however the 5.0 pre- processor is used here to create both DEBUG and NON-DEBUG versions of compiled object code. In the following example the pre-processor is used to convert the 5 memvars to an array when compiling the final version. To compile the below code WITHOUT symbol substitution for debugging purposes, compile as follows: CLIPPER /dDEBUG To compile the below code WITH symbol substitution for your final application, compile as follows: CLIPPER The /dDEBUG switch has the same effect as the comand: #define DEBUG in your source code, however, it is much more convenient because it allows you to make debug or non-debug versions of your code simply from the DOS command line or .BAT files. #ifndef DEBUG && compiling non-DEBUG version PRIVATE gets[5] #define mname gets[1] #define maddress gets[2] #define mcity gets[3] #define mstate gets[4] #define mzip gets[5] #endif mname = name maddress = address mcity = city mstate = state mzip = zip @ 1,1 SAY 'Name ' GET mname @ 2,1 SAY 'Address' GET maddress @ 3,1 SAY 'City ' GET mcity @ 4,1 SAY 'State ' GET mstate @ 5,1 SAY 'Zip ' GET mzip READ REPL name WITH mname, address WITH maddress,; city WITH mcity, state WITH mstate, zip WITH mzip 3. USE THE SAME NAME MEMVARS WHENEVER POSSIBLE Again, every "different" Clipper memvar in a module creates a symbol. If CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 7 10 Dec 1991 an object contains several procedures, use the same name for memvars even though they may not perform the same or similar functions. For example, procedure A and procedure B both need 5 memvars. If procedure A declares its memvars with 5 unique names and procedure B declares its memvars with 5 unique names, then 10 symbols are used in the linked application. To eliminate 5 symbols, make sure that procedure B assigns the same name to the memvars as procedure A. This is not possible of course, if the memvars need to be public to both procedures and perform different functions, only if they are private. 4. USE COMPLEX EXPRESSIONS INSTEAD OF MEMVARS The following three lines of codes represents the method that most Clipper programmers choose to accomplish most programming tasks. It makes sense to code this way for readability, but if you are writing a very large application, this technique can be very symbol-intensive. The following three lines of code will read the disk file READ.ME into a memvar named READ_FILE, save the changed code into a file named EDIT_FILE, then write the changed code back to the disk file READ.ME. read_file=MEMOREAD('READ.ME') edit_file=MEMOEDIT(read_file) MEMOWRIT('READ.ME',edit_file) These three lines of code can be replaced by one complex expression which uses no symbols at all. MEMOWRIT("READ.ME",MEMOEDIT(MEMOREAD("READ.ME"))) An additional advantage to coding this way is that less free-pool or VMM memory is used because the process of temporarily storing the text in READ_FILE and EDIT_FILE is completely eliminated. In Summer 87 this would have the affect of less free pool fragmentation, while in Clipper 5.0, you may improve performance by eliminating allocation of VMM memory. If you find that creating complex expression such as this are unreadable and hard to maintain then use the 5.0 pre-processor to accomplish the same task as follows: # DEFINE read_file MEMOREAD('READ.ME') # DEFINE edit_file MEMOEDIT(read_file) MEMOWRIT('READ.ME',edit_file) The above code is just as readable as the original three lines of code but will not create any symbols at compile time. Try compiling this code with your Clipper 5.0 compiler and use the /P switch to write the pre-processed code to a .PPO file, then look at the .PPO file to see what is actually compiled. 5. USE STATICS AND LOCALS INSTEAD OF PRIVATES AND PUBLICS Sometimes it is just not possible or practical to write code without using symbols, so if you find yourself in this situation, Clipper 5.0 CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 8 10 Dec 1991 provides the new feature of "LOCALIZING" symbols to the code segment which is currently being executed rather than placing the symbol in the main symbol table. Local symbols are effectively "overlayed" because they are treated as part of the code segment rather than given a place in the main symbol table. Not only does this save valuable memory but it also improves speed performance because the public symbol table does not need to be searched each time a STATIC or LOCAL symbol is referenced in your code. Of course, if the symbol you are referencing is needed for the entire application or is used in a macro, then it must be declared as PRIVATE or PUBLIC. Symbols which are not declared at all are automatically assumed to be PRIVATE, so make sure you use the LOCAL declaration for all symbols in your code which you do not want to end up in the main symbol table. The following example shows how to save considerable memory in a clipper application by reducing the symbol count with LOCAL declarations. This code produces 10 main memory symbols: PRIVATE mname,maddress,mcity,mstate,mzip mname = name maddress = address mcity = city mstate = state mzip = zip @ 1,1 SAY 'Name ' GET mname @ 2,1 SAY 'Address' GET maddress @ 3,1 SAY 'City ' GET mcity @ 4,1 SAY 'State ' GET mstate @ 5,1 SAY 'Zip ' GET mzip READ REPL name WITH mname, address WITH maddress,; city WITH mcity, state WITH mstate, zip WITH mzip This code produces 5 main memory symbols and 5 local symbols: LOCAL mname,maddress,mcity,mstate,mzip mname = name maddress = address mcity = city mstate = state mzip = zip @ 1,1 SAY 'Name ' GET mname @ 2,1 SAY 'Address' GET maddress @ 3,1 SAY 'City ' GET mcity @ 4,1 SAY 'State ' GET mstate @ 5,1 SAY 'Zip ' GET mzip READ REPL name WITH mname, address WITH maddress,; city WITH mcity, state WITH mstate, zip WITH mzip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 9 10 Dec 1991 Some useful aliases for 4DOS!!!! Save current text mode in "rc" as X, suitable for use by RSET later and set the new mode. RSAV=set rc=%[_columns]X%_rows^%& Tom Rawson gets the credit for this one. It takes you to the directory where your application is and returns afterward. If your CDPATH is set correctly (mine is) you don't ever need to specify a drive letter. See NOLTR.ZIP for details. IN=pushd %1^%2&^popd Just use it like PUSHD \CL5 CLIPPER Some abbreviations to save alias space elsewhere. TO=pushd or PU=pushd FR=popd or PO=popd KS=keystack A DIR alias which puts the most recently added/modified files first. Good for finding that new document (or download) whose name you haven't learned yet. NEWF=dir /2apv /o:rt Usual DIR alias. DDIR=*dir /2apv /o:a This is more dangerous than convenient! It takes out files and containing directories and subdirectories in one swell foop. WIPEDIR=erase /q /s /x /y /z %1 Old habits die hard! COMMAND=%comspec% Move entire directories faster than a speeding keyboard finger! MMOVE=move /D /U %& Invoke DMAKE.EXE with parameters for generate DEBUGGING able .EXE tli=dmake DEBUG=YES PLL=FULLBASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 10 10 Dec 1991 DOS 5 AND QUARTERDECK PRODUCTS The shipping versions of all Quarterdeck products are essentially compatible with DOS 5. Some shipping Quarterdeck products have already been modified with DOS 5 compatibility in mind; others will contain changes in future releases to enhance DOS 5 support. DOS 5 contains a number of enhancements over previous versions. Among the most notable features is more advanced memory management - specifically, the ability to create and use DOS "High Memory" regions above 640K. These high-memory regions can be used for loading resident programs, drivers and parts of DOS itself. In many ways, the facilities for managing memory, which are built into DOS 5 are similar to those, first made available to users of DOS 2.x, 3.x and 4.x by version 4.10 of QEMM-386, released in the spring of 1988. QEMM-386, which is now at version 5.13 has evolved considerably from that original product, incorporating improvements with each new version. These improvements have progressively resulted in more available memory for the user, higher reliability and enhanced ease of use. Quarterdeck also makes this technology available to users of 8088 and 80286 computers with EMS 4 or Shadow RAM, through its QRAM and QEMM-50/60 products. While the memory management features of DOS 5 represent an advance for DOS, using Quarterdeck's memory managers still retains significant advantages for most users. The differences between the current release of Quarterdeck memory managers and those built into DOS 5 are as follows: 1) The combined size of DOS 5's memory managers (HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.SYS) is 8.4 to 10.4K. QEMM-386, provides the facilities of both these drivers in 2.4 to 3.4K. Therefore, even with optimally configured DOS memory managers, QEMM should retain a 7K advantage below 640K. 2) QEMM-386 typically provides 96K MORE High RAM by default than The DOS 5 memory manager on non-PS/2 systems, and 32K MORE by default on PS/2 systems. The DOS 5 memory manager allows these areas to be included manually, but this requires some expertise. 3) DOS 5 has no equivalent to Quarterdeck's Manifest program. Manifest is a memory analysis program which currently is included FREE, with QEMM-386. It provides extensive information about the computer it is running on and is an invaluable tool when optimizing a system or diagnosing a memory problem or conflict. 4) The DOS 5 memory manager has no OPTIMIZE program to automatically load TSR's and device drivers into the optimum regions of upper memory. Novice users may experience considerable difficulty achieving good results from the DOS 5 LOADHIGH program, but even advanced users will appreciate the speed and accuracy with which OPTIMIZE sets up a system. 5) The DOS 5 memory manager provides no Analysis feature. QEMM's Analysis is an extremely useful tool, that can be used to determine the areas of high memory that can safely be used, when the memory manager cannot make this determination on it's own. Analysis also lets QEMM-386 users reclaim unused addresses in the system ROM and in other areas in high memory -- a great advantage to memory-hungry users. CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 11 10 Dec 1991 6) The DOS 5 memory manager can't map ROM's into faster RAM. QEMM-386 has the option of mapping ROM's into fast RAM -- a feature which often results in substantially better performance, especially where screen update speed is important. 7) The DOS 5 memory managers have no facility to sort memory. On machines where some sections of memory runs slower than other sections, QEMM-386 sorts the memory so that the fastest memory will be used first. 8) The DOS 5 memory manager cannot manage ShadowRAM or Top Memory, a feature QEMM-386 users on limited-memory systems depend heavily upon. Many one-meg systems turn 384K of the first megabyte of memory into ShadowRAM or Top Memory. This memory is unavailable when using the DOS 5 memory managers. 9) Microsoft Windows 3.0 Standard mode won't run under the DOS 5 memory manager when the memory manager is active (in virtual 8086 mode), for example when using a disk cache. QEMM-386 can run Windows 3.0 in all three modes: Real, Standard or Enhanced, whether or not QEMM-386 is active. 10) The DOS 5 memory manager provides no control over the region of High RAM that can be used to load programs high. This means that even expert users may be unable to use High RAM efficiently in situations where TSR's and drivers must be loaded in a specific order. The Quarterdeck LOADHI programs allow TSR's or drivers to be directed to specific high memory locations, giving complete control to the user. Of course, as mentioned before, this feature is used expertly by the OPTIMIZE program in order to provide the optimum configuration. 11) On PS/2's and other microchannel systems, QEMM-386 can automatically detect the addresses used by any adapter listed in our MCA.ADL file. This is especially valuable on systems with adapter RAM (used by many network cards, among other adapters). Adapter RAM can be particularly hard for 386 memory managers to detect. The DOS 5 memory manager has no such feature. As the addresses used by network cards vary from machine to machine and card to card, QEMM-386's MCA.ADL file can save considerable work for network administrators in companies with large installations of PS/2's or microchannel compatibles on networks. Users of PS/2 machines which are not on a network will also benefit from this "ease of use" feature. 12) DOS 5 has no equivalent for the VIDRAM utility, which allows users to extend conventional memory on EGA/VGA systems that aren't using EGA/VGA graphics. 13) The DOS 5 memory manager can't increase the size of conventional memory on monochrome, Hercules, CGA, and 512K systems. QEMM-386 allows DOS memory to be expanded beyond arbitrary limits, such as 512K or 640K, where there is no installed hardware device which would block this expansion. 14) DOS 5.0 provides no software for managing Upper Memory Blocks (UMBs) on 8088 or 80286 machines with EMS 4 or shadow RAM. Quarterdeck's QRAM and QEMM-50/60 provide a path for users of these machines to use "LOADHI" technology (Quarterdeck's or DOS 5's), while maintaining an interface which is consistent with 386 and 486 machines which are running QEMM-386 and DOS 5, or earlier versions of DOS. 15) QEMM-386 is required to support DESQview 386. While DESQview can run with CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 12 10 Dec 1991 the DOS 5 memory managers, as it can with other EMS drivers, only by using QEMM-386 can you get the special features of DESQview 386 which provide for memory protection and the multi-tasking of "ill-behaved" DOS programs. UPGRADING - THE EASY PATH If you are installing DOS 5 on a system that already has QEMM or QRAM installed, simply leave the Quarterdeck memory managers in place and run the DOS SETUP program. SETUP will install your DOS upgrade and create an UNINSTALL disk to use if you decide to go back to your old DOS. SETUP typically makes two changes to your CONFIG.SYS file. It places a "DEVICE=SETVER.EXE" statement at the beginning of your CONFIG.SYS (before QEMM or QRAM) and puts "DOS=HIGH" at the end of the CONFIG.SYS. It will also put a "SHELL=COMMAND.COM statement in the file if there is not one already. For our purposes, you can leave that, "as-is". If you like, you can move the line which loads SETVER.EXE below the line that loads QEMM-386 (or QRAM) and run OPTIMIZE. OPTIMIZE will take care of loading SETVER high. The default size of SETVER is .4K, so even if you leave it alone, it will not make a big impact on your memory. Of course, if you don't have any programs that require it (run SETVER with no parameters to see the list), you can take it out entirely. If you are running DESQview, remove the "DOS=HIGH" from the end of the CONFIG.SYS file. DESQview can use the high memory space and will use more of it than can DOS, so you are generally better off removing the statement. If you are not running DESQview, you may leave "DOS=HIGH" in place. If you are upgrading from DOS 2 or 3 and have the statement "BUFFERS=1" in your CONFIG.SYS, you should change it to "BUFFERS=15" (or whatever number of buffers you desire). Then remove the line which loads "BUFFERS.COM" from your AUTOEXEC.BAT, and re-run OPTIMIZE to optimize your system. The BUFFERS.COM program cannot support DOS 5 style buffers and without this change, you are likely to experience a system slowdown when BUFFERS.COM fails to load additional buffers. At this point, you are done and your system should be optimized. DO NOT bother "going through the optimize procedures listed in the DOS 5.0 manual", as suggested by SETUP. QEMM's LOADHI and OPTIMIZE procedures have already done this for you. Specifically, you should avoid the use of the DOS=UMB parameter. While this parameter is not incompatible with Quarterdeck memory managers, it makes high memory unavailable to our current LOADHI programs. In a "best case scenario" you will lose 7K in DOS, using DOS 5's "loadhigh" features. In a "worst case scenario", it could be much more. If you have any questions about whether your system is optimized or if you have added or subtracted any TSR's or drivers during the upgrade, check the "Hints" given by Manifest and re-run the OPTIMIZE program. SPECIFIC COMPATIBILITY ISSUES The following are specific compatibility issues related to current versions of Quarterdeck software and the use of DOS 5. 1) For QRAM or QEMM 50/60 users who are using QEXT.SYS: CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 13 10 Dec 1991 If you are a DESQview user, use the QEXT.SYS that came with your software and do not use the "DOS=HIGH" option. As mentioned earlier, DESQview makes use of more efficient use of this memory than DOS. If you are not a DESQview user and wish to use the DOS=HIGH option, use DOS's HIMEM.SYS to provide the High Memory Area for "DOS=HIGH" or obtain a version of Quarterdeck's QEXT.SYS dated later than May, 1991. Earlier versions do not work with the "DOS=HIGH" option. A version which will work is currently available on the Quarterdeck Electronic Bulletin Board system (213-396-3904) and will be shipped with future versions of Quarterdeck software. If you are using the DOS 5 RAMDRIVE.SYS or SMARTDRV.SYS and they fail to load, move the line which loads QEXT.SYS so that it loads BEFORE the QEMM 50/60 driver or QRAM in your CONFIG.SYS file. The version of QEXT.SYS that is on the Quarterdeck Bulletin Board also solves this problem. 2) If you use DOS 5's DOSKEY utility and run DESQview: Obtain DESQview 2.34 from Quarterdeck orders department. The DOSKEY utility will conflict with DESQview's DOS Services program if loaded before DESQview. To use DOSKEY in a DESQview DOS window, modify the "Program" line of the program information file using "Change a Program" to load "DOSKEY" and configure the "Parameters" line with "/REINSTALL" so that each DOS window will have its own, unique set of stacked commands. 3) If you run Microsoft Windows 3.0 in Standard mode, inside DESQview: Obtain DESQview 2.34 from Quarterdeck orders department. Earlier versions of DESQview run Windows unreliably in Standard mode when DOS 5 is present. There is not a problem running Windows Real mode. 4) If you run Microsoft Windows 3.0 in Enhanced mode: If you run Microsoft Windows in Enhanced mode and plan to use the DOS=HIGH parameter, you must take care that you do not use the "EXT=" or "MEM=" parameters to QEMM-386. Doing so will prevent Windows from being able to start in Enhanced mode. It will not affect operation in Real or Standard modes. 5) If you run DOS 5's DOSSHELL program: The DOSSHELL program works fine with Quarterdeck's memory management software. It is also possible to start DESQview from the shell, however you cannot task switch away from versions of DESQview prior to 2.34 or the system will hang. DESQview 2.34 prevents this problem, however it is presumed that most users who use more advanced DOS environments, such as DESQview or Windows will not be using DOSSHELL. 6) If you run DESQview and use SETVER.EXE: SETVER, does not take effect when run inside DESQview 2.33 or earlier. Because SETVER does not work inside DESQview 2.33 and earlier, programs that require SETVER may malfunction when run under these versions of DESQview. A list of the programs which require SETVER is available by typing "SETVER" to the DOS prompt. If you have programs which require the use of SETVER in DOS and want to run them in DESQview, contact the Quarterdeck Orders Department for an CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 14 10 Dec 1991 upgrade of your DESQview to version 2.34 7) If your system requires the DOS DISPLAY.SYS or PRINTER.SYS drivers: The DOS 5 utilities, DISPLAY.SYS and PRINTER.SYS cannot be successfully loaded into upper memory by the LOADHI.SYS that ships with QEMM-386 5.13 and earlier, QEMM-50/60 5.00 and earlier, and QRAM 1.01 and earlier. Future versions of LOADHI.SYS are expected to be able to load these drivers into upper memory. You can load these drivers into low memory or, if you do not require Quarterdeck's LOADHI programs to load larger TSRs or drivers, it is possible to add DOS=UMB to your CONFIG.SYS file and use DEVICEHIGH to load them. As mentioned before, the "DOS=UMB" parameter currently makes high memory unavailable to Quarterdeck's LOADHI programs. 8) If you run DESQview and get the message, "packed file is corrupt", when you open a window: The EXEPACK utility that came with versions of DOS before DOS 5 contained a bug that resulted in the error message "packed file is corrupt" being given when a packed .EXE file was executed in the first 64K of conventional memory. DOS 5 patches the files in memory so that they can be successfully unpacked and executed. However, since DESQview takes over much of the program-loading process from DOS, this patch does not take effect in DESQview versions before 2.34. If you encounter this error, opening a window in DESQview, contact the Quarterdeck Orders Department for an upgrade your DESQview. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 15 10 Dec 1991 How to get more options out of How to get more(options) out of , the generic database browser of ? As the is delivered with source code it is possible to make all kind of individual changes and adaptations. I was a little bit dissatisfied that the -function, a generic database browser which offers built-in functions for add, edit, delete, search (and query-by-example) and view routines, only has these 6 options for me. I wanted more! But not much effort to get more than these 6 options and to enlarge the -function for your personal demands. The following example will illustrate step-by-step how you can do that. We show it for the S87 version; but there is no big difference to the CL5 version. Around the lines 53 - 56 of we find the definition of the View-option within the Grumpbrow function. It looks like: IF "V" $ UPPER(sec_level) security[6] = .T. options = options + "[V]iew " ENDIF First step is to change "V" to "M" and change "[V]iew " to "[M]ore " so that we have this "More" option in the menu-line of the Grumpbrow function. It should read like: IF "M" $ UPPER(sec_level) security[6] = .T. options = options + "[M]ore " ENDIF Now we make the second change: Around the lines 291 - 295 within we have to change the key option so that the user input of "m" will be accepted instead of the old "v". The old lines: *** V = view CASE (key = 86 .OR. key = 118) .AND. security[6] IF ! override(6) gfbrecview('V') ENDIF are changed to: *** V = view (now M for our MoreOption Menu!) CASE (key = 77 .OR. key = 109) .AND. security[6] IF ! override(6) gfbrecview('V') ENDIF (right guessed! the ASCII value of the key-combination "SHIFT" and "m" is CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 16 10 Dec 1991 77; "m" alone is 109) When the changes are made we compile the new : -------------------------------------------------------- clipper brow -m -l and put the new version into so that it replaces the old definitions: --------------------------------------------------------------------- lib grump -+ brow; No one takes care of this but it should be mentioned: You have the original and in a safe place so if your changes lead to chaotic bits & bytes you can use the orginal files without problems. Now after we have made the basic changes in the and replaced the old in with the changed one, we can begin to use it in our program. Normally we would call somehow like this: ----------------------------------------------------- grumpbrow('aedv', 5, 2, 20, 78, .t.) (with A)dd, E)edit, D)elete and V)iew option) But to make use of our changes we have to declare an alternate for the old view option and call with this alternate: private alternate_[6] afill(alternate_,"") alternate_[6] = "moreprogs()" grumpbrow("aedm", 5, 2, 20, 78, .t., '','',alternate_) If the user now presses "M" calls the option. But where is it? Right, we have to write it. But that isn't much work and as it gives us many possibilities it even makes fun. In or whatever you will name this function you can write your own sub-menu where you can do all jobs you like to do. But as you have the why not use for this sub-menu with which it's more than easy to write a vertical bounce-bar menu? As by way of exception we had a quick glance in the manual we know that the different menu options for are declared as arrays. In our example we have 4 -arrays, so that looks like this: ******** * instead of V)iew now our own sub-menu: function moreprogs save screen set message to 24 center private moreoptions[4] moreoptions[1] = "Text$Enter a Text for the client^cltxt" moreoptions[2] = "Invoices$See invoices for this client^clinvoic" moreoptions[3] = "View$View the current record^viewit" moreoptions[4] = "Quit$Leave this menu" CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 17 10 Dec 1991 sel = menuv(moreoptions,"Sub-Menu",9,"+W/R,+W/N","+W/R") set message to restore screen return(.t.) return(.t.) To sum it up: ------------- First we took an option that offers originally and replaced it with our own alternate (instead of the V)iew-option we call ). In we define our own sub-menu (for that we took from the Grumpfish-Library), so that instead of only viewing we get a sub-menu with any options we like. In we can call all kinds of programs. So that we don't loose the "View"-option we build it into our sub menu (viewit). Another nice feature is the possibility to enter notes for the client. With a unique field for any client (internal client number for example) we can compose a file name (mfile = ltrim(str(clno,8)) + ".TXT") and with the internal Clipper commands MEMOWRIT, MEMOEDIT and MEMOREAD we can enter a new text, view and edit an already existent one. Ideal suited for notes on the client and better than the use of a MEMO-field. And with we have a small function with which we can view all invoices that this client already has received. You realize that there are many possibilities of useful functions you can integrate in this sub-menu. The described changes are for S87; but there's not much difference for the CL5-version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 18 10 Dec 1991 How to be indepndent from drive letters, directory names... Another from serie 4DOS articles is coming. Idea presented in this article is not discovered by me. It's just written article based on idea of someone else, but this idea is VERY nice and i have to make this talking little bit longer. 4DOS is allowing to set environmental variable called CDPATH to special version of path. This CDPATH is used when CD (or any change directory command) is not able to find name of directory. CD is then trying to change into CDPATH\name_of_directory and if is succesfull, will change into this directory. My SET CDPATH then looks like this: SET CDPATH=C:\;C:\SOURCE;c:\DANIEL;c:\Cl5;C:\MSC;H:\;I:\;G:\ (last three are going to OTHER three networked computers and allowing extend into other network drives) Then, just writing CD DTOOLS will move me into C:\SOURCES\DTOOLS CD QMODEM will move me into G:\QMODEM Then we can make a definition of some aliases: IN=pushd %1^%2&^popd This one will just change to directory and then execute application in this directory with all parameters and after end will return back to original directory. Can be used like: IN QMODEM QMODEM or IN DTOOLS DMAKE Another advantage of this is, that original PATH can be VERY short, because all other, NOT VERY often used files are accesible via IN alias, or via other alias like NCRUN=IN NCOM NCBAT DANIEL password (which is equivalent of CD c:\ncom NCBAT DANIEL password ) In just single user environment (and single disk) is vise set CDPATH into several often used subdirectory names (like first part in above presented example) because it can save a typing of CD \SOURCE\DTOOLS. In network environment, where is most problematic to remember on which disk is located which directory with which program it can be much more helpfull when CDPATH contains all needed network drivers or directories on those drives. Cheers Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 19 10 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== Q&A ============================================================================== Q&A: DSZ refuses to work with some systems PROBLEM: DSZ/Zmodem refuses to work with my computer system. SYMPTOMS: When using DSZ/Zmodem, it refuses to recognize the serial port. No communication occurs and I get bumped out of the program. SOLUTION: I ran into this problem with DSZ/Zmodem on my machine. The problem is that I was using a non-standard Port/IRQ combination. My system uses COM3 and IRQ5 for the modem. In order to support this combination you must invoke DSZ with the portx parameter. My command line to invoke DSZ from Qmodem is as follows: DSZ portx 3e8,5 speed %1 rz -rr This sets up DSZ to use COM3 and IRQ5. DSZ is case sensitive! Do not use upper-case letters for parameters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEM: DSZ aborting uploads when running a BBS on LANtastic. SYMPTOMS: DSZ will issue a "Serial Input Error LS Register 02" error message and abort an upload. This problem did not surface prior to the installation of LANtastic. SOLUTION: This problem is caused by interrupt latency. On my system, which runs DesqView, the installation of 16550AFN UARTS solved this problem when running locally. However, the network accesses introduced enough additional interrupt latency that the problem surfaced again. The solution was to add the "ha slow" switch to the DSZ command line. This switch disables serial communication between the computer and the modem during disk (or network) access. Be aware that DSZ is case sensitive! You must use lower case characters for this switch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEM: System hangs when loading LANtastic network drivers. SYMPTOMS: The computer will hang when loading the LANtastic network drivers. This happens on Artisoft AE-2 Ethernet cards with Boot ROMs. SOLUTION: Make sure that you have the Boot ROM address jumpers set properly. On my system, my EMS driver was using D000 for its page frame, and my AE-2 card was set to use the same area. I had to move the BOOT ROM address to C800 in order to prevent conflicts. D000 is the default address, but would not work on my Zenith 286, since Zenith slushes the video ROM to the E000 paragraph, leaving only the D000 CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 20 10 Dec 1991 paragraph for the EMS page frame. Be aware that Artisoft provides a 16K Boot ROM, so some addresses can not be used. This is explained in the AE-2 manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEM: Optimizing LANtastic network performance. SYMPTOMS: Programs load slowly across the network. Overall performance seems slow. SOLUTION: The best solution I could find was to include the switch SIZE=8192 in the REDIR command line. An example would be: REDIR SERVER SIZE=8192 This switch sets the size of the buffers that REDIR will use. Transfer rates across my network increased 3 to 4 times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEM: Connect problems when using MNP-5 modems. Sometimes the speed is slower than other times. SYMPTOMS: When calling a BBS that is using a U.S. Robotics Dual-Standard or HST modem using a 2400 baud MNP-5 modem, sometimes the connection will be at 2400 baud and sometimes it will be 1200. In both cases the connection will be a "reliable connect". SOLUTION: Some 2400 baud MNP-5 modems are not fully compatible with the MNP protocol. Generally these were earlier modems, but I know of one case where the modem was a current production model. The solution is to have the BBS operator change his S15 register to 64. This allows compatibility with these modems. This register change must be done on the Dual-Standard or HST modem, not on the 2400 baud modem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 21 10 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== ANOMALIES ============================================================================== ANOMALIES and their comments This part of Clipper BBS Magazine is dedicated to all discovered anomalies and comments about them in Clipper products. Because Nantucket is still unable to give own bug and anomalies reports (as actually did in past with Summer 87 version) is very handy to have results of many investigations done on many user places. I'm also doing my own investigatings, because i'm always very good when someting has hidden problems. Everything what i buy will first show all problems and then all normal things. This amazing part of my live is sometime making me crazy, but for testing of programs it's great . Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AEVAL, undocumented second passing parameter In some previous issue of ClipBBS was commented anomaly reported by Jo French about AEVAL() and passing "SECOND RETURN REFERENCE". One from Clipper echo (FIDONET) readers is giving explanation what was meant by above term. What he is referring to is that inside of the codeblock there is an extra parameter passed to AEVAL() on each iteration. Therefore, the code block gets two parameters on each iteration rather than just the documented one: { | cElementValue,nElementNumber | .... } This saves you the effort of keeping a counter within the codeblock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 22 10 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== CLIPPER NET ============================================================================== Following is COMPLETE list of all published file descriptions in Clipper BBS magazine in previous numbers. Purpose of this index list is to allow anybody find needed file descriptions in growing number of described files. Short description after name will give first possible close image about file. Number enclosed in "[]" will mean number of Clipper BBS magazine. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³FileName ³Src ³Description ³Where ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ACCESS.ARJ ³Cln ³Source of speed testing program ³[1-06]³ ³ACH2TB.ARJ ³Cln ³Convert ACHOICE to TBROWSE ³[1-05]³ ³ACHOO2.ARJ ³Cln ³Replacement of ACHOICE with GET possibilites ³[1-06]³ ³ADHOC302.ARJ ³Cln ³Summer 87 inteligent report program ³[1-04]³ ³ASCPOS.ARJ ³Cln ³replacement of ASC(substr(cString,nPosition,1)) ³[1-11]³ ³CALC14.ARJ ³Cln ³PoPup Calculator ³[1-08]³ ³CL5103.ARJ ³Cln ³Report of 5.01 anomaly number 3 ³[1-04]³ ³CL5REP6.ARJ ³Cln ³5.01 replacement of REPORT command ³[1-04]³ ³CLIP110.ARJ ³Cln ³Clipper Documentor program ³[1-05]³ ³CLIPLINK.ARJ ³Cbs ³Complete text of R.Donnay about linkers ³[1-04]³ ³CLIPSQL.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of complete SQL library for CLipper ³[1-05]³ ³CLIPWARN.AJ ³Cln ³Semaphore for convert WARNING: into ERRORLEVEL ³[1-11]³ ³CLPFON.ARJ ³Cln ³Set of fonts for EXPAND.LIB from author ³[1-03]³ ³COND.ARJ ³Cln ³Builder of conditional indexes like SUBNTX ³[1-03]³ ³DBSCN2.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen designer generator ³[1-05]³ ³DIAL.CLN ³Cln ³Dialer with using of FOPEN() ³[1-07]³ ³DOC111.ARJ ³Cln ³Documentor, newer version ³[1-08]³ ³ENDADD.ARJ ³Cln ³replacement of incrementing last char of string ³[1-11]³ ³GETKEY.ARJ ³Cln ³Input oriented library, wordprocessing ³[1-12]³ ³GSR151.ARJ ³Cln ³Global Search and replace for programmers ³[1-07]³ ³HGLASS.ZIP ³Cln ³Hour glass for indication of index progression ³[1-04]³ ³INDXSL.ARJ ³Cln ³User Fields selection builder for index generate³[1-03]³ ³IOBASYS9.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of S87 library and calling Clipper from C ³[1-03]³ ³IS.ARJ ³Cln ³Several c sources of ISxxxx functions ³[1-11]³ ³JG2.ARJ ³Cln ³Jumping between GET statements in READ ³[1-08]³ ³KF_LOKUP.ARJ ³Cln ³Set of program for database relations ³[1-07]³ ³LUTLIB.ARJ ³Cln ³Another Clipper library ³[1-08]³ ³MK30.ARJ ³Cln ³Mouse library demo version ³[1-03]³ ³MOVEGETS.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for moving between gets via VALID ³[1-03]³ ³NFDESC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library description list ³[1-06]³ ³NFLIB2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library main file ³[1-06]³ ³NFSRC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library Source files ³[1-06]³ ³NOTATION.ARJ ³Cln ³Complete text of article about hungarian notat. ³[1-04]³ ³OCLIP.ARJ ³Cln ³Object extension, real (not #define/command) ³[1-12]³ ³OOPSCL5.ARJ ³Cln ³Another version of pseudo objects ³[1-07]³ ³PACKUP.ARJ ³Cln ³ASM source of PACK/UNPACK replacement SCRSAVE.. ³[1-04]³ ³PARTIDX3.ARJ ³Cln ³Partial indexing ³[1-12]³ ³PAT1.ARJ ³Cln ³CIX NanForum Libraryy PATCH ³[1-07]³ ³POPUPCAL.ARJ ³Cln ³Popup calender ³[1-05]³ ³POWER10.ARJ ³Cln ³French library ³[1-07]³ ³PRINTSUP.AJR ³Cln ³Low level BIOS routines for printing ³[1-11]³ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 23 10 Dec 1991 ³QS20F.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen designer, demo, looks very good ³[1-11]³ ³READPW.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for password invisible reader ³[1-03]³ ³SCANCODE.ARJ ³Cln ³Database with scan codes ³[1-07]³ ³SCRSAVE.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen AntiBurning utility (inactivity snake) ³[1-05]³ ³SHELP50A.ARJ ³Cln ³SuperHelp for Clipper ³[1-07]³ ³SNAP497.ARJ ³Cln ³Beta version of SNAP, partially compatible to 5 ³[1-12]³ ³SOUND.ARJ ³Cln ³Multiple TONE() used as one SOUND function ³[1-06]³ ³STATUS.ARJ ³Cln ³Timer interrupt hooked status indicator ³[1-12]³ ³SYMBOL.ARJ ³Cln ³Dumper of symbol tables of Summer87 .EXE ³[1-03]³ ³TBUNIQUE.ARJ ³Cln ³Browsing unique without unique index ³[1-12]³ ³TBWHL4.ARJ ³Cln ³WHILE browsing using TBROWSE, well commented ³[1-06]³ ³TICKER.ARJ ³Cln ³Real Time Clock, interrupt driven on screen ³[1-12]³ ³VSIX711.ARJ ³Cln ³Vernon Six Clipper utilities and library ³[1-05]³ ³VSIX800.ARJ ³Cln ³Vernon's library, lot of functions ³[1-12]³ ³WIPEV11.EXE ³Cln ³VERY good screen manipulation library ³[1-11]³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Src can be: Cln File is accesible on ClipperNet Cbs File is accesible in HQ BBS of CLipper BBS Magazine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - PAT2-5.ARJ File Name: PAT2-5.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 3,860 bytes File Contents: TEMPFILE.PRG 4084 TEMPFILE.OBJ 933 PAT5.DOC 1551 Fix of FT_TempFil() function because it was leaving temporary file OPEN and therefore was eating one file handle more than needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 24 10 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== CLIPBBS ============================================================================== CLIPBBS Distribution CLIPBBS is special magazine about CLIPPER and CLIPPERing (or about another related problems and xBASE languages). This magazine is for free and articles aren't honored. Nobody can make a profit from the distribution of this magazine. CLIPBBS can be freely downloaded and uploaded to any BBS or any other public system without changes of original contents or number of files in original archive (kind of archive can be changed, but we are sup- porting ARJ archive because is best and smallest). If you are interested in CLIPBBS and would like to become a DISTRIBUTION site, contact publisher on 2:285/608@fidonet or 27:1331/4412@signet or just call to 31-10-4157141 (BBS, working 18:00->08:00, top is V32b) or voice to 31-10-4843870 in both cases asking for DANIEL (Docekal). Distribution sites: Clipper BBS Home system ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ NETCONSULT BBS, SYSOP Daniel Docekal, phone 31-10-4157141 Daily 18:00 till 08:00 (GMT+1), sat+sun whole day Modem speed 1200, 2400, 9600, 12000, 14400 (V32b) United Kingdom ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Welsh Wizard, SYSOP Dave Wall, phone 44-656-79477 Daily whole day, modem speed HST United States of America ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The Southern Clipper, SYSOP Jerry Pults, phone 1-405-789-2078 Daily whole day, modem speed HST The New Way BBS, SYSOP Tom Held, phone, 1-602-459-2412 Daily 24hours, 1:309/1@Fidonet, 8:902/6@RBBS-Net Canada ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ SYSOP Gordon Kennet, phone 1-604-599-4451 Daily 24houts, 2400bps V42b, 1:153/931@fidonet WORLDWIDE ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Clipper File Distrubution Network (ClipperNet, area CL-DOC) Various systems around whole world Programmers Distribution Network (PDN, area PDNDBASE) Various systems around whole world CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 25 10 Dec 1991 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-16 Page 26 10 Dec 1991 How to write articles in CLIPBBS? Submission of articles to CLIPBBS is really easy: Maximum of 78 characters per line, as long or as short as you like ASCII text. Choose from the list of extension which most describes your text, or just name it .ART as ARTicle and send it to publisher or to any distribution site via modem to BBS or with mailer as file attach. Article will come automatically appear in the next free issue. Extensions are: Articles (anything) .ART Software .SOF News .NEW Question and Answers .Q&A ANOMALIES and their comments .ANO Letters to editors .LET Advertisement .ADV Wanted .WAN Comments .CMS DUMP from conferences .DMP Clipper Net .CLN That's all at the moment, there will probably be changes later, as the magazine evolves. If you have any ideas for a new section of CLIPBBS, please tell us, or just write an article about it. Daniel, publisher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------