Announcing Release 7.1 of Trade Wars Helper Release 7.1 is a maintenance release. It has been updated to work with release .91 of the new Trade Wars game now in beta test, called TW2002 version 2.00, for universes of up to 3000 sectors. In addition a bug has been fixed that prevented specifying a data file number on the command line when starting TWHELP. This latest release is named TWHELP71.ZIP and can be downloaded from Monty's Place BBS on the first call by dialing (801) 944-8636 and logging on as "Just Fun" with a password of "Software". The file size is 270K and 14,400 bps capability is available. Please just log on, download and log off. Trade Wars Helper is a players TERMINAL PROGRAM that maintains an ONLINE DATABASE of sectors with their port, warp to, and other information. Several commands are available to utilize this information in addition to AUTOMATING most of the repetitive processes and a GRAPHICS MAP display. Trade Wars Helper - Don't leave FedSpace without it!