PROCEDURE FOR UPDATING TO 17.5 á Please make a back up of your system before proceeding. RBBS-PC version 17.5 increases the maximum number of nodes from 36 to 99. However, this change means that your set up of RBBS-PC will not work equivalently and requires some conversion. There are two kinds of changes: 1) You must edit your batch file invoking RBBS-PC (normally RBBS.BAT) because some system files have changed their names 2) You must change the file transfer file written out by external file transfer utilities, or use a batch file to rename or copy the file the utility writes out to what RBBS now expects. 3) Doors expecting to get their Door information from the BBS will either have to be told another file to look for, or the batch file processing the door will have to rename or copy the door information file RBBS writes out to the name the door is expecting. 4) If you have more than one node and are using configuration files in the format RBBSnPC.DEF, you must either rename these files or change the command line invoking RBBS-PC.EXE. New Names The added nodes require that system files of rbbs with the node ID be redefined to have fewer characters in the file name prefix, and requires that references to the files therefore be converted. The following are the name changes: function old name new name configuration RBBSnPC.DEF RBBSn.DEF timed exit RBBSnTM.DEF RBTMn.DEF F1 pressed RBBSnF1.DEF RBF1n.DEF node work file NODEnWRK NWRKn arc work file ARCWORKn.DEF AWRKn.DEF door information DORINFOn.DEF DINFn.DEF transfer report XFER-n.DEF XFERn.DEF RBBS Batch File The files normally referenced in your RBBS.BAT are RBBSnTM.DEF and RBBSnF1.DEF. Therefore, these references must be changed. For example, IF EXIST RCTTY.BAT DEL RCTTY.BAT IF EXIST RBBS1F1.DEF DEL RBBS1F1.DEF IF EXIST RBBS1TM.DEF DEL RBBS1TM.DEF RBBS-PC IF EXIST RBBS1F1.DEF GOTO EXIT IF EXIST RCTTY.BAT RCTTY.BAT IF EXIST RBBS1TM.DEF TIMEEXIT.BAT RBBS :EXIT would have to be changed to IF EXIST RCTTY.BAT DEL RCTTY.BAT IF EXIST RBF11.DEF DEL RBF11.DEF <-- new IF EXIST RBTM1.DEF DEL RBTM1.DEF <-- new RBBS-PC IF EXIST RBF11.DEF GOTO EXIT <-- new IF EXIST RCTTY.BAT RCTTY.BAT IF EXIST RBTM1.DEF TIMEEXIT.BAT <-- new RBBS :EXIT File Transfer Report RBBS now looks for the file "XFERn.DEF" instead of "XFER-n.DEF". For DSZ, just change "SET DSZLOG=XFER-n.DEF" to "SET DSZLOG=XFERn.DEF" (e.g. "SET DSZLOG=XFER1.DEF"). If your external protocol insists on writing out XFER-n.DEF, then you will have to change to using a batch file for the file transfer whose last line is ren xfer-%oldnode%.def xfer%node%.def assuming that the batch variables "%node%" denotes the node number (1,..,36), and "%oldnode%" is the old node identifier (1,...,9,0,A,...,Z). Note that if you have fewer than 10 nodes, you can use one variable. Door Information Doors that use the RBBS conventional file DORINFOn.DEF will have to be told to read DINFn.DEF. If the door cannot be configured differently, you will have to add the following line to the top of the door batch file: ren dinf%node%.def dorinfo%oldnode%.def assuming that the batch variables "%node%" denotes the node number (1,..,36), and "%oldnode%" is the old node identifier (1,...,9,0,A,...,Z). Note that if you have fewer than 10 nodes, you can use one variable. Configuration File Changes There are two circumstances in which you will not have to change anything in your setup: you have fewer than 10 nodes, and either 1) you have only one node and use the standard "rbbs-pc.def", or 2) you explicitly tell RBBS-PC on the command line what configuration file to use (e.g. "rbbs-pc.exe 1 rbbs-pc.def"). If, however, on the command line invoking RBBS-PC.EXE, you specify merely the node, you must make a change. You can either 1) rename the RBBSnPC.DEF files as follows: old name new name RBBS-PC.DEF (no change) RBBS1PC.DEF RBBS1.DEF . . . RBBS9PC.DEF RBBS9.DEF RBBS0PC.DEF RBBS10.DEF RBBSAPC.DEF RBBS11.DEF . . . RBBSZPC.DEF RBBS36.DEF (none) RBBS37.DEF - RBBS99.DEF or 2) you can keep the old .DEF files, but then you must specify the configuration file to use explicitly on the command line invoking RBBS-PC.EXE. The general format for invoking RBBS-PC is RBBS-PC.EXE n /x1 /x2 /x3 /x4 where n is node number, is the config file to use, and the parms beginning with "/" are for invoking RBBS-PC after a front end answers the phone and RBBS-PC is supposed to take a call in progress. For example, if you use "rbbs-pc.exe 2" and want to use config file RBBS2PC.DEF with 17.5, simply invoke RBBS-PC as follows: RBBS-PC.EXE 2 RBBS2PC.DEF Note: if you have 10 or more nodes, you must change something in your set up for nodes 10 or higher, because the nodes are no longer 0,A,...,Z but rather now 10,11,...,36. For example, if you invoke RBBS-PC using RBBS-PC.EXE %NODE% Then you must change the value of "%NODE%" (e.g. "SET %NODE%=0" becomes "SET %NODE%=10"). Similarly, "RBBS-PC.EXE A" have to be changed to "RBBS-PC.EXE 11". Message Bases other than MAIN The max number of nodes specified in message bases other than the main message base used in logon can have any number of nodes, independently of the one in main. It is not necessary that when you increase the # of nodes in main, that you change subboards and conferences. RBBS 17.4A has been modified to make this fully true. For example, you may have 90 nodes in main, but can specify only 1 in conferences, if you choose. ***************************************************************** Admittedly, DORINFOn.DEF is a difficult file to let go of. Even applications, such as RBATCH use comm libraries that are hard coded for DORINFOn.DEF. If you are running under ten nodes, an easy trick is to include the following line in your RBBS.BAT file. if exist dinf%NODE%.def copy dinf%NODE%.def dorinfo%NODE%.def A new alternative is the DOORS.SYS support, documented in FEATURES.TXT ***************************************************************** NEW CONFIGURATION PROGRAM ***************************************************************** CONFIG.EXE has been modified to facilitate the new parameters in RBBS-PC 17.5 á In addition, some very nice features, such as color and on-line help have been included. You must run CONFIG on each of your RBBS?.DEF files and on your sub-board configuration files. The new parameters are: RBBS-PC Version 17.5á Configuration Page 18 of 18 RBBS2.DEF 341. Path\Filename used to store MENU0 info. ------ D:MNEW.DEF 342. EXTENSION of new style menu files ------------ SMN 343. Drive and path for new style menu files ------ D: 344. Path\Filename of external color definitions -- D:COLOR.DEF 345. Max new files RBBS will search for ----------- 99 346. Path\Filename of RIP menu when listing files - D:FILESCAN.RIP 347. Path\Filename containing wildcard xfer specs - D:FIDX.CFG 348. Get description from uploader before upload? - NO 349. Should RBBS show 'CTRL-X = Abort' prompts? --- YES 350. Will RBBS add 'Uploaded by...' in description? YES 351. Path\Filename used for exporting messages ---- D:NODE.TXT 352. Path\Filename shown when SYSOP needs system -- D:NEEDSYS.MSG 353. Is name peeking to be disabled? -------------- NO 354. 4 characters displayed when reading files ---- -\|/ NOTE: If your configuration files are older that 17.4, you may use the RECONFIG utility (included) that was distributed with RBBS 17.4 - Otherwise, you will not need RECONFIG. ***************************************************************** CHECKLIST TO SUCCESS ***************************************************************** ______ Make the changes described earlier for 99 Node support. ______ Run the NEW CONFIG on each of your configuration files and select PARAMETER 190 "Set parameters new to RBBS-PC Version 17.5 á" NOTE: Place CONFIG.HLP in the same directory as CONFIG.EXE for on-line HELP. Using the following guidelines 54. BUFFER SIZE used when displaying text files -- 1024 55. Stack space to be made available ------------- 2048 59. BUFFER SIZE for writes on internal protocols - 1024 321. String to turn ON Graphic Emphasis ----------- [27][1;41;37m 322. String to restore normal text (Emphasis OFF) - [27][0;40;37m Of the new parameters, the only one you need to use right away is 344. Path\Filename of external color definitions -- D:COLOR.DEF ______ Save your new configuration file. ______ Copy the COLOR.DEF file (included) to the path\filename you indicated in parameter 344. ______ Copy Menu0 to your rbbs subdirectory (or the directory that you invoke RBBS-PC.EXE from.) ______ If you use the TABS File aka fidxT.def with the Fast File Search (FFS), then you MUST use the enclosed MTABS40.EXE to create the compatable tabs file. Overwrite your MAKETABS.EXE that was supplied with 17.4 and run your FFS utilities (typically MAKEFFS.BAT). (Stock RBBS uses FidxT.def for the Tabs file and FIDX.def as the Index) ______ If you use a DOORS.DEF to control access to DOORS, you MUST add three parameters to EACH line. Parameters 1 through 8 are defined in RBBS-PC 17.4 NEW parameter 9 is the HIGHEST security level that the door will allow. This capability allows the sysop to set an upper limit to doors that might increase the callers security level (such as call-back verification). NEW parameter 10 is a Y/N parameter. Y = allow user to drop carrier in this door without penalty (usefull for mail doors) N = record drop carriers in this door. NEW Parameter 11 Support for DOOR.SYS blank Nothing entered in the 11th parm = write out a DINF?.DEF file to the current directory. S The letter "S" in the 11th parm = write out the DOOR.SYS file to the current directory. R The letter "R" in the 11th parm = write out the DOOR.SYS file to the current directory and then read the fields back in when returning to the BBS. D The letter "D" in the 11th parm = write out a DINF?.DEF file to the current directory. This is the default. DOOR.SYS is created in the nodewrk directory (same directory as your callers file) example: "WAR",5,,D,"WAR.BAT [NODE]",N,,30,20,N,D "PIT",5,,D,"PIT.BAT [NODE]",N,,30,20,N,D "MAILMGR",5,,D,"MAILMGR.BAT [NODE] [CBAUD]",N,,30,20,Y,D "TQM",5,,D,"D:\RBBS\TQM\TQM.BAT [NODE]",N,,30,20,Y,D "KOB",5,,D,"KOB.BAT [NODE]",N,,30,20,N,D _______ If you use RBatch or some other external file description processor, you MUST put N as the rightmost character in the 5th parameter of the Proto.Def file to turn off internal batch upload support. examples: "Z) Zmodem --------- (DSZ - Batch - Both Directions) ",4,D,8,N,B,1024,,0.96,,4=E=A,"D:\RBBS\XFER\BATCHDN.BAT ** ETC...*** | ^5th parameter If you already have a R in parameter 5 to force reliable transfers, place the N behind the R "Y) YmodemG -------- (DSZ - Batch - Both Directions/reliable) ",4,D,8,RN,B,1024,,0.96,,4=E=A,"D:\RBBS\XFER\BATCHDN.BAT ** ETC...*** | ^5th parameter ______ Remove your {PB page breaks from the start of your menus. This version places pauses (in novice mode only) in the places where you menu would have scrolled information off the screen. ______ Copy the new RBBS-PC.EXE overwriting your old. If you have a math coprocessor in your system, try using the RBBS-PCM.EXE. This may improve your performance. You DID make a back-up, right??? **************************** * Welcome to RBBS-PC 17.5 * **************************** You have now accomplished the basic minimums to become operational. To get the MAXIMUM use of this code, you will need to do many things. Enclosed is an additional ZIP file to help you understand and use the new features found in this code. PKUNZIP -d ENHANCED.ZIP This will create subdirectories under your current directory to help show you where the samples should go using the default directories in the RBBS-PC 17.4 config. If you are using different storage places, at least the grouping of files should help. FEATURES.TXT should provide you with a good understanding of the new features available and how to take advantage of them.