What's New file for DWALL V1.12 - - Fixed an error caused by deletion of the last message. - Fixed some minor color bugs. - Added something to make changing your signature easier. - Improved the tracking of who's online, INUSE.DAT should take up where it left off after a reboot. V1.10 - - Fixed a remote user problem I created when I added Non-ANSI support. - Wiping the wall from the sysop menu now works properly. - I added several more special characters for users to include in their grafitti. - Kept remote sysops from accidentally dropping carrier by typeing +++ while trying to edit a user. - Added an option to allow users to set defaults for their grafitti color and background. - Added a utility program that allows a sysop to create text files from the grafitti for logon bulletins etc. V1.02 - Allowed you to use Dorinfo files in directories other than DWALL's Added full support for Non-ANSI Users