From the NEIGHBORHOOD GUARDIAN: From the San Jose Police Dept. 'CHILD SAFETY HANDBOOK' San Jose,Ca. Parental Child Stealing Prevention ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If there are serious difficulties between you and your spouse, your first consideration is to obtain legal custody of your child/ children. Once you have legal custody, obtain a passport for your child/children and notify the Passport Office that your child/children should not be taken out of the country without your written permission. - This is a profile of potential abductors which may be helpful: 1. Impulsive, erratic or easily angered. 2. Hostile, revengeful, abusive. 3. Spouse or ex-spouse has skills which can support him/her while moving about to avoid detection or there is someone who would support him/her economically. 4. If the spouse or ex-spouse is threatening to abduct, have the threats witnessed or tape-recorded. - COURT-ORDERED DETERRENTS: 1. Parent with visitation can be ordered to post a sizable bond. 2. Make sure that your custody order details police procedure. If the order is violated, the police have specific authorization from the court to retrieve the child if necessary. This precaution makes it clear to the police that they can and must legally help you. - Know and maintain current and vital information about your spouse or ex-spouse, such as social security number, drivers license number, credit information, financial records as well as a list of relatives and friends. - Do not withhold or unfairly manipulate the ex-spouses visitation times if he/she is behaving responsibly in accordance with the custody/visit- ation agreement. - Attempt to maintain a friendly, or at least civil, relationship with your ex-spouse for the well-being of your child/children and all parties concerned. - If your child/children is of school age or attends a day care center or camp, etc.(including babysitters) take a certified copy of your custody order with a photo of the non-custodial parent to the school adminis- trator. Explain exactly who is allowed to take the child/children from school. Inform all others in school as well. - Talk with your child often. Teach him/her what to do in case of an abduction. Tell him/her often that you will always want them and that unless he/she has attended your funeral and has *seen* that you have died, that you are ALIVE and SEARCHING for him/her. ==================================================================== From the San Jose Police Dept. 'Child Safety Handbook' San Jose, Ca. edited by: Timothy O'Brien SysOp: HOBO OUTPOST 'Replace Hope With Reality' BBS: [604-739-7475] Fidonet: (1:153/7097) Vancouver BC Canada