By: Fran Mcgee Title: Crayon Cloth Design Categories: Crafts Yield: 6 servings 1/2 c Vinegar 1 c Water Cloth for pressing 3 tb Salt 1 qt Water cloth lightweight paper crayons iron drawing board thumbtacks newspapers 1. Wash cloth to remove all sizing. 2. Stencil, draw, or transfer a design directly onto the cloth. To make a transfer pattern, draw a design on lightweight paper, then outline it with a sharp-pointed red or orange crayon. Lay the paper design face down on the cloth. Run a medium hot iron over the back of the paper to transfer the design onto the cloth. 3. Stretch the cloth smoothly and tightly oer the drawing board. Thumbtack securely in place. 4. Colour in your design with crayons, using an even, regular stroke. The more crayon you add, the deeper the colour will be. 5. Remover the cloth from the drawing board. Turn the colour design face down on several sheets of newspaper. 6. In a bowl, mix vinegar and 1 cup water. Dip pressing cloth into vinegar mixture and squeeze out most of the fluid. Place the pressing cloth over the designed cloth and press with a hot iron. 7. Mix salt and 1 quart water in a bowl. Soak the designed cloth in this solution for 3 to 4 hours. 8. Gently wash cloth in lukewarm water and mild soap. When it dries, you design will be pernament. The cloth can be laundered in warm and mild soap. How to use it: The Crayon Cloth Design method can be used to decorate dishcloths, tablecloths curtians, and so on....