By: Faith Anderson Title: Round potholder, crochet Categories: Crochet Servings: 1 1 Knitting worsted yarn 1 Size h alumn crochet hook make 2 (one front and one back) using size h hook and knitting worsted yarn, make ch5, join tog to form a ring with a slst in 5th ch from hook. rnd 1: ch3 (counts as first dc) then work 15dc into the cneter of the ring, join w/slst to 3rd of the first ch3 (16 dc) rnd 2:ch3, do not turn, 2dc into each dc of the previous rnd, 1 dc into the base of the beg ch3. join w/slst to the 34d of the first ch3 (32 dc) rnd 3: ch3 (1 dc into the next st, 2dc in next st) 15 times, 1 dc in next st, 1 dc in base of beg ch 3. join as before (48 dc) rnd 4:ch 3 (1dc in each of next 2 sts, 2dc in next st) 15 times, 1 dc in each of next 2 sts, 1 dc in base of beg ch 3. (64 sts) join rnd 5: cont in this way, working on extra dc between increases on this round til 80 sts. fasten off scalloped edging: join yarn thru 2 thicknesses, wrong sides tog, right sides facing out with a slst. ch 3 to count as first sc and 1 ch sp, skip 1 sc, 1 sc in each of next 3 sts, *ch 1, skip 1 sc, 1 sc in each of next 3 sts, rep from * to last 2 scs, 1 sc in each of last 2 sts. join w/slst to 2nd of first ch 3. in each ch1 sp, work (1sc, 3 dc, 1sc) join w/slst to first sc. ch 10 and alst in same place as join for hanging loop. mar/apr 1981 crochet world