By: Fran Mcgee Title: Creative Play Clay Categories: Kids, Crafts Yield: 1 servings 1 c Baking soda 1/2 c Cornstarch 2/3 c Warm water food colouring or poster paints shellac or clear nail polish 1. Mix baking soda and cornstarch in a saucepan. 2. Add water. Stir untilsmooth. 3. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture looks like mashed potatoes. 4. Remove from heat and pour onto mixing board to cool. 5. When clay is cool enough to be handled, knead. 6. For colour, knead colouring into the clay until well blended, or paint finish, uncoloured objects with poster paints. 7. When pieces are completely dry, brush with shellac or clear nail polish. Shellac is optional for figures coloured with food colouring. Makes about 1 1/2 cups. Double the recipe for large groups or for large objects. How to Use It; With a rolling pin and cookie cutters or knife, you can roll and cut out creative play clay to make holiday ornaments, mobiles, and three-dimensional pieces. This mixture can be molded into almost, animals, birds. It hardens quickly, so work with only a small amount at a time. The larger the object, the longer it will take to dry. Stored in plastic bags or in airtight containers, this clay will keep for several weeks.