By: Fran Mcgee Children's Play-Do Categories: Tightwad, Kids, Crafts Yield: 1 servings 2 c Flour 1 c Salt 1/2 c Water 1 ts Vinegar Food coloring 1/4 ts Peppermint extract : This is a nice dough because it stays soft and playable, and if you organize the ingredients and measures, even the smallest children can help to mix up and color their own batches. In a large bowl, mix the flour and salt. There is no need to sift the flour. Slowly add the water and vinegar, and stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture is stiff. Then pick it up and knead until pliable. If you have a young helper, break off a small piece and lwt the child mix and knead until the dough is soft and pliable. Divide the dough into separate pieces for eahc color. Pokeyour finger or the end of the wooden spoon into the center of each seciton of dough and drop in the food coloring and peppermint extract, and knead until the color is uniform and the dough is smooth. Stroe tightly covered and labeled, in a plastic bag or container in the fridge. Play dough will keep for months if you return it to the refrigerator after each use. To Use: : Take out of the refrigerator about 5 minutes before you're ready to play so theat the dough will be soft. As long as you don't leave objechts out in the eair for more than a few hours the dough cna be recomined and used over and over again. : On the other hand, if you like something you a\or your child has just created, you cna leave it to air dry for 24 hours or help it along by placing it in a warm oven at 200 degrees for several hours. It should harden enough to paint, shellac, or spray with art fixative. Yield: 22 oz