By: Fran Mcgee MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: A Shortcut To Soap Making Categories: Tightwad, Soap, Crafts Yield: 1 servings 1 ea Information If you do not wish to handle lye, do not have wood ashes available, or do not have the time to make soap from scratch, you can still make homemade soaps. You can purchase castille granules at most drugstores. There is no need to mess with lye when using these granules. Since they are actually granulated soap, it is easy to make soap from them. Put the granules into a kettle and add water. Instructions for use will probably be on the package. If not, use common sense in adding water. (Don't drown the granules.) Heat the mixture at low to medium heat and stir it constantly with a large wooden spoon. The granules will dissolve. Stir the mixture until it is smooth. Remove it from the heat and add any other ingredients or emolients that you want. Stir them in well as the soap cools. Add perfume (if desired) as they very last ingredient. Blend it in so that the fragrance will be evenly dispersed. Pour the mixture into molds, and let harden. If the soap does not set (that is, if the bars do not get hard) reheat the mixture, adding more castille granules as necessary. Before it cools completely, you will need to add more perfume because reheating the mix will release the volatile floral oils, thus destroying them. SOURCE: MAKING POTPOURRI, COLOGNES AND SOAPS by David Webb. There are also candle, shampoo, bubble bath, deodorant, room freshener, perfume, cologne, aftershave, toilet water, sachet and potpourri recipes. MMMMM