=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS Date: Fri Oct (17 19) Number: 75 From: MG #56 @15490 Refer#: NONE To: Recvd: YES Subj: Couscous Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Couscous Boil together in a couscoussier ( special pot to cook couscous in ), cut up chicken, pieces of lamb and beef and a few mergez sausages. Once the meat is half cooked, add your veggies ( carrots, turnip, onions, celery ) and spices ( cumin, coriander seeds, pepper ) and the couscous in the top part of the couscoussier. The idea is to cook the couscous using the steam generated by the veggies and meats. From time to time you will have to crumble the couscous. Just grab a handful and rub together 'til it crumbles like sand. Serve the veggies and meats over the couscous and generously shower with broth. Add Harrissa to taste. If you do not have a couscoussier, just cook your meats separatly in a dutch oven and when fully cooked, cook the couscous in the broth ( first remove the meats ) much like you would cook rice. Always crumble the couscous from time to time. Also very good with onion jam on the side. MG