=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 02-20-57 (40 19) Number: 2 From: JAKE THE SNAKE #193 @1546 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: Chocolate Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a dedicated chocoholic, I rarely can wait the time to prepare a cake and  ice it when I need a chocolate fix. So here's a couple quick and easy  chocolate recipes that can also be used for entertaining. CHOCOLATE DIPPED WAFERS Take those thin rectangle sugar wafer cookies and split the layers apart with  a knife. You will have four or five. Fan them out at the top, keepin the  bottoms together. Dip the bottom two inches or so into melted chocolate being  careful to cover completely and seal the ends together. Version #2 - Cut the waver finers into four. Glue (?) two pieces together  with melted chocolate and then dip the whole thing into chocolate until  completely covered. Let dry. CHOCOLATE LIQUEUR CUPS Using the small chocolate liquer cups sold many places, place a raspberry in  the bottom of each cup and fill with whipped cream that has been mixed with  blueberry puree. If you want, add some liqueur to the cup before the  raspberry. QUICK 'N EASY CHOCOLATES Melt some good baker's chocolate and pour a tablespoon full or so into small  paper baking cups (the kind you use for cupcakes) about 1 3/4 inches. Before  the chocolate hardens, add pieces of dried fruit, nuts, whatever. Kids like  doing this and creating their own chocolates. Fast'n easy'n good. Enjoy!