=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 02-22-93 (14:48) Number: 7 From: VIDEO #92 @6293*1 Refer#: NONE To: LACY LEE #133 @6293*1 Recvd: YES Subj: Punch!! Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawaiian Fruit Punch: 2 46-oz. cans unsweetened pineapple juice 2 2/3 c. orange juice 1 1/3 c. lemon juice 2/3 c. lime juice 2 cups sugar 2 large bottles (7 to 8 cups)chilled ginger ale 2 large bottles (7 to 8 cups)chilled plain carbonated water Combine everything except ginger ale and carbonated water. Chill thoroughly. I would put some in the freezer and use it to keep the punch cold when served instead of ice. When ready to serve, pour ale and carb. water down the side of bowl. You could decorate it with orange slices floating with cherries in the middle of the slices. Makes about 9 quarts. Orange-Blossom Cooler: 2 6-oz. cans frozen lemonade concentrate 1 6-0z. can frozen orange juice concentrate 9 c. cold water 5 pints pineapple sherbet (2 1/2 quarts) 1 quart vanilla ice cream Combine frozen concentrates and water. Place sherbet and ice cream in bottom of punch bowl; break into small pieces with spoon. Add juice mixture;stir til sherbet and ice cream are partially melted. Once again, you could garnish with the orange slices and cherries. This one sounds like kids would love it!