=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 03-24-38 (32 19) Number: 390 From: MIMAROBE #18 @8400*2 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: *Hot* chili oil Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I wasn't quite sure how it would come out, but I'm real glad I gave it a  try; for those of you who didn't see my original message about this, I had been given a general process for infusing oil with spices. I took a bottle of peanut oil, threw it into a heated wok (between 6 and 8 for those of us cursed with electric stoves) until it began to bubble a bit. I then threw in a handful (and I have big hands) of crushed garlic, chopped dried red chilis, about a tablespoonful of sesame seeds, and a pinch or two of ginger. I left it all in until the seeds started to turn toasty brown, then covered it and took it off the burner. Tomorrow, I'll strain it, toss the spices in the compost pile (I can't WAIT to see what grows!), and funnel it back into the bottle for future wokkery. I sampled it a few minutes ago, and it was *wonderful*; the heat from the chilis sneaks up on you and warms you up from the inside out, and the hints of garlic and ginger are almost where they need to be -- tomorrow, they should be perfect, but next time I think I'll either put in more sesame seeds or leave them out altogether.