=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 08-23-93 (14:29) Number: 388 From: SALVATORE PRESTI #34 @121 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: CHIPZEL FUDGE MUNCH! Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's something simple I started doing lately that may well be common, but I've yet to see or hear of, so I'll pass it off as my own idea until I am otherwise rebuked! CHIPZEL FUDGE MUNCH Ever want a snack treat but couldn't decide between potato chips, pretzels, or a brownie? Mix (approximately, to taste) equal portions of: POTATO CHIPS PRETZELS Broken pieces of Chocolate Fudge BROWNIE Crush all to desired consistency between fingers in an appropriate container and enhance, if desired, in likewise fashion with: WALNUTS GRAHAM CRACKER It's fast, good, and full of possibilities! ENJOY! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 Via: 1215005*1 1215003*1 1610000*1 6160*1 1614017*1